Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
Implementation of High Speed Interpolator on x-y table with servo motorAmirmohammad GhandehariunM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2010-07-05
Numerical analysis of fuel spray Injector and effect of breakup model on sprayamin ziaforoughiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2010-07-06
Experimental Investigation of Spinning ParametersFARHAD SAJAJIDM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2010-08-29
Thermoelastic transient analysis of FGM cylinders using an analytical methodAli Safari KahnakiM.Sc.Tahani2010-09-14
Measurement and prediction of pollutants in liquid fire furnacehadi pourhoseiniM.Sc.Moghiman2010-09-21
بهبود عملکرد الگوریتم علف های هرز (Invasive Weed Optimization) در حل مسائل بهینه سازیhossein bahramiM.Sc.Kolahan2010-09-21
Numerical Simulation of combustion and pollution characteristics in tunnel furnacesGhodrat GhassabiM.Sc.Moghiman2010-09-22
Modeling and trajectory planning for a planar undertactued biped using human motionSeyyed Reza NaghibiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2010-09-23
Three dimensional modeling of adsoption chilers with two bedsmahdi mahdavikhahM.Sc.Niazmand2010-09-23
Comparison between neural network and regression analysis in modeling of special manufacturing processes (Waterjet)abdolhamid khajaviM.Sc.Kolahan2010-10-12
Modeling of snake robot in traveling wave locomotion using a new functionhadi kalaniM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2010-11-27
Creep analysis of inhomogeneous rotating discsseyed sajad akbarpour sekkehM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2010-12-07
Static analysis of piezolaminated plates with arbitrary boundary conditionsPeyman Yazdanpanah MoghadamM.Sc.Tahani2010-12-13
A numerical and experimental study on bending ability of glass fiber metal laminate compositesaeed amirnezhadM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2011-01-29
Investigation and Analysis of Cutting Force and Surface Roughness on Deep Drilling Process Using Gundrillmohammad bagher khatibiM.Sc.Akbari2011-01-30
Investigation and Analysis of Cutting Force and Surface Roughness on Micro End-milling Processrahim haghighat doostM.Sc.Akbari2011-01-30
موقعیت دهی بهینه فیکسچرها بمنظور کاهش انحرافات کمانشی ورق ها در جوشکاری با بکارگیریAmin EsmaeilzadehM.Sc.Kolahan2011-01-30
Numerical Simulation of Internal Ballistics in nozzle less solid Rocket motorsMoostafa zahedzadehM.Sc.Djavareshkian2011-03-05
Free Convection Heat Transfer From a Vertical Plate with Constant and Arbitrary Heat Flux Distributions in a Supercritical Fluiddanyal rezaieeM.Sc.Teymourtash2011-04-12
Large deflection analysis of functionally graded plates under thermo-mechanical loadings with temperature-dependent properties by DR methodPhDKadkhodayan2011-04-28
Simulation of Viscous Condensing Steam Flow in a 2-D Turbine Cascade with Injection of Water Droplets at InletPhDMahpeykar2011-06-09
Path planning and control of a 3-PSP RobotAmir RezaeiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2011-06-14
Performance Simulation of a Turboprop Engine in On-design and Off-design ConditionsBehnam Rahmanian KooshkakiM.Sc.Teymourtash2011-06-18
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer in Fluid Saturated Porous Cavities, under Effect of Magnetic Fieldvahid bordbarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2011-06-19
Static and dynamic analysis of thick sector plates using an analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud MousaviM.Sc.Tahani2011-06-26
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow around Structures including Two Circular CylindersAhmadReza VaselbehaghM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2011-07-06
Numerical simulation of solid-liquid interaction in presence of a free surface using VOF methodIman Mirzaee KakhkiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2011-08-24
Investigation of Incremental forming in thin sheetsahmad polM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2011-08-30
Effect of Soret Dufour, chemical reaction on MHD mixed convective heat and mass transfer from a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with a convective boundary condition and suctionSadeq ZafariyanM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2011-09-04
Numerical simulation of granula blockage in a hopper using the Discrete Element Methodsajad moosaviM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2011-09-12
Numerical Simulation of Sloshing in Liquid Containers Using Volume of Fluid MethodRasool ElahiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2011-09-19
Determining the effects of process parameters in Gas Metal Arc welding for thin plates using heuristic algorithms in order to optimize mechanical properties of the jointsmohammad sadeghiM.Sc.Kolahan2011-09-20
Anslysis and optimization of space structures based on reliability using Mont Carlo simulationmojtaba aghamiri esfahaniM.Sc.Kolahan2011-09-21
Analysis and optimization of EDM process parameters for hot worked steel using statistical methods and Simulated Annealing algorithmmasoud azadi moghaddamM.Sc.Kolahan2011-09-21
Simulation of turbulent flow around a smart airfoil and assessment of aerodynamic coefficientsAli EsmaeliM.Sc.Djavareshkian2011-09-21
burr control in micro millingsaeed hajiahmadiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2011-09-21
Condition monitoring and fault detection in a marine propulsion system in vitro labratory using the analysis of vibration signalssaeed zamenM.Sc.Moavenian2011-09-22
Flow control over an airfoil using a plasma actuatorSEYEDALI SAHAFM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2011-09-22
Dynamic modeling and multivariable control of a horizontal axis wind turbine for power regulation and load reductionsaeed abolghasemiM.Sc.Moavenian2011-09-22
Analytical modeling of 1D two-phase flow using equations of state and equations of thermophysical properties with nucleation equations.nima yasaeiM.Sc.Mahpeykar2011-09-22
Effect of insert in drag reduction in a turbulent boundary layer disturbed by a cylinderHosein TaherianM.Sc.Kahrom2011-09-26
Study of wrinkling in multilayers platesali rajabiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2011-10-02
Torsion of special shaped hollow tubesBenyamin Gholami BazehhourM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2011-10-04
Application of WENO scheme in pressure-base algorithm for simulation of compressible flowAmin HabibiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2011-10-04
Analysis of process parameters on surface roughness, material removal rate and tool wear for face milling of AISI 1045 steel using multi objective regression modelingehsan khosrojerdiM.Sc.Kolahan2011-10-06
condensation on elliptical tubeSeyedeh Mahnaz Modir KhazeniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2011-11-01
Simultaneous evaluation of edge chamfer angle and welding variables on quality of GMAW weldmentreza golmezerjiM.Sc.Kolahan2011-11-02
Experimental investigation Effect of boundary layer excitation on the drag coefficient of Flat platemehdi ghasemiM.Sc.Kahrom2011-11-05
design, direct and inverse kinematic and dynamic, and trajectory generation of an industrial welding robotReza VafapourM.Sc.Akbari2011-11-05
analytical simulation of two phase, viscous and non-adiabatic flow in one dimensional nozzleEhsan Amiri RadPhDMahpeykar2011-12-01
: Experimental investigation of the effect of argon and nitrogen dilution on NOx emission in a propane-air non-premixed flameAbdolrasoul RangraziM.Sc.Niazmand2011-12-13
A study in the effects of guidewire presence on blood hemodynamics in stenosed arteries.ali rahmaniM.Sc.Niazmand2011-12-13
Performance improvement of the evolutionary structural optimization using genetic algorithmFarzaneh Hajabdollahi OuderjiM.Sc.Abolbashari2011-12-13
A study on different Computational pipeline monitoring systems and their comparison, Verification of one CPM method based on comparison with the UMB methodarash khorramM.Sc.Moavenian2011-12-20
numerical simulation of combustion and pollution inside and outsid the diffusermaryam amiriM.Sc.Moghiman2012-01-09
Modeling and analysis of granular materials segregationEhsan Akrami NiaM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2012-01-10
3D FEM and Experimental Analysis of Influence of Process Factors on Forming Force and Quality of Cone Spinningaliakbar velayatiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2012-01-28
optimization of deep drawing with combination of FEA and design of experimentsMohsen ManoochehriM.Sc.Kolahan2012-01-28
Experimental comparison of water evaporation in two kinds of cooling tower: crossflow type and counterflow typebentolhoda aslaniM.Sc.Moghiman2012-01-30
An experimental and numerical investigation into the effect of gap and force of the blank holder on the improvement of deep drawingAbbas HosseiniM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2012-02-01
Width effect of micro combustion on its function by numerical modelingmaryam sabetiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2012-02-02
optimization of heat transfer in a grooved-wall channelamir parandM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2012-02-02
Experimental investigation of the temperature of exhaust gas recirculation on soot emission in IDI Diesel engineAmir Arzhang NiaM.Sc.Ghazikhani2012-02-04
Eperimental Investigation of the temperature of EGR on exergy terms of the cylinder of IDI Diesel enginemohammad sharifzadeM.Sc.Ghazikhani2012-02-04
Investigation of Raefied Flow in Nano/Micro Cavity Using DSMCAlireza MohammadzadehM.Sc.Niazmand2012-02-04
Design and implement a fault diagnosis system based on pattern recognition for a Pneumatic actuator used in the transport mechanism and fixturesMohammad SaadatiM.Sc.Moavenian2012-02-04
3D numerical simulation of temperature distribution in the tumoral tissue induced by nonlinear propagation of HIFUmeyam hosseinzadeh alaghehbandanM.Sc.Ayani2012-02-04
Electric power generation by thermoelectric cells and parabolic solar concentrators and Fresnel lensmehdi afzaliM.Sc.Kianifar2012-02-08
Dynamic Modelling and Robust Control of a Micro Robot Based on Fast Trilayer Polypyrrole Bending ActuatorsAmir Ali Amiri MoghadamPhDMoavenian2012-02-09
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Operating Parameters and Intake Geometry on Performance and Irreversibility of a PEM Fuel CellIman KhazaeePhDGhazikhani2012-02-29
Analysis the effects of machining parameters on surface integrity for high-speed turning of Inconel 718 alloyMOHAMMADHOSSEIN YARIBAKHTM.Sc.Kolahan2012-03-05
Damage detection of Cantiliever Beam Using Soft Computinghosein yarahmadiM.Sc.Moavenian2012-03-05
Electric Power Generation by Thermoelectric Cells and UnitheatersM.Sc.Kianifar2012-03-14
Investigation of self condensation of steam and Thermodynamics losses in a subsonic venturyvahid azimiM.Sc.Teymourtash2012-04-30
Experimental study of the effecct of air temperature on water evaporation rate in different air flow regimesmohamad hosein razaviM.Sc.Moghiman2012-05-20
Implementation of Real-time position control system for servo XY-tableHamid Salmani NejadM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2012-06-16
Condition Monitoring of SULZER Gas Turbine Type3 D4 and Feasibility of Designing a Fault Detection SystemAli SalarmoradiM.Sc.Moavenian2012-06-20
optimization of milling parameters using neural network and genetic algorithmasghar negarestaniM.Sc.Abolbashari2012-06-27
Conformational analyse of prefoldin β1 using external forces and position conatraints and recommending it as a bio-nanorobot components.Mohammad AskarianM.Sc.Moavenian2012-09-03
An experimental and numerical investigation into forming limit diagrams of multilayer platesBehrouz SharifiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2012-09-03
A bio inspired trajectory generation for a biped robotYadollah FarzanehPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2012-09-06
Numerical Modeling of Temperature Distribution on the tumor tissue due to laser irradiation.maedeh mohajerM.Sc.Ayani2012-09-13
Analysis of ventilated cavitating flow using boundary element methodmaryam moeinfarM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2012-09-15
Numerical and Experimental Study of Hot Spot Cooling Technology using Micro-Scale Liquid DropsSeyyed Sina AlaviM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2012-09-16
simulation of unsteady flow around an oscillating airfoil with flow field methodAmirreza FaghihiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2012-09-16
Entropy generation analysis in rarefied sheardriven flow in micro/nano channels by DSMC methodOmid EjtehadiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2012-09-17
Analysis and vibration control of a flexible 3-PRR planar parallel robot using piezzo electricnader nabaviM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2012-09-18
Large deformation analysis of beams under thermomechanical loadinghamed bagheriyanM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2012-09-18
Finite element analysis of orthopedics screws considering bone remodelingBehnoud HaghighiM.Sc.Tahani2012-09-19
simulation of the oscillating airfoil with plunging motion by dynamic meshmajid zamanifardM.Sc.Djavareshkian2012-09-19
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Mixing Phenomena in MicromixersSeyed Ali kazemiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2012-09-19
constructal optimization of plate-fin heat exchangerali jafarzadehM.Sc.Ayani2012-09-20
Optimization of the actuators and sensors placement using the heuristic methods and investigating the uncertainty nature of the parametersali gholamiM.Sc.Abolbashari2012-09-20
effect of radialy varying magnetic field on flow and heat transfer between two rotating cylindershamed EsfandiariM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2012-09-20
Analytical Solution to the Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Using Layerwise TheorySeyed Abdolmajid YousefsaniM.Sc.Tahani2012-09-20
Analytical Solution for Orthotropic Laminated shells with General Boundary Condition under Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical LoadingSeyedali MaghamiM.Sc.Tahani2012-09-20
Study of mechanical properties and dynamic behavior of carbon nanotubes under thermomechanical loadingstaha talebianPhDTahani2012-09-20
The effect of orthotropic direction upon the wrinkling pattern of anisotropic membraneArmin DaneshvarM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2012-09-21
Numerical modeling of non-Fourier conduction by using CESE methodamir ghasemiM.Sc.Ayani2012-09-21
Theoretical, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Nanofluids Flowing inside Different GeometriesEhsan Ebrahimnia BajestanPhDNiazmand2012-09-21
Design optimization of 2D and 3D continuum structures using an efficient simulated annealing algorithmbehzad lkhM.Sc.Abolbashari2012-09-21
Maximization of the stiffness of 2D structures using simulated annealingmahdi seyydiM.Sc.Abolbashari2012-09-21
Study of mixing by electrokenetic effects in slip flowsJafar JamaatiPhDNiazmand2012-09-21
Experimental investigation of dissimilarity between heat and momentum transfer in disturbed turbulent boundary layersSeyed Mehdi MousaviM.Sc.Kahrom2012-09-21
Trajectory generation of biped robot for passing obstacle with DOEMahdi Esmaeelzadeh AbardehM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2012-09-27
Experimental investigation of the effect of nano-fluid as a coolant on the efficiency of Photo-voltaic systems and exergy analysisMohammad SardarabadiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2012-10-04
effect of shear factors on burr formation in micro_drilling process on -6AL4Vjavad shahrakiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2012-10-06
The Influence of Stent Geometry and Non-Newtonian Effect on Hemodynamic in Stented Coronary Arteryhosein mahmoodiM.Sc.Niazmand2012-10-06
حل تشابهی جریان سکون مورب سه بعدی غیر متقارن ناپای سیال لزج و انتقال حرارت روی صفحه تخت همراه با مکش و دمشMohammad Hadi Haddad SabzevarM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2012-10-06
An experimental and numerical study on spinning processMilad MorsalooeiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2012-10-06
Double diffusive natural convection in a rectangular porous cavityahmad saberiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2012-10-06
Numerical simulation of flows around Micro Airial Vehicle using AUSM schemenasim hamzelooM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2012-10-10
Thermodynamic analysis of welding process and welding residual stress reduction methods using exergy analysissaeid hanaeiM.Sc.Mamourian2012-10-23
Heat transfer enhancement using nanofluids in a two-phase closed thermosyphon and Analysis of the results by neural networkHamid Reza AssadiM.Sc.Mamourian2012-10-23
Experimental investigation and analysis of different kinds vortex generators in finned-tube heat exchanger using irreversibility analysisemad noorifarM.Sc.Ghazikhani2012-11-14
Optimization of the adsoption cooling systemsHoda TalebianM.Sc.Niazmand2012-12-05
Simulating cavitating flow over hydrofoils using VOF and LES turbulence modelAmirpooyan ZahiriM.Sc.Roohi2012-12-12
Modelling and Analysis of a Snake-like Robot with manuverability in three dimensionsSiavash SarrafanM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2012-12-13
Dynamic modeling of 3-PSP spatial manipulator using DeNOC methodFattah HanafiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2013-01-08
An investigation into the machining parameters of compressor blade and implementing an innovate method in manufacturing of blades by 4-axis machinesabbas chenaryM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2013-01-15
Investigating the effect of van der Waals force on the dynamic response of fully clamped nano/microbeams under step input voltagesAmir Reza AskariM.Sc.Tahani2013-01-19
Stress analysis near a crack and notch tip in rotating discmajid zarvandiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2013-01-22
Simulation of turbocharged Nissan engine with investigation the compression ratio and valve timing change by gt-powermehrdad falahatiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2013-01-28
modeling the geometry and joint quality in spot welding process using design of experiments approach and statistical analysisfatemeh mirzaeiM.Sc.Kolahan2013-01-30
Numerical and experimental optimization of cavitator in natural and ventilated cavitationiman rashidi toroghiPhDPasandidehfard2013-01-31
numerical study of the effect of atomization models on droplet evaporationMostafa Pour AliM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2013-02-02
Numerical and experimental of the motion of a deformable solid object in surroundings fluid with the method of volume of fluidHamed EsmaeilzadehKhosraviehM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2013-02-02
Use of conjugate gradient method in solving inverse heat conduction problem concerning calculation of time dependent heat fluxmohammad mohammadiunPhDBradaran Rahimi2013-02-03
investigation Of flameless oxidation pollutant emissions by using the openfoam softwareSeyed Mahmood MousaviM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2013-02-03
Flow and heat transfer between two rotating cylinders with time-dependent angular velocity- two and three dimensionalahad abediniPhDBradaran Rahimi2013-02-03
Analysis and optimization of adhesive composite pipe joints using numerical method and comparision with experimental resultspeyman varshovi jagharghM.Sc.Tahani2013-02-03
Dynamic Analysis and stability analysis of a humanoid robot with existence of foot rotationHadi NourM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2013-02-03
Analysis of Electro-active Polymeric Actuators Using DQ MethodVahidreza AlizadehM.Sc.Tahani2013-02-06
Non Fourier thermally induced analysis of vibrations in a simply supported beamAlireza ShirshadM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2013-02-09
Instability analysis of carbon nanotubes conveying fluid by GDQ methodmojtaba najafzadeM.Sc.Tahani2013-02-12
Experimental investigation of performance parameters and Exhaust Emissions with using Ethanol additives in a two stroke SI EngineBehrouz SafariM.Sc.Ghazikhani2013-02-20
Free vibration analysis of FG problems using isogeometric analysis methodAlireza Hassanzadeh TaheriM.Sc.Abolbashari2013-02-20
Evaluation of Vortex Induced Vibration in electricity generationAlireza ModirM.Sc.Kahrom2013-03-12
Static and Dynamic Simulation thread milling Process with insert toolmostafa jokarM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2013-03-13
numerical simulation of flow with cavitation on ringed cavitatorhadi afkarM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2013-04-14
Experimental and theoritical study of the contact angle dependence to contact line velocity at a wetting processamir karimdoost yasuriPhDPassandideh-Fard2013-04-26
Experimental and thermodynamical analysis of a portable thermoelectric solar stillNader RahbarPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2013-05-01
Transient analysis of FGM shells under thermomechanical loadings and their application in laminated vessels subjected to fireEhsan SelahiPhDTahani2013-05-15
Numerical analysis of dimensionless parameter discharge gas in long pipelineReza MoloudiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2013-05-18
Simulation of rarefied flow using compressible finite element method and employing velocity slip/temperature jump boundary conditionsSeyed Ali RooholghodosM.Sc.Roohi2013-05-28
Thermodynamic modeling of VODOLEY steam injection cycleAli MohammadianM.Sc.Ghazikhani2013-06-02
numerical study of sloshing in a 3d containerAlireza JavanshirM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2013-06-08
Dynamic of a 7 link biped robot with foot rotation walking on a slope and climbing stairseyyed hamid mousaviM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2013-06-10
Investigation of behavior of Non-Newtonian fluids with free surfaceNasrin Haji EsmaeiliM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2013-07-03
numerical study of blood oxygen mass transfer in straight and curved arteriesMOHAMMADAMIN RAOUFIM.Sc.Niazmand2013-07-09
Edge effect analysis of laminated plates and shells with general boundary conditions and lay-upsAtieh AndakhshidehPhDTahani2013-08-12
Nonlinear analysis of conical composite panels with piezoelectric patsh under magnetic, electric, thermal and mechanical loadingsSattar MalekiPhDTahani2013-08-12
Numerical investigation of nanoparticles effect on liquid fuels evaporation and combustion behaviorMina MehreganM.Sc.Moghiman2013-08-19
Hydraulic & thermal optimization of plate heat exchangersHamed ArhamiM.Sc.Niazmand2013-08-26
Simulating incompressible flow around NACA 0012 airfoil using k-w SST and LES turbulence models using OpenFOAMFARSHAD REZAEIM.Sc.Roohi2013-09-07
Stability (vibration, buckling) of composite grid panelsmojtaba ghaseminezhadM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2013-09-15
Experimental examination of heat transfer enhancement in natural convection on due to boundary layer disturbancesAmin ZolfaghariM.Sc.Kahrom2013-09-22
Numerical and experimental investigation of direct contact condensation in milk sterilizationAli EsmaeiliM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2013-09-22
Optimization of Wind Turbine Airfoil by Genetic Algorithm Using CFD and Neural NetworkAmir Latifi bidarouniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2013-09-22
Optimization of the shape of the structures using Evolutionary structural Optimization (ESO)nima samadiM.Sc.Abolbashari2013-09-22
Thermo elastic analysis of rotating FGM hollow disk with desirable distribution of material properties and thermal loadahmad yavarikarizakiM.Sc.Abolbashari2013-09-22
Elastoplastic defrormation analysis for spherical and cylinderical FGM vessels in steady thermal conditionsMojtaba SadeghianPhDEkhteraei Toussi2013-09-22
two-dimensional convective drying analysis of moist objectshosein majdiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2013-09-23
Thermo elasto-plastic analysis of FGM rotating discsmahdi rezaeiPhDEkhteraei Toussi2013-09-23
3D simulation of cavitation arround axsymmetric body using VOF & LES turbulance model with OpenFoamAmin RahimiM.Sc.Maghrebi2013-09-23
An Experimental Investigation on drag coefficient and Nuselt number on a hot horizotal cylinder under constant heat flux.Arsham AseelM.Sc.Teymourtash2013-09-24
Analysis of The Surface Roughness of Floor in Micro Milling OperationShahriar KouravandbardparehPhDMoetakef Imani2013-09-26
Analysing & modeling of a new multi-compartment engine mount with cooling capacityAli MehrkishM.Sc.Tahani2013-09-28
Dynamic,modeling and control of a 6-degree of freedom under-actuated robot with PID and PID-sliding modeSomayeh Norouzi GhazbiM.Sc.Akbari2013-09-28
MeasurementVahid ChenaraniM.Sc.Moghiman2013-09-30
Numerical simulation of a thermoacoustic refrigerator with OpenFOAMAli Namdar BudloM.Sc.Kianifar2013-09-30
evaluating a damage model for composite adhesive jointsPeyman SepanlooM.Sc.Farhangdoost2013-10-02
Unsteady Couette flow of a dusty fluid between two infinite horizontal platesSeyed Javad ZabihiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2013-10-02
Analytical solution of unsteady Couette flow with varying boundary conditionsmasoud salamat bilondiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2013-10-03
experimental and numerical optimization of hunter disc-shaped wind turbine performancesaeed rezaiyanM.Sc.Kahrom2013-10-05
Effect Of Residual Stress On Stress Intensity Factor In Exprimental Specimentsmohsen amirfakhrianM.Sc.Farhangdoost2013-10-05
Experimental and numerical optimization of hunter wind turbines performace in wind tunnelamir mansourian shirvanM.Sc.Kahrom2013-10-05
Investigation of wrinkling limit in free bulge hydroforming process by the plastic bifurcation theory for different yield criteriamahdi chajiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2013-10-06
Estimating of the desired heat source in living tissue by inverse methodologyArash JalaliM.Sc.Ayani2013-10-07
Experimental Investigation on the Polygonal Hydraulic Jumpsmohsen mokhlesiM.Sc.Teymourtash2013-10-07
Investigation of experimental of effect of ratio sides of Rectangular obstacle on Heat Transfer in turbulent boundary layer on flat plateNavid KhademzadeM.Sc.Kahrom2013-10-07
Experimental Investigation of premixed low-swirl burnerMohammad Ebrahim FeyzM.Sc.Ghazikhani2013-10-07
experimental investigation on solar air heaters with builtin energy storage system by phase change materialsRamin MoradiM.Sc.Kianifar2013-10-07
Experimental and numerical aeroelastic analysis of wing with external storeSeyed Mohammad Mousavi SaniM.Sc.Hassani2013-10-07
The estimation of the optimal arrangement of square cylinders in laminar flow by using the theory of structuralsajad mishkhasM.Sc.Ayani2013-10-07
Pretwisted rotating composite beam subjected to aerodynamic loadmahdi esmaeili nasrabadiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2013-10-07
Numerical and Analytical Simulation of Compressible Flow in Transonic Axial Flow Compressortaha joudakiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2013-10-07
Compare the combustion behavior and pollutants from used liquid and solid fuels in tunnel furnacesnahid mottahediM.Sc.Moghiman2013-10-07
Analysis of the joint quality in TIG welding for stainless steel thin plates using statistical modelinghashem talanehM.Sc.Kolahan2013-10-22
Experimental and analysis evaluation of shock absorbers and performance optimizing of them with the aim of FMR smart fluidHadi MaroofM.Sc.Mamourian2013-10-26
Simulation of electroosmotic flow in flat channels with the Lattice Boltzmann MethodOmid Reza MohammadipoorPhDNiazmand2013-10-30
Investigation of Supporting Tube Rupture Causes in Mashhad Tous Power Plantmehdi pourramezanM.Sc.Kahrom2013-11-21
Survey Parameters micro-holes created by the electrical discharge method on tungsten carbidenima tafazzoliM.Sc.Akbari2013-11-30
Design and Analysis of a Wearable Robot for Rehabilitation of Temporomandibular JointsHamidreza HajinejadM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2013-12-09
Detecting the optimum injection sites and the source loss power applying the inverse method in magnetic hyperthermia using MNPSmostafa pasandi borunM.Sc.Ayani2013-12-10
numerical simulation of low reynolds number flows around flapping airfoil with deformaion using vorticity confinementAli HeydariPhDPasandidehfard2013-12-19
Experimental Investigation of flapping wing shape and flight parameters on the performance of Static flightZahraossadat AlaviM.Sc.Djavareshkian2013-12-23
Investigation of rarefied flows in micro/nano channels using N-S and newly developed DSMC-IP methodsAli Amiri JagharghPhDNiazmand2014-01-01
Numerical and experimental study of water wave interactions with floating bodiesMorteza AnbarsoozPhDPassandideh-Fard2014-01-09
Experimental and Analytical Study of Engine Speed and Number of Blades on Aerodynamic of Coefficient in MAVSajjad MahmoudiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-01-22
Dynamic analysis, fabrication and robust control of the helical and strip type of IPMC actuators.Hossein MoeinkhahPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-01-23
Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerila Vehicle & Design Sliding Mode-Genetic Controllersamane aminiM.Sc.Akbari2014-01-25
improving urban commuting time management using logit location based model, ANN and wireless network in gisAli BehravanM.Sc.Niazmand2014-01-30
Modeling and condition monitoring of SI engine using parity equationHossein Heidari FardM.Sc.Moavenian2014-01-30
Condition monitoring and fault detection of the vehicle Dynamic Systems Through analyzing the Simulated data in CARSIM software and analysis with MATLAB software two ways: coding and design of artificial neural networkshamid ghahramanM.Sc.Moavenian2014-01-30
Electro Discharge Machining of Inconel 718 super alloy and evaluation of parameters settings on surface quality and material removal rateMorteza AndalibM.Sc.Kolahan2014-02-01
Residual stresses of rotating diask made of functinally graded materials under thermo-mechanical loadingkaveh oghbaeiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2014-02-02
Measuring effects of various factors on performance of a double exposure solar cooker in different climate conditionMaryam MohammadzadehM.Sc.Moghiman2014-02-08
numerical simulation of the solar chimney power plant and the evaluation of performance in various months of the year in Mashhad using openfoambehrouz adibimaneshM.Sc.Ayani2014-02-08
Analysis of three-dimensional flow around a wind turbine blade and its optimizationmohamad reza saberM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-02-09
Study of Nanomechanical Behavior of DNA Molecule under Tensile LoadsPhDTahani2014-02-09
Natural Convection Heat Transfer of a Supercritical Fluid in a Vertical channel with Constant Heat Flux and isothermal condition.shahab noorifardM.Sc.Teymourtash2014-02-10
An experimental investigation of heat transfer characteristic at flat plate with different dimples geometricmohammad hosein nabati moghaddamM.Sc.Mamourian2014-02-10
Investigating autofrettage effects on fatigue life in thick walled cylinderKarim AliakbariPhDFarhangdoost2014-02-10
Study mechanical propertice of carbon nanotube by asymptotic homogenization methodmeisam porbashiryM.Sc.Hassani2014-02-10
study of stationary coalescence of two suspended droplets by numerical method: Volume Of Fluid vs. Lattice Boltzmann methodrazieh abediniM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2014-02-10
Multi-objective optimization of y-shaped tube hydroforming loading path by using of neural network and genetic algorith schemesARASH ABDOLLAHIM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2014-02-10
Experimental Investigation of Correlation of Electrical Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity in moistured isulationsFarzad Rastgar SaniM.Sc.Teymourtash2014-02-10
Simulation of reactive flow using lattice Boltzmann methodAli NorouziM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2014-02-10
Three-dimensional simulation of plunging oscillating wing movment with the OpenFOAM software.amir bagheriM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-02-10
Numerical simulation of forced nonlinear oscillations of a bubble in a container using the VOF methodAli OmidiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2014-02-10
numerical simulation of rarefied gas flow around NACA 0012 airfoil using N-S equations with slip boundary condition and direct simulation mont carlo methodahmad shojasaniM.Sc.Kahrom2014-02-10
Modeling of free form shells by using NURBS functions and shape optimization by mathematical programmingforough abbasiM.Sc.Hassani2014-02-10
Numerical Study of vacuum dryingmilad amiriM.Sc.Ayani2014-02-10
Steady and Unsteady Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid on a Flat PlateHamidreza MozayeniPhDBradaran Rahimi2014-02-20
Modeling and investigation of performance and design parameters of Nissan six-cylinder V-shaped spark ignition engine with the purpose of power enhancementMohammad Javad Akbari NooghabiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2014-02-24
Analytic investigation of effect of local cooling of the subsonic section of two phase steam flow using improved nucleation equationsramin mobiniM.Sc.Mahpeykar2014-03-12
Termoelastic damping in a MEMS based on Green-Naghdi theory Using a Finite Element AnalysisMehdi RezazadehM.Sc.Tahani2014-03-12
The Analytical Modeling of Hybrid Catalysis Micro-combustorsayyed aboozar fanaeePhDAbolfazli Esfahani2014-03-13
Load path optimization using response surface method in tube hydroforming, for ball valve, based on slope in wrinkling and FLSD in necking criteria.ali rohaniM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2014-04-27
Exprimental investigation of nanofluid free convection over a vertical and horizontal flat plate with uniform heat flux by particle image velocimetryreza parizadlaeinM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2014-05-05
Numerical simulation of non-premixed combustion and emissions of NOx and soot in the pulse combustorvahide beidaghiM.Sc.Moghiman2014-06-02
Study of the Blood\\\'s Pulsatile Flow in the Carotid Artery & LDL Mass Transfer to Its WallAmin DeyranlouM.Sc.Niazmand2014-06-11
slipery parameters of passenger tires investigationhossein nadiM.Sc.Farhangdoost2014-06-14
Including Geometric Tolerances in Tolerace Analysis of Mechanical Assemblies by DLM and Model-Based Methodssaeideh haji zahediM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2014-06-15
Nonlinear Tolerance Analysis of Flexible Sheet Metal AssembliesSeyed Ali HashemianPhDMoetakef Imani2014-06-26
Numerical Control of x,y,θ Table with High Speed Control AbilityHossein Gohari BahabadiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2014-06-30
simulation of thread milling operationhosein abdolahzadeM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2014-07-04
Dynamic stability of composite plates with smart dampersMohammad HoseinzadehPhDRezaee Pazhand2014-07-10
Application of statistical methods to determine white layer thickness and surface crack density inthe steel mold in EDMShahrzad Mohammadzade GhazijahaniM.Sc.Kolahan2014-07-16
Analytical Solution for Vibration and Active Control of 3-PSP Parallel RobotMahdi SharifniaPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-08-05
experimental and numerical study the effect of liquid and solid additive on yellow burning, radiation heat transfer and pollutant emission in turbulent gas diffusion flameseyed hadi poorhoseini hesariPhDMoghiman2014-08-06
Experimental study of the effect of geometric parameters on performance and NOx of premixed swirl burnersSeyyed Iman PishbinPhDModarres Razavi2014-08-07
The study of fluid-structure interaction in abdominal aortic aneurysmYaser MesriM.Sc.Niazmand2014-09-06
Vibration and buckling of chiral plateshabnam kiasatM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-09
Elastic-plastic analysis buckling of isotropic thin and thick plates in rectangular and parallelogram shape by GDQ methodmahdi maarefdoustPhDKadkhodayan2014-09-10
simulation of cavity using lattice boltzmann methodsepehr bihamta toussiM.Sc.Niazmand2014-09-13
Study of the effeective parameters on the operation of the non cavitation inducer with constant pitch on the high speed centerfugal pumpskhalil zahaniM.Sc.Ayani2014-09-14
Investigate the effects of fluid viscosity on the rate of erosion of single-bubble cavitationAmir Rezazadeh HamedaniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2014-09-17
shape optimization naca airfoil of two-dimensional modepayam ghasemiM.Sc.Hassani2014-09-17
Study of fluid flow and heat transfer inside enclosures at single-phase conditionmahmoud beyhaghiM.Sc.Kianifar2014-09-17
Simulation of response of SMA in commercial softwarereza khorramabadiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-20
A vibrative dynamic model for exact solution of dynamic structure frames under moving loadHossein DaemiM.Sc.Moeenfard2014-09-21
investigating quasi-static saturated porous beamSoroosh Daqiqeh RezaeiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-21
Vibration simulating of pipe conveying fluidGHOLAMREZA BANADCOOKIM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-21
Modeling Power recycling from the flue outlet temperature of natural gas pressure reduction stations heaters using thermoelectric cellsamin kazemiM.Sc.Kianifar2014-09-21
Eexperimental and numerical investigations into deep drawing of muli-layers plates in high temperaturesehsan afshinM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2014-09-22
Numerical Investigation the effect of process parameters on process control production nanoparticles in a supercritical anti-solvent processmohsen mohammadi sarasiaM.Sc.Ajam2014-09-22
Vibration of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine bladeMohammad MaghrebiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-22
Investigation of 3D rarefied flow in micro/nano cavities using SBT collision method in DSMCBijan GoshayeshiM.Sc.Roohi2014-09-22
Numerical investigation of turbulent mixing of supercritical antisolvent processMORTEZA RAMEZANIANM.Sc.Ajam2014-09-22
Rarefied channel flow investigation under constant heat flux wall boundary condition using DSMCMojtaba BalajM.Sc.Roohi2014-09-22
the analysis of dynamic subsurface flow around two dimensional hydrofoilsSina AfkhamiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2014-09-22
Circular knitting machines, weaving needle breakage detection position monitoring using signal fluctuations threadmohsen pazhoohiyaniM.Sc.Moavenian2014-09-22
Numerical study of metal additives effects on the performance of adsorption chillersMilad AzarfarM.Sc.Niazmand2014-09-27
Analysis of Composite Beams with Dimensional Reduction Methodesmaeel ghafariM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-09-27
simulation of cutting force in face milling by integrated stepped cuttingHamid GhorbaniM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2014-09-28
Stress and deformation analysis in a rotating disc with Cartesian orthotropyabolfazl nayebiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2014-10-04
Artifical neural network modeling the mechanical properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocompositeskaveh abrishamiM.Sc.Hassani2014-10-04
Numerical modelling and optimization of centrifugal pumpbehrouz jamM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2014-10-06
Estimation of fatigue life of riveted joints in Aircraft fuselagepedram zamaniM.Sc.Farhangdoost2014-10-06
Study of Rarefied flow in micro/nano cavity with application in MEMS/NEMS using DSMCEhsan Yazdanpanah MoghadamM.Sc.Roohi2014-10-07
Evaluating a proper profile in hydraulic bulging test for determinatin the tubular material propertiesBehzad FotovvatiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2014-10-07
Experimental Investigation of sound absorption on polyurethane foam filled with nanoparticleshamid yazdanpanahM.Sc.Farshidianfar2014-10-07
Fluid Mechanical and heat transfer investigation of rarefied flow through micro/nano backward facing stepAmirmehran MahdaviM.Sc.Roohi2014-10-07
simulation of plasma actuators by using electrostatic method and its application for pitching airfoilsSaeed MirzaieM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2014-10-07
A review of kinematics and dynamics methods for 6-6 Stewart platformAMIR TEHRANIM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-10-07
Artificial neural network modeling for prediction and accuracy improvement of hot deformation behavior of Al-Al2O3 nanocompositesMorteza BeladorM.Sc.Moavenian2014-10-07
3Dimensional numerical analysis of helicopter blade with its amendmentmorteza mohammadiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2014-10-07
Analysis of thermoelastic damping in micro beams using analytical methodEhsan KazemniaM.Sc.Tahani2014-10-07
Design and construction of a knee brace for use in an exoskeleton robotPouya ZaferanlooM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-10-07
Micro-mechanical modeling of slip based deformation behavior of crystalline metals using crystal plasticity at micro and meso scalebahram bandeshahM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2014-10-07
comparison between three neural networks results for effect of cyclone geometrical parameters on its pressure dropNarjes mohsen niaM.Sc.Moghiman2014-10-07
On the performance of the Isogeometric method for analysis of rotating functionally graded materials in comparison to the FEMmohammad ghasem javadiM.Sc.Hassani2014-10-12
َAn investigation into the rate-independent and rate-dependent plasticity using non-linear finite elementFarzad MoayyedianPhDKadkhodayan2014-10-16
Numerical simulation of flixable nose of a small projectile and dynamicAli Baratian GhorghiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2014-10-20
Simulation of VIP process in commercial softwareIman AttaranM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-10-22
Numerical investigation of air flow in clean rooms for pharmaceutical industryAmirhossein BahrampouriM.Sc.Mamourian2014-11-11
Numerical Simulation parameters affecting the production and release of heat and smoke in building firesseyyed mehdi jafariM.Sc.Moghiman2014-11-12
Optimal simulation of rarefied gas through micro/nano nozzles using direct simulation Monte Carlo methodSeyed Ali SaadatiM.Sc.Roohi2014-11-17
dynamic simulation of flexible part millingArash MardaniM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2014-11-19
Simulation of progressive fracture of composite materials in commercial softwareseyed mahdi taheriM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2014-11-21
Effect of particle in structure and properties of flow with detonation by CFD methodHesam ShafieeM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-12-27
Theoretical and Experimental Simulation of Dynamic Response of Wind Turbine Airfoils Using a Two Degree of Freedom ModelMorteza DavoudiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2015-01-07
Stress analysis and study of contact zone parameters in hybrid welding of metallic stripsseyed mojtaba mousavizadehM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-01-18
Simulation and Numerical Analysis of Bird-strike on Aircraft Wing Leading Edgehassan pahangeM.Sc.Abolbashari2015-01-19
Numerical simulation of buckling and postbuckling of single wall carbon nanotubes under different thermal conditionssima besharatM.Sc.Hassani2015-01-20
investigation of the aspect ratio effect on the performance of darrieus wind turbinemahdiyar bazmiM.Sc.Maghrebi2015-01-21
Investigation the effects of flow pattern on effective parameters that causes atherosclerosis in internal carotid arteriesALIREZA SHARIFIM.Sc.Niazmand2015-01-25
An investigation into the sheet metal forming by Electromagnetic formingesmaeil eshghiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2015-01-27
Exergy analysis and energy recovery of Sulfur Recovery Unit in shahid Hashemi Nejad gas refinerySobhan SayadiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2015-01-27
Topology and shape optimization of nonlinear continuum structures using BESO methodyasser alaviniaM.Sc.Abolbashari2015-01-27
Numerical investigation of Gurney Flap Effects on HAWT performancemehrdad ghadiriM.Sc.Maghrebi2015-01-27
Analysis of control parameters on the geometrical and mechanical properties of welding joints in TIG welding for 5XXX Aluminum Alloysseyed mohammad hossein emami meibodiM.Sc.Kolahan2015-01-28
Evaluation of reliability and Mechanical system life under effect of repair and replacement of damage processing systems elementsMohamad RohaniM.Sc.Farhangdoost2015-01-28
Sensitivity analysis and isogeometric shape optimization of 2D structures by considering weights of NURBSSaeed GhorbaniM.Sc.Hassani2015-01-28
Estimation of the productive forces in flapping wing by blade element theoryamir hossein zareeM.Sc.Djavareshkian2015-01-28
Thermal diffusivity and heat conduction of materials using the laser flash method and inverse algorithmleila sadat ayM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2015-01-29
Evaluation of AUSM family numerical method in a wide range of input Mach numbers in internal flowfahimeh ebrahimzadehM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2015-01-29
Evaluation of Heat Transfer Enhancement of Pipe Flows Affected by Helical Insertsaeed vahidifarPhDKahrom2015-01-29
A study of delamination phenomenon in Layered composites used in wind turbine bladesMohammad Hadi Safari NaderiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-01-29
Experimental study of the effect of the electrode and the channel width on bubble formation in microchannel by electro-osmotic pumpmajid gholinejadM.Sc.Ghazikhani2015-01-29
Experimental and numerical study of strain rate in micro/milli deep drawingFereydoun SaripourM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2015-01-29
Numerical Investigation of Liquid jet injection into crossflow by Euler-Lagrange approachali karimnejadM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2015-01-29
Numerical analysis of kinetic energy budgets of accelerating turbulent flows for pipes and channels using various turbulence modelsMOHAMMAD NAEIMIRADM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2015-01-29
Investigating microstructure behavior of Ferrite/Martensite dual Phase Steel by using crystal plasticity theory and generating its morphologymohammad hasan kianiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2015-01-29
Simulation of droplet in micro/nano channels using OpenFOAM packageshima malekzadehM.Sc.Roohi2015-01-29
numerical simulation of Darius windturbine using 6DOF model(for the interaction of aerodynamic forces to move turbine)Alireza Arab GolarchehM.Sc.Moghiman2015-01-29
Numericall modeling of Cure process in 2D general coordinatesSaeed MokhtariM.Sc.Ayani2015-01-29
Modeling of natural convection for Nano-Newtonian fluids and Non-Newtonian fluids by the lattice Boltzmann methodmohammad ali omraniM.Sc.Mamourian2015-01-29
Design & optimization of Hadaf light sport aircraft flight control system based on handling quality standard MIL-STD 1797Mohammad ArhamiM.Sc.Tahani2015-01-30
Design and manufacture and dynamic of wearable knee robotbehnam rezaeiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2015-01-30
Explore the possibility of a nonlinear dynamical modeling of spur gear using different faults equations and the dynamic response of the systemseyyed rouhullah mousavi doughabadiM.Sc.Moavenian2015-02-01
Optimization of Tuned Mass Damper for high-rise building including soil-structure-wind interactionmostafa mohammadiM.Sc.Farshidianfar2015-02-07
Stochastic analysis of residual stress field around a circular cold worked hole and its effect on fatigue life of Al2024Ehsan Pooladi BorjPhDFarhangdoost2015-02-07
A Study onVibration and Aeroelastic Characteristics of Plates with ER Damping Layerjafar rahiminasabPhDRezaee Pazhand2015-02-09
use the classical edge spring method together with ball-vertex spring methodMohtasham FakharM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2015-02-09
Analysis of dynamic pull-in in micro-electro-mechanical beams with air pressure effect consideration using GDQhamid ghazanfarM.Sc.Tahani2015-02-10
On failure assessment of compressor jet engine disc using energy methodmehrdad ghorbaniM.Sc.Farhangdoost2015-02-14
Evaluate and Control the weld quality, Using Acoustic data and Artificial Neural Network ModelingMohsen GhofraniM.Sc.Kolahan2015-03-02
Numerical Study of Hyperthermia using iron-based nanoparticles in the field of alternative magneticiman nahavandiM.Sc.Ayani2015-03-03
The study of J-integral for non-axial surface cracks in cylindrical vesselsvahid nasrM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-03-07
Bending Analysis of Composite Laminated plates using Refined Zigzag and Zigzag Enrichment of the classical theoryalireza pahlevaniM.Sc.Hassani2015-03-11
Identification, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics in Vibration of Gear Systemamin saghafiPhDFarshidianfar2015-03-14
An experimental investigation on the effect of SiO2 nanofluid on the thermal efficiency and exergetic optimization of flat-plate solar collectorsSaleh Salavati MeibodiM.Sc.Kianifar2015-03-16
The analytical study of viscous incompressible fluid flow between two eccentric rotating cylinders in bipolar coordinates using a perturbation solutionmorteza shojaeeM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2015-03-16
Simulation of Gas Flow Through Micro/Nano Nozzles with Secondary Injection Using Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC)Amin EbrahimiM.Sc.Roohi2015-03-16
Investigation effect of crosswind on the performance of natural draft dry cooling towers and choose a layout optimizationhani estiriM.Sc.Mamourian2015-04-21
Experimental analysis of effect of the solar reflected surfaces on the thermal performance of solar systems (double exposure solar cooker)hosein zamanikhademanlooPhDMoghiman2015-05-05
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of melting with natural convectionSeyyed Davood Mahallatian BabakiM.Sc.Niazmand2015-05-28
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow and heat transfer in partially filled channel with porous materialmohammadreza rezaieM.Sc.Maghrebi2015-05-30
Simulation of cavitating flow around realistic geometries using VOF method and suitable turbulence modelsmohammad reza pendarM.Sc.Roohi2015-05-31
dynamic buckling of plate reinforced with piezoelectric patchAmirabbas MehrabiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2015-06-16
lattice boltzmann simulation of saturated water vapor condensation on a plateArash AsadollahiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2015-06-28
Numerical and experimental study of frontal area geometery effect on drag coefficiet of a thin plateMohamadreza NakhaeeM.Sc.Kahrom2015-06-30
Numerical simulation and experimental study of Magnus wind turbines with circular cylindersmohammad adel partoviM.Sc.Kahrom2015-06-30
Simulation and analysis of the process of humidification and dehumidification of the air with both direct and indirect contact condenser in solar desalinationfariba hasan beygiM.Sc.Kianifar2015-06-30
Experimental studying of a solar air heater with finn using phase changing materialsamir hosseyn tahsildar tehraniM.Sc.Kianifar2015-07-01
Mixing effect study in electroosmotic flows using Lattice Boltzmann methodeBehrouz SalahshourM.Sc.Niazmand2015-07-04
Numerical and experimental study of optimizing the performance of evacuated tube solar collectorsmahdi pezeshki radM.Sc.Kianifar2015-07-05
Numerical Modeling of Mixing in Microflows using Helmholtz-Smoluchowski ModelAli Reza FarahiniaM.Sc.Niazmand2015-07-09
Experimental study of the effect of wing fracture on aerodynamic forcesREZA ALIPOURM.Sc.Djavareshkian2015-07-14
Three dimensional flow analysis of cavitations around rudderreza zamandiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2015-07-15
Numerical and experimental study of the effects of humidity and flow rate of fuel and oxidizer used on the performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cellpurya karimiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2015-07-22
Modeling and Optimization of Arc Welding Process Using Sound, Voltage and Current Signals of WeldingHamid ShahabiPhDKolahan2015-07-25
analysis of kinetic energy preserving method and its application in RANS modelsAli JavadiPhDPasandidehfard2015-08-29
Control of the Servo Hydrualic Fatigue Testing MachineSeyed Hassan Ghorashi Khalil AbadiPhDMoetakef Imani2015-09-12
Analytical-Computational Simulation for the Experimental Fatigue Tests of Cold Expanded-Bolt Clamped Al 2024-T3 SpecimenMostafa Sayah BadkhorM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-09-15
Dynamic modeling for cutting force on broach and investigation of chatterMohammad OroujiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2015-09-16
Group control of elevators using optimized fuzzy sets by genetic algorithmAli TahmasbiM.Sc.Moavenian2015-09-17
Modeling statical, dynamical and vibrational behavior of basic flexture modelsakbar davaghM.Sc.Moavenian2015-09-17
Effect of heat transfer on the performance of the oscillating aerodynamic airfoilahmad samieeM.Sc.Djavareshkian2015-09-19
Effect of Richardson number on the vortex shedding behind a hot square cylinder at constant temperaturemohammad hassan cheraghiM.Sc.Teymourtash2015-09-20
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Solidity on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine performanceamir radfardM.Sc.Maghrebi2015-09-20
optimal fuzzy control of a two degree micro actuator beyond its pull in rangeAlireza KhorshidiM.Sc.Moeenfard2015-09-20
Analysis and Optimization of Medical equipment Using Fuzzy data and Meta-heuristic algorithmsMohammadreza HabibzadehM.Sc.Kolahan2015-09-21
Experimental study of the effect of the electric field and the electrochemical properties of the electrolyte on bubble formation in microchannel by electro-osmotic pumpMohammadmahdi PouraliM.Sc.Ghazikhani2015-09-21
Survey on the life of the pride forging dies as the result of Wearmohammad reza kharghaniM.Sc.Farhangdoost2015-09-21
A study and comparision of different methods for wheel-rail wear measurment and proposing an applicable local methodHesam SoleimaniM.Sc.Moavenian2015-09-21
Analysis of the behavior of the electrostatically actuated micro-plate with rectangular shape in presence of the Casimir force considering the temperature effectArman MohsenzadehM.Sc.Tahani2015-09-21
Manufacture, test and analysis of functionally graded Al2O3-Ti beamamir javad sharifian torghabehM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-09-21
Comparison, reliability assessment and sensitivity analysis of non-destructive testing methods in surface defect detection for welded componentsAbolfazl Zolfaghari AbbasghalehM.Sc.Kolahan2015-09-21
Theoretical and numerical study of the heat flux throgh a flat plate with the fin cut(the forced convection)Moein oroumiyeheiM.Sc.Mamourian2015-09-22
Experimental and numerical investigation on the improving the mixing phenomena inside minichannels by Ferro-fluidsdavoud nouriM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2015-09-22
Analysis of Natural Convection and Radiation in a 2D Enclosure Using the Lattice Boltzmann Methodhashem ahmadiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2015-09-22
Nonlinear isogeometric analysis of composite plates based on first-order shear deformation theoryahmadreza golrizkhatamiM.Sc.Hassani2015-09-22
Study on nonlinear dynamic pull-in instability of an actuated microbeam due to the electric potential and squeeze-film damping phenomenon using GDQemran khoshrouye GhiasiM.Sc.Tahani2015-09-22
Numerical simulation of fluid flow around an oscillating airfoil near groundESMAEIL ESMAEILIFARM.Sc.Djavareshkian2015-09-22
Numerical Simulation of the Effect of J-Shape profile on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Performancemahdi zamaniM.Sc.Maghrebi2015-09-22
lattice boltzmann simulation of Premixed propane combustion processmohamad sharifiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2015-09-22
Designe and cinematic and dynamic analysis of plum peeling mechanismMohamad javad SaedipoorM.Sc.Akbari2015-09-22
Modelling of Combined In-line and Cross-flow Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Flexibly Mounted Rigid CylindersSeyyed Mahdi Mazloom MoghoddamM.Sc.Farshidianfar2015-09-22
Natural convection induced by a horizontal hot wire in surpercritical fluidMohammad Javad Pour razzaghiM.Sc.Teymourtash2015-09-26
Isogeometric Analysis of Bending Sandwich Plates Using Mindlin TheorySeyed Amir Arsalan PirzadehM.Sc.Hassani2015-10-02
Free vibration investigation of SMA composite beam resting on Pasternak elastic foundation based on engineering beam theoriesIman RahimiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-10-06
Arak simulating of 80-megawatt power plant furnace of arak shazand and studing the effects of various parameters On reducing emissionsshafagh mohamadjafariM.Sc.Moghiman2015-10-07
Numerical modeling and analysis of various factors in the process of egg pasteurizationAlireza KhakpourM.Sc.Ayani2015-10-11
Experimental analysis of input and output parameters of monopropellant hydrazine decomposition chamber of thruster in stable conditionMahmood BozorgiM.Sc.Moghiman2015-10-28
Dynamic Modeling and Damage Detection of Horizontal Axis Wind TurbineMohammad SheibaniPhDAkbari2015-10-29
Modeling and robust control for a 6 degree of freedom robot based onMohammadReza GharibPhDMoavenian2015-11-12
Residual stress analysis in the autufrettage of FGM cylindrical vessel with kinematic hardeningmorteza ashhdiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2015-11-29
Survey of blood flow treatment in the intracranial Aneurysms before and after surgery with WEB Devicemohammadebrahim momenzadehM.Sc.Niazmand2015-11-30
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of entropy generation minimization of nanofluid due to natural convection in an enclosureJavad AlinejadPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2015-12-24
Mechanical Behaviour Study of Graded Honeycomb Structure Under In-plane low velocity Impact loadSeyed Ali GalehdariPhDKadkhodayan2015-12-31
determining the elasto Plastic shear deformation in cross sections of functionally graded beam with geometric and material propertiesmajid nabiliM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2016-01-02
Simulation of hot air flow in painting tunnel ovenNima HajzavarM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-01-02
A semianalytic solution for magnetoelectroelestic behavior of functionally graded piezoelectric/piezomagnetic under haygrothermal loadingALI DINIM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-01-04
Experimental analysis the effect of location, thickness and tip`s sharpness of barriers(icing) on NACA0015 airfoilhamedreza kafashM.Sc.Ajam2016-01-09
Prediction of wrinkling limit in tube hydroforming process by using energy methodsoheil navvabi nezhadM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2016-01-09
Performance of the Isogeometric Analysis Based on Bézier Extraction in comparison with the IGA based on NURBS and B-Splinessadeq sekandariM.Sc.Hassani2016-01-10
An Optimal Fuzzy Controller for Beyond Pull-in Stabilization of Micro-beamsmohammad khadembashiM.Sc.Moeenfard2016-01-12
Analysis the effects of process parameters in Friction Stir Welding (FSW) for 5052 Aluminum sheetsseyyed abolfazl sajjadyM.Sc.Kolahan2016-01-18
Dynamic modeling of the milling with insert R390 (Roughing)majid ghannad ghorsiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2016-01-18
Numerical investigation of the effects of semi-molten and substrate melting on the flattening and solidification of a droplet in a thermal spray coating processALIAKBAR KHOSHDELIM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-01-20
Elastostatic analysis of thick functionally graded plates using EFG methodAmir NazariM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-01-20
simulation of the effect of carbon particles and liquid fuel droplets injection into the natural gas flame on combustional behavior and pollutant productionAtena MoosaviM.Sc.Moghiman2016-01-20
Experimental and numerical investigation of effectiveness of two-phase flow regimes on ultrafiltrationSeyyed Morteza JavidM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-01-23
Analytical study of the impact of the slip between phase in one-dimensional ultrasonic flowjavad rezazadehM.Sc.Mahpeykar2016-01-23
- Sound Transmission Loss Simulating using Ansyssoroush sadeghzadeM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2016-01-23
free vibration and static bending of FGM microplate with considering von karman nonlinearity and using modified couple-stress theory and GDQ methodvahid davarianM.Sc.Tahani2016-01-24
Study the effect of oxidant injection on a natural gas diffusion flame charactersiticsAmirjavad Ahmadian HosseiniM.Sc.Moghiman2016-01-25
Numerical investigation of tool speed effect on residual stress, fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation in friction stir welded Al 2024-T351ali rastegar mohammad abadiM.Sc.Tahani2016-01-26
Effect of resin pocket area on the mechanical strength and crack propagation of tapered sandwich compositesMilad SoleymaniM.Sc.Tahani2016-01-26
Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Using Flow Jet in Leading Edgeiman pishbinM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-01-26
Manual guidance of robots for trajectory generation using impedance controlSeyyed Ali Mousavi MohammadiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-01-26
Investigtion of topology optimization of continuous periodic structures at macroscopic level with BESO methodfereshteh kashiri chahardehM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-01-27
investigate blood flow and Fluid - Structure interaction in carotid bifurcation arteryshadi rabbaniM.Sc.Niazmand2016-01-27
Numerical and experimental study of the effect of velocity on pressure reduction in Wake vortexmohamad sabooriM.Sc.Kahrom2016-01-27
Modeling And Optimization Process Parameters Of Tig Welding To Achieve Minimum Distortion And Quality Features Joints With The Taguchi Method And Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithmmoslem najafi birganiM.Sc.Kolahan2016-01-27
Dynamics of flexible Stewart robot and compare with the results of finite element method in dynamic modeAmin NoorianM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-01-27
Construction and toolpath control of a four-axis CNC (x, y, z, θ) with the standard of care at the maximum speedsaeid alimohammadiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2016-01-27
Designing and Optimizing Geometry and Configuration of Mid-Span Rib turbulators for Internal Cooling of Gas Turbine BladesFarshad Taghizadeh NaderiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-01-27
Design and manufacturing of fiber placement robotSoheil SarabandiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2016-01-27
Design and manufacture smoke machine, compatible with solid and liquid fuel for medium urban spacesmostafa ardeshiriM.Sc.Moghiman2016-01-27
Design And control of the two wheeled inverted pendulumAli MahvanM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-01-27
Force and Position Control of Three Point Bending Experiment Using Servo Hydraulic TechnologyHAMED ROSTAMIM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2016-01-27
Numerical modelling an Enhanced Induced-charge Electrokinetic micro-mixer for Lab-on-Chip Applicationsmaryam khosravi radM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2016-01-27
Statistical modeling and optimization and the effects of regulation on bond strength in friction spot stir welding (FSSW) aluminum alloy 7277ahmad ebrahimiM.Sc.Kolahan2016-01-27
Design of Ionic Polymer-Metal composite actuatorsmansour karamiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2016-01-31
Design of a building as a model using PCM materials for thermal optimizationhamid gholami gifanM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-02-04
Numerical and experimental analysis of parameters affecting the hot single point incremental forming process on Al2024-T3 alloy sheethossein dehghanM.Sc.Shariati2016-02-13
Improved evolutionary structural optimization using harmony search conceptsHeidar MehrvarzanM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-02-20
The influence of creep on the circumferential open cracks at the inner surface of a cylindrical pressure vesselamir oladiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2016-02-22
numerical and experimetnal analyse of foam filled thin-wall according to damage modelsVahid HoseiniM.Sc.Shariati2016-02-22
Study for Strength of Permanent Connection of Two Non-Identical HSS and Carbon-Manganese Steel 30Mn5 with Experimental TestsSeyed Mojtaba Jalili MohtashamM.Sc.Akbari2016-02-25
fatigue life Evaluation for metals using image processingehsan chabokM.Sc.Shariati2016-02-25
Effects of laminated grids on mechanical behavior of grid structuresAmir EhsaniPhDRezaee Pazhand2016-03-05
The effect of pre-ratcheting cycles and stress amplitude on fatigue life of Aluminum-2024 weldmentsmohammad aminiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2016-03-05
Experimental study of aerodynamic parameters of a model HummingbirdMehdi Behnam VashaniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2016-03-07
Experimental investigation of the effect of angle and roughness of the substrate on droplet flatteningJavid Zohrabi ChakanehM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-04-30
Aerodynamic Performance Improvement of a Supersonic Continuous Deflectable Nose Flying Objectabbas khalghaniPhDDjavareshkian2016-04-30
Analysis of dynamics of 3dimensional supercavitation flows over discs using BEM methodjavad jafariM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-05-10
numerical modeling of drying by combination hot air and microwavemehdi esmailpourM.Sc.Ayani2016-05-24
Numerical study of turbulence flow over arrangements of square obstaclesAmir KhadembashiM.Sc.Ayani2016-05-28
Investigation of Water Balance Change on Electro-Osmosis , Irreversibility and Efficiency of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cellmohammad gholizadehPhDGhazikhani2016-06-01
Numerical investigation of aerodynamic performance of a straight bladed vertical-axis wind turbine with variable-pitchamir sagharichiM.Sc.Maghrebi2016-06-08
Enhanced heat transfer for PCM melting in triplex tube heat exchanger with internal circular finshamidreza eslamnezhadM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-06-12
simulation and numerical investigation of aerodynamic performance of a hybrid darrieus-savonius vertical axis wind turbinearmin roshanM.Sc.Maghrebi2016-06-13
DSMC investigation of rarefied flows in Knudsen pumpsVahid ShahabiM.Sc.Roohi2016-06-25
Active vibration control of three layer piezo-laminated circular plate under external excitation with controller optimizationisa mirzaeeM.Sc.Hassani2016-07-05
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineeringreza shieeM.Sc.Ayani2016-07-13
Experimental and theoretical investigation of nanofluids effects on the performance on a solar stillOmid MahianPhDKianifar2016-07-20
Influence of combined impact and cyclic loading on the overall fatigue life of forged steel EA4Tamir malekzadehPhDHadidi Moud2016-07-20
Numerical Investigation of JAVA effect on delay of separation formationHossein Honarvar ParsanaeiM.Sc.Kahrom2016-07-23
Analysis of gas flow in a channel as Radiative participating medium by lattice Boltzmann methodseyed reza hosseiniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2016-07-27
Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of a Masticatory Rehabilitation RobotHadi KalaniPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-07-28
Simulation of flash furnace copper smelting in Khatoonabad, Kerman with aim of study the pollutants formation in oxidation of sulfide concentratesneda rajabi khosh andamM.Sc.Moghiman2016-08-03
numerical study of double-diffusive convection in a porous cavity with soret and dufour effects and thermal non equlibrium modelmohammad yazdaniM.Sc.Ajam2016-08-10
investigation of AUSM family method in various inlet Mach numbers of external low Reynolds number flowsadnan mohammadiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-08-17
3D Simulation of Cavitation over the projectiles at various angles of attack Using a Boundary Element Method Based on Potentialmahdi noroziPhDPasandidehfard2016-08-30
An Eulerian-Lagrangian Model for Nanofluid Flows in Duct with internally heatermahla maskaniyanM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2016-09-03
Analysis and synthesis of flexure modules to improve motion characteristics of precision systemshasan malaeke saghaM.Sc.Moeenfard2016-09-07
An exprimental investigation on the effect of hybrid nano-fluid carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles on thermal efficiency and exergy analysis of solar flat collectorFaisal RashidM.Sc.Kianifar2016-09-13
Numerical investigation of the performance of cylindrical water wave sabsorbent against irregular wavesmehran saadatiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-09-13
3D simulation of ringed cavitator with numerical and theoretical methodsmohammad ghaffariM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-09-13
Evaluation of the Simplified Bernoulli Trials collision algorithm in treating rarefied nano-Fourier flowElmira TaheriM.Sc.Roohi2016-09-14
study and analysis of ventilated supercavitation in the range of small cavitation number by CFDmahmood tabaki bajestaniM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-09-14
Nonlinear analysis of thin micro-plates based on the modified couple stress theoryAmir Reza AskariPhDTahani2016-09-14
Droplet Impact Simulation on Arbitrary Solid Surfaces and a Liquid Film Using Lattice Boltzmann Methodsoroush fallah kharmianiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-09-14
Numerical modeling of non-Fourier heat conduction in breast cancer tissue by Lattice Boltzmann methodmostafa aghdasiM.Sc.Ayani2016-09-14
Phase distribution study on multiphase flow using Planar Laser Induced FluorescenceSaeid ZareM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-09-15
Numerical analysis of the impact of ozone on increasing the power and efficiency of the HCCI motors by using AVL FireAbolghassem HosseiniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-09-15
Numerical analysis of the use of ozone in reducing emissions of HCCI engine using AVL Fire softwareALI BAGHAEE RAVARIM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2016-09-15
Determination of stress intensity factors by extracting the shearography frings in welded CT specimens under cyclic loadDanial Ghahremani MoghadamPhDFarhangdoost2016-09-15
Investigation of stability of lean premixed flame on a stratified burner by Lattice-Boltzmann methodelahe noroziM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2016-09-17
Optimization of Functionally Graded Cylinders under Thermo-Mechnical Loadingsmojtaba shabanM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-09-17
Design and analysis of a 6 DOF serial industrial robotEbrahim AminianM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-09-19
Backing up Enhancement of Multi Articulated Vehicles Using Fuzzy Reinforcement LearningMasoud GoharimaneshPhDAkbari2016-09-20
Numerical simulation of atmospheric burners of the Alumina plant and a comparison between temperature distribution and pollutions emitted from natural gas and fuel oilmorteza Yazdani MoghadamM.Sc.Moghiman2016-09-20
The Influence of Vortical Structures (Vortex) on the Heat Transfer and Momentum of a Rotating Dropletzahra talebpourM.Sc.Niazmand2016-09-21
Natural convection of supercritical fluid inside a vertical hot cylindershahrouz omidvar oghaniM.Sc.Teymourtash2016-09-21
Experimental Investigation of Direct Contact Condensation of Steam in Water Flow in a Vertical Pipe with Square Cross SectionSaman ZareM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2016-09-21
Electromagnetic forming and along with forming limit diagram for metalsvahid jalaeiyanM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2016-09-21
Numerical Investigation of steady wind effective parameters on Kosar green high-rise towers in MashhadSEYED MOHAMMAD MORTAZAVIM.Sc.Ayani2016-09-21
Experimental Investigation of parameters affecting on the thermal performance of the pulsating heat pipemohammad sayyahiM.Sc.Mamourian2016-09-21
experimental investigation and numerical simulation of a food infrared dryeramin zia foroughiPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2016-09-21
Isogeometric analysis of free-form curved beams and its application in design and analysis of wind turbine bladeSeyed Farhad HosseiniPhDMoetakef Imani2016-09-21
Numerical analysis of underfloor air distribution system in a educational facilities by Considering the thermal comfort and indoor air qualityhamed moslehiM.Sc.Niazmand2016-09-21
Determining welding heat source parameters and its application in finite element arc welding processesAta olah Jedari LotfabadiM.Sc.Kolahan2016-09-21
Simulation of heavy-duty vehicle adsorption cooling system driven by engine waste heatsSeyyed Behzad GolparvarM.Sc.Niazmand2016-09-21
Aerodynamic analysis and Simulation of Dimple effects on straight-bladed Darrieus vertical axis wind Turbine performanceElyas SobhaniM.Sc.Maghrebi2016-09-21
Design and construction of a four axis force sensormohammad hosein tashakori heraviM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-09-21
Design , simulation and manufacturing of UAV with Aerodynamic analysis of flow around a circular objectEHSAN KHORSHIDI SOLTANIM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2016-09-21
Motion Control of a Quadrotor Using Fuzzy ControllersMohammad AzimiM.Sc.Moeenfard2016-09-21
Numerical modeling and the structural-operational improvement of adsorbent bed by flat tube heat exchanger and trapezoidal fins in adsorption chillerMILAD MOHAMMADZADEH KOWSARIM.Sc.Niazmand2016-09-21
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requierment for the Degree of the Science in Mechanical EngineeringOmid NouriM.Sc.Mahpeykar2016-10-05
Investigation of unsteady micro-Nano scale gas flows using Simplified Bernoulli Trials and transient adaptive subcells in DSMC methodMoein MadaniM.Sc.Roohi2016-10-06
Numerical Investigation of Thickness and Camber effect on Aerodynamic Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbinerahman reyhaniM.Sc.Maghrebi2016-10-06
The Numerical Modeling and Exergy Analysis of Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle with Four Adsorbent Bedsrahim sohrabi chokanloM.Sc.Ghazikhani2016-10-06
Modeling and Control of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Load Reduction Above Rated Wind SpeedArash HatamiPhDMoetakef Imani2016-10-06
Numerical Study of the Impact of Parameters Affecting the Separation Efficiency in Slope Cyclones to Separate Two Solids from each other in a Dense FluidOmid PilevarM.Sc.Moghiman2016-10-06
Free vibration analysis of thin circular cylindrical shell as aircraft fuselage under flight conditionsSeyed Mohammad Naghavi ZadehM.Sc.Farshidianfar2016-10-08
Numerical simulation of Darrieus wind turbine and improve its aerodynamic performance using passive flow control elements.mohamad reza lalaviM.Sc.Mamourian2016-10-09
Evaluate the aerodynamic forces on a MAV Oscillating wing with UVLMSeyyed Mohammad Mahdi AghiliM.Sc.Djavareshkian2016-10-17
Kinematics and Dynamics analysis of six degree of freedom parallel robot with active rotary jointsmohammadreza nakhaeeM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2016-10-18
Simulation of rarefied gas flow around cylinder using novel algorithms of DSMC methodHassan NamiM.Sc.Roohi2016-10-24
Investigation of effect of variable valve timing (VVT system) in variable compression ratio (VCR system) in a internal spark ignition combustion engine using AVL FIREali hedayatiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2016-11-03
CFD simulation for datacenter with raised floor air distribution system and Evaluation methods which improve efficiency of cooling systemsfatemeh ghasemiM.Sc.Moghiman2016-11-13
Creep Analysis in Al-SiC FGM Rotating DiscsHodais ZharfiPhDEkhteraei Toussi2016-11-17
Trajectory Generation and Control of Knee Exoskeleton without Using Biological SignalsKaveh KamaliPhDAkbari2016-11-17
Approximate Analytical Methods In Non-Linear Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plateshojat nadaf sharghM.Sc.Farshidianfar2016-11-19
Mixed convection heat transfer from heated tandem square cylinders in supercritical carbon dioxideHojat NooriM.Sc.Teymourtash2016-11-22
Experimental and Statistical Investigation of Stochastic Fatigue Damage Behavior of Adhesive with TiO2 P25 ConfigurationPooria AkbarzadehPhDFarhangdoost2016-12-12
Nonlinear static and vibrational analysis of carbon nanotubes with stone-wales defects in different temperature conditionsmina kamali-moghaddamM.Sc.Tahani2016-12-12
Size-dependent nonlinear bending analysis of functionally graded microplates by the GDQ methodFARHAD ALINAGHIZADEHPhDShariati2016-12-19
an investigation of stress intensity factor in different load spectrums by simulation approachamirhossein saeediM.Sc.Farhangdoost2016-12-28
Inverse analysis of bioheat transfer problem in general coordinatesMojtaba BaghbanPhDAyani2017-01-05
Comparison between polydispersed and monodispersed models on condensing water-vapor flow in a supersonic convergent-divergent nozzlemohammad ali faghih aliabadiM.Sc.Mahpeykar2017-01-15
Dynamic analysis of coupled non-Fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity based on non-classic theories using analytical methodseyed amin hosseiniPhDAbolbashari2017-01-17
Experimental- numerical and statistical fatigue analysis of CAD/CAM dental ceramics restored on premolarsEhsan HomaeiPhDFarhangdoost2017-01-25
Sound Localization in Non-Simple Plates Using Low Sampling Rate SensorsSeyed Amir Hoseini SabzevariPhDMoavenian2017-01-25
Nonlinear bending analysis of circular graphene sheets based on nonlocal elasticity theory by dynamic relaxation methodsamaneh salesiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2017-01-29
Suppressing Vibration and Energy Harvesting of mechanical systems Using Tuned Mass Dampers and Piezoelectric Materialsseyed vahid lariM.Sc.Afsharfard2017-01-29
Buckling of Smart Composite Beam and FrameMohammad HasaniM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2017-01-31
Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Micro-Nano Structured Commercially Pure Titanium as Implant MaterialsReza NaseriPhDKadkhodayan2017-02-01
Wighted Essensially Non Oscilatory (WENO) Comparison in Physical DiscontinuitiesALIREZA MOGHADDASIM.Sc.Djavareshkian2017-02-04
2D numerical investigation of the effects of flapping fin on a supersonic parachute performanceMohammad Reza PilehchianM.Sc.Abolbashari2017-02-06
Design and manfacture the parabolic solar cookers and modeling cooking processSaeid TaghizadehM.Sc.Mamourian2017-02-06
The influence of nonlinear Aerodynamic on aeroelastic Behavior of an airfoilmohammad sadegh araghizadehM.Sc.Djavareshkian2017-02-11
Determining the optimal levels of regulated parameters in order to achieve the minimum number of defects and the best bead geometry in the arc welding with active shielding gas for carbon steelabolghasem jamaliM.Sc.Kolahan2017-02-12
Feasibility Study of Harvesting Energy of the Vortex Induced Vibrations Using Piezoelectric MaterialsSeyed Ruhollah Rafat HoseiniM.Sc.Afsharfard2017-02-13
Investigation of Liquid Jet Injection into Supersonic flow of Gas Generatorhoseinali kamaliM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2017-02-13
Investigation of exergy recovery from natural gas pressure reducer station; used for two stages inlet air cooling to improve the gas turbine power planthosein mokhtariM.Sc.Ghazikhani2017-02-15
Numerical investigation on the enhancement of heat transfer and condensation of moist air in 3D channel by using wavy bladeSoheil Sheikh FakhradiniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-02-15
Application of Simulated Annealing algorithm in analysis and optimal design of waterjet process in cutting of high alloy steelsnaghi fathikhorasaniM.Sc.Kolahan2017-02-15
Non-linear bending and thermo-elastic analysis of FGM disks under asymmetric loads via polynomial differential quadrature method (PDQM) in conjunction with Fourier differential quadrature method (FDQM)soroush khosrojerdiM.Sc.Shariati2017-02-15
Optimization of water and wastewater manholes made of composite SMCmeysam karimian eghbalM.Sc.Tahani2017-02-15
Experimental study of system transmission of sunlight by optical fiber into the building and the energy and exergy analysisMahmood FaniM.Sc.Mamourian2017-02-16
Experimental and numerical study of the effects of metal-oxides nanofluids on a photovoltaic thermal system from the energy and exergy viewpointsMohammad SardarabadiPhDPassandideh-Fard2017-02-16
A New Method for Assessment the Ratcheting Behavior of Cylindrical Shells with Cut-off Based on Elastic Follow-up PhenomenonHamid Zabihi FerezqiPhDShariati2017-02-18
Investigation on fatigue strength of ultrafine grained titanum produced by ECAP processhamed hiradfarM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2017-02-18
The effect of load distribution on fuel consumption and emission of internal combustion engine in real worldshahrzad rashkiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2017-02-18
Numerical and experimental Investigation of Springback in U-Channel Forming of AA3105 And AA3105 Anodised Tailor Welded Blanksali akbari motlaghM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2017-02-18
Numerical Investigation on Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Wavy Channel Partially Filled with Porous MaterialMohsen Akbarzadeh SokkehM.Sc.Maghrebi2017-02-18
investigation of hypersonic rarified flow over Mars pathfinder probe using Simplified Bernoulli Trials and Transient Adaptive sub-cells in framework of DSMChossein ejraeiM.Sc.Roohi2017-02-18
Kinematics and Dynamics of a Passive Redundant Stewart RobotMorteza Shariatee SarcheshmehM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2017-02-18
Design Optimized Controller for Pneumatic Operator in Parallel PRRRP-2 Robotseyed ali alavi tabatabaeiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2017-02-18
A modified constraint model for beam flexure modules with applications to micro/nano positioning systemsMoeen Rad Golchin MashhadiM.Sc.Moeenfard2017-02-19
investigation of fatigue life in Coach peel riveted jointsMohammad Hadi MoslemiM.Sc.Farhangdoost2017-02-20
Experimental and numerical investigation of twisted tape insert on heat transfer and condensation of flue gasIman ZeynaliPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2017-02-20
Study on dimensional tolerance effect on stress intensity factors and fatigue life in aluminum 2024 alloy riveted single lap jointsohrab arianfardM.Sc.Farhangdoost2017-02-21
Design of fuzzy controllers for Semi-active vibration controlling of multi-floor buildings with MR dampersNajme AliakbariM.Sc.Moeenfard2017-02-21
Fuzzy logic control for vehicle stability enhancement ‎by variable geometry suspension systemMansour BaghaeianPhDAkbari2017-02-25
An investigation on influence of preparation design parameters for the first maxillary premolar with all-ceramic restoration using finite element methodEbrahim MaghamiM.Sc.Farhangdoost2017-02-26
An Investigation on the limit drawing using GTN damage model in tube drawing processnarjes valianM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2017-03-15
analysis and manufacturing of passive ankle exoskeletonreza fazaeliM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2017-03-17
kinematics and dynamic analysis of parallel delta robotMohammad SadeghiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2017-03-18
Optimization of Drilling Process on St37 by Taguchi Methodjavad samaviM.Sc.Akbari2017-04-26
Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric energy harvester with magnetic oscillatorMahdi Derayati farM.Sc.Tahani2017-05-10
Simulation of the Production and Diffusion of Smoke and the Effect of Sprinkler on Reducing the Effect of Heat and Smoke in Buildingsmohammad ali emamiM.Sc.Moghiman2017-06-14
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Temperature Distribution in Brake System Time during the Period Braking TimeMUAYAD ABDULKADHIM ALI AL GBURIM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-06-21
Simulation of Floor, Wall and Ceiling Panel Cooling Systems for Close Space in BaghdadIHSAN AL IESSAM.Sc.Moghiman2017-06-24
Numerical Study of Convection Heat Transfer Inside Electrical Transformers by Using NanofluidsLuay Jawad BahlolM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-06-25
Optimization U-bend geometery for minimization pressure lossseyed sahand seyedpourM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-06-28
Numerical simulation stack effect for a ventilation duct by injection of warm air flow from adjacent spacekamal beygoliM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-06-28
An experimental study on the vibration behavior of multi-scale nanocomposite plates and aerothermoelastic stability analysis subjected to supersonic flowSeyyed Mehdi Hosseini FarrashPhDShariati2017-07-01
Investigating the Influence of Size, Position and Geometry of cutout Around the Crack on Fatigue Crack Growth Using Numerical and Experimental MethodsAmin SaberM.Sc.Shariati2017-07-12
Optimal design of the blades for a horizontal axis wind turbine with variable cord toward obtaining maximum output power by Blade Element Theory and comparison with Qblad outputahmed AL-BARGOOTHM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-07-12
: BEM design of a horizontal axis wind turbine with uniform chord and effects of important parameters on performance characteristics.Mohammed Abdulhasan JasimM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-07-12
Reliability-based topology optimization based on bidirectional evolutionary structural optimizationhamed mohammadzadehM.Sc.Abolbashari2017-07-24
Predicting weld bead geometry and distortions in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) using artifical neural network and statistical regression methodsali afshari tabasiM.Sc.Kolahan2017-07-26
A Laboratory Examination of Nanofluid Effect of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) on Thermal Efficiency and Exergy Analysis of Solar Plate collectorsmurtadha zahi KhattarM.Sc.Kianifar2017-07-30
A Laboratory Examination of the Effect of Hybrid Nano fluids (MWCNT and MgO) on Thermal Efficiency and Exergy of Flat Plate Solar Collectors.Ali Al ShiblawiM.Sc.Kianifar2017-07-30
The investigation of the amount of energy and renewable energy requirements in the Iraq and compared to neighboringALI ABDULHASAN MUGHEEDH JABRIM.Sc.Mamourian2017-07-30
Designing the optimal abrasive waterjet process for cutting composite materials by statistical modeling and simulated annealing algorithmmorteza karimi ali abadM.Sc.Kolahan2017-08-01
Investigation of Resistance Spot Welding parameters of High-Carbon steelsmostafa abdolahpoorM.Sc.Akbari2017-08-02
Investigation on horizontal voids connected to the high-raise building shaft base on natural ventilation by DesignBuilder softwaremohsen salimiM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-08-05
Simulation biomass- natural gas co-firing combustion furnaces for energy productionAMEER ALQAZZAZM.Sc.Moghiman2017-08-05
The Experimental Study of Heat Transfer of Conical and Cylenderical Finssajjad sabet birjandiM.Sc.Ayani2017-08-06
Experimental study of the effect of deeply groove in pin fin on the heat transfermohammed alkaragolyM.Sc.Ayani2017-08-08
Investigation of heat transfer in Oscillating Heat Pipes (OHPs) with differenc concentration of Graphene Oxide nanofluidjalal AwadM.Sc.Mamourian2017-08-09
Experimental and Numerical investigations of Hunter wind turbine aerodynamic performancemaryam amiriPhDKahrom2017-08-10
Investigation of flow and heat transfer for the liquid between two cylinder in different situationsmakki ibrahimM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-08-13
Investigation of flow and heat transfer for the air between two cylinder in different situations along with stability analysisASHRAF RAIHAN MASEER MASEERM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-08-13
Analysis of Turbulent Accelerated Flow over a Hydrofoil with Cavitation.Khalid Kareem Awad Al - HamadaniM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2017-08-13
Bolt Connections Loosening Diagnosis Based on Vibration and Acoustic Signal Analysisseyed mohammad mehdi zeinoddinM.Sc.Moavenian2017-08-13
Experimental study of the effect of longitudinal groove on pin fin on the heat transferHameed Ali Hadi Al-ZubaidiM.Sc.Ayani2017-08-15
Power Generation of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Respet to Blade Numbers Using Numerical ModellingSaad Flayh hussin HussinM.Sc.Maghrebi2017-08-16
An analytical curvature-continuous Bezier transition algorithm for high-speed machining of a linear tool pathRasool AlarkawaziM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2017-08-19
Incremental and total elastic-plastic thermal-mechanical buckling analysis of FGM beams and rectangular platesHassan BeikMohammadlouPhDEkhteraei Toussi2017-08-20
experimental study of the effect of transvers groove in pin fin on the heat transferAhmed KareemM.Sc.Ayani2017-08-20
An Experimental Investigation of Silver Nanoparticles’ Effect on Thermal Resistance of Closed Loop Oscillating Heat PipeAbid Akidm Badr OdhaibM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-08-23
An experimental study of glass cover and fluid circulation structure effects on electrical and overall efficiency of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system from energy and exergy view pointsARASH KAZEMIANM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2017-08-23
Numerical analysis of varying geometry and its location on heat transfer in a channel by using vortex generatorHAYDER AL THARWANEEM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-09-02
Buckling analysis and nonlinear response of cracked columns in micro- and nano-scalemajid akbarzadeh khorshidiPhDShariati2017-09-03
Improving Numerical Modeling of 2D Nucleating Steam Flow in a Laval Nozzle and Transonic Turbine Blades Using a Combination of Scalar and CUSP’s Finite Volume Methods and Inverse TechniqueEdris Yousefi RadPhDMahpeykar2017-09-06
Numerical simulation of laminar and turbulent blood flow in symmetric straight and curved stenosed arteries using OpenFOAMhessam shirdelM.Sc.Kahrom2017-09-06
Assistive Control of the FUM-KneeExo Robot by Series Elastic ActuatorsIman KardanPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2017-09-07
Numerical investigation of laminar heat transfer water-alumina nanofluid in circular tube under magnetic field using two component Boungiorno’s modelhossein mirzadeM.Sc.Maghrebi2017-09-11
Numerical Investigations Of Axisymmetric Heat Transfer Of Nanofluid In a Double-tube Corrugated Heat exchanger By The Two Phase Mixture Methodzahra kokabi delavarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-09-13
The impact of C/H variation due to mixing of light liquid fuels on the flame luminosity and its effect on the radiation heat transfer of the flameMehdi BoghratiPhDMoghiman2017-09-14
Experimental investigation of performance parameters of a diesel engine using energy, exergy and economic analysisFarshad MeisamiPhDAjam2017-09-14
Designing a fuzzy controller using taguchi method to control hypertension and optimizing with neural network algorithmsaeed hashemiM.Sc.Moavenian2017-09-14
Effects of porous layer and blade installation in a single slope solar still-Experimental and numerical investigationsSaman RashidiPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2017-09-16
Two dimensional simulation of oscillating wave surge converter using fictitious domain methodhamid reza mottahediM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2017-09-16
Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Triplex Tube Heat Exchanger Containing Phase-Change Material RT82 by Modifications of Length and Position of FinsMohammad Mohammad hosseiniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-09-17
Homotopy Perturbation method analysis of a non-Newtonian fluid over a porous plateBijan GolafshanM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-09-17
Development of a hybrid FD_LBM technique with TVD characteristics in simulation of nonhomogeneous nanofluids' flow in a 2D cavity under the influence of an external magnetic fieldAmir Javad AhrarPhDDjavareshkian2017-09-17
design,construction and optimization of a novel model of a parabolic collector and compare with common dish collectorsMohamad Saleh Seif KashaniM.Sc.Kianifar2017-09-17
Dynamic Analysis of 2D Fully Submerged Hydrofoils with Finite Depth by Using FLUENTMajid IzadfarM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2017-09-18
Simulation of the viscous, turbulent, and unsteady flow around an airfoil near the surfaceyegane azargoonM.Sc.Djavareshkian2017-09-18
Numerical Simulation of Ventilated Cavitation around a Projectile With LES Turbalance ModelMohammad mehdi MahmoudiM.Sc.Roohi2017-09-18
Topological Design of Structures for Improved Values of Stress and Simple and Multiple Eigenfrequenciesnima yaghoobiM.Sc.Hassani2017-09-18
Design of optimal fuzzy controllers to overcome pull-in instability in circular micro-platesMohsen Bakhtiari ShahriM.Sc.Moavenian2017-09-18
Evaluating modulated gradient model in large eddy simulation method accompanied with pimpleFoam correction in the OpenFOAM packageElyas LarkermaniM.Sc.Roohi2017-09-19
Investigation of thermal creep on fluid flow and mass flow rate through amicro.nano diverging channel using direct simulation mont-carloMohammad Sajjad MozaffariM.Sc.Roohi2017-09-19
Numerical investigation of magnetic field effects on nanofluid heat transfer inside channels using different shaped ribsparniyan javadiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-09-19
Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Field Effect Induced by Constant Current Wire on Magnetic Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery in 90-Degree Horizontal BendShima AkarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-09-19
Flow Induced Vibration Powered Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric MaterialsSima SobhaniradM.Sc.Afsharfard2017-09-20
Numerical Study of the Electroosmotic Flow of a non-Newtonian Fluid Through Rectangular Microchannels at High Zeta PotentialsPayam FadaeiM.Sc.Niazmand2017-09-20
Pull-in instability analysis of micro-bridge gyroscopes with proof mass in the middle based on the modified couple stress theorymohammad ali mokhtari amir majdiM.Sc.Tahani2017-09-20
Improve the internal heat transfer boundary layer is formed again (B.L.R) by the mesh cylinder by using response surface methodology (R.S.M)Ali ShoghigharamalekiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-09-20
Three-dimensional Analysis of Rolling Contact Fatigue Crack and Life Prediction in Railway Wheels and Rails under Residual Stresses and WearReza MasoudinejadPhDShariati2017-09-20
Static, Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Plates Using Isogeometric ApproachAli SaeediM.Sc.Hassani2017-09-20
Mixed Convention Heat Transfer from a Heated Vertical Rotating Cylinder at an Arbitrary Incident Angle Unsteady Stagnation-Point FlowReza BayatPhDBradaran Rahimi2017-09-21
An experimental investigation into deep drawing process and springback in U-draw bending process on PVC/fiberglass composite laminatesmohammad pakdamanM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2017-09-21
Investigating the diameter of droplets at the exit of a convergent-divergent nozzle in condensing flow of wet steamali azimi tasadi salesM.Sc.Teymourtash2017-09-21
Simulation of blood flow in a moving coronary artery with branchnavid ajamM.Sc.Niazmand2017-09-21
2D Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Saturated Pool BoilingMohammad Javad Sayyari sheshdehM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2017-09-21
The numerical simulation of reduction methods of pollutions in industrial and power plant combustion chambers with various fulesMasoud AghazM.Sc.Moghiman2017-09-21
An experimental investigation on the effect of Fe3O4 nanofluid on the thermal efficiency and exergetic optimization of flat-plate solar collectorsJalal GhandehariM.Sc.Kianifar2017-09-22
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Solar Refrigeration System Using Variable Ejectoramir omidvarPhDGhazikhani2017-09-22
Development of Isogeometric Analysis Based on T-splines for Two-Dimensional Plasticity Problems and Its Application in Determination of the J-integral in Functionally Graded Materialsamir teimoor kalaliPhDHassani2017-09-22
Design and Optimization of a Subsonic Guided Projectile with Course Correction Fuze System by Design of Experimentshossein sabzaliM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2017-09-22
Unaxisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer On a Cylinder with transpirationmasoud faramarziM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-09-25
The experimental study of the effect of milk fat in the performance of plate heat exchangersali rahiM.Sc.Ayani2017-09-26
Investigating the potential of substituting a metallic plate with a grid stiffened plateALI SAFAM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2017-09-27
Effects of overload on fatigue crack growth in CT specimen made of 2024 aluminum alloymohammad reza khorramiM.Sc.Farhangdoost2017-09-27
Developing Integrated Lightweight Aircraft Wing Structure Design Systemsaeed rostamiyan tooye darvarM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2017-10-03
Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis in Elastic and Hyperelastic Contact ProblemsEMAD BIDKHORIPhDHassani2017-10-12
The analysis of tensile and fatigue behavior in resistance spot weldment and hybrid joint of dual phases ferrite-martensite steelHamid Reza GhanbariM.Sc.Shariati2017-10-17
The experimental investigation concerning the effect adding natural gas and EGR on soot emission and engine performance in a IDI diesel engineGHOLAMREZA GOJEHHESARIM.Sc.Ghazikhani2017-11-01
Thermomechanical static and dynamic analysis of multi directional functionally graded skew plates on elastic foundation based on three dimensional theory of elasticity via GDQmahdi adinehPhDKadkhodayan2017-11-01
Dynamic Stability of Cracked Laminated Beams Subjected to a Follower ForceHamed AlidoostPhDRezaee Pazhand2017-11-02
Numerical investigation of drug delivery using magnetic field in coronary artery, aortic arch, and 90 bendHAMID SODAGARM.Sc.Niazmand2017-11-29
Numerical Analysis of Spalling Phenomenon on Spur Gear Tooth by Means of Experimental Results of Crack Growthhasan heiraniPhDFarhangdoost2017-11-30
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effects of varying coolant on the performance of a photovoltaic thermal systemMohammad HosseinzadehM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2017-12-02
Numerical analysis of premixed combustion stabilization by internal swirling, swirling and pilot stabilizationHamid KavariM.Sc.Moghiman2017-12-09
Analysis of bird strike to aluminum and composite reinforced aluminum shell panels using SPH-FE in LS-DYNAMeshkat Salehi TabarM.Sc.Tahani2017-12-10
Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Nanoparticles on the Combustion Characteristic and Pollutant Emission of Liquid FuelZohreh ShamsPhDMoghiman2017-12-21
Experimental study on the effect of using nanoparticles in lubricants used in deep drawing process in SS304 steelHossein RezaeiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2017-12-26
3D Numerical Study of the Effect of Nanofluids and Phase Change Materials on Photovoltaic Thermal SystemsAhmed issa Al-MusawiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2017-12-26
an analytical study: Forced convection heat transfer and flow phenomena of rotating sphere at a constant speed in porous mediaSajjad SafarzadeM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2017-12-27
Three-dimensional numerical analysis of liquid-solid interaction in presence of free surface using the volume-of-fluid methodAghil IranmaneshPhDPassandideh-Fard2018-01-04
Exprimental study on the effect of varing cross sectional area of micro channel on important parameters of electro wetting on dyelectricmehrdad shokouhiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-01-06
Building and testing of a model aircraft with improved aerodynamic features of NACA2412, equipped with pollutant monitoring sensorsgholam ali MokhberiM.Sc.Roohi2018-01-10
Experimental study of the effect of the number of turn pipes and ZnO nanofluid on the heat transfer of oscillating heat pipesmeysam kalematM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-01-15
Three-dimensional cure simulation of composite structures by the general coordinates systemsmorteza naqaviM.Sc.Ayani2018-01-18
‎ Design, optimization and simulation of subsonic guided ‎projectile's fins using design of experimentAbdallah IsmailM.Sc.Ajam2018-01-21
Design of handheld and noninvasive devices for hand tremor suppression with active and passive controlMahdi AbbasiM.Sc.Afsharfard2018-01-30
Damping Modeling, Dynamic Analysis and Controller Design of a Dual Axis Torsional Micro-ActuatorMozhde khadembashiM.Sc.Moeenfard2018-02-12
Experimental and numerical study of energy harvesting from dynamic vibration absorber with variable stiffness and the effect on the vibration of the main structureHooman ZokaM.Sc.Afsharfard2018-02-13
The effect of ridges on punch, clamp and flange surface to improve ductility and reduce deformation energy in deep drawing processsadra ranjbaranM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2018-02-14
Study the methods of droplet radius averaging on the amount of liquid phase generated in modeling of one-D steam nucleating FlowHossein Ayyab KoushkgozarM.Sc.Mahpeykar2018-02-17
Ratcheting analysis for the repeated overspeeds of rotating disc using pseudo-Nortonian creep modelseyed ali razaviM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2018-02-18
Numerical study of 2D flow and heat transfer of nanofluid inside a ribbed channel by twophase Eulerian-Lagrangian modelBIJAN DARBARIM.Sc.Ayani2018-02-18
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ethylene-Glycol Stable Hydraulic Jump of Laminar Jet Impacting an Inclined Plane with Respect to Flow Rate and Jet Diameterhassan abbasiM.Sc.Teymourtash2018-02-18
Homotopy analysis of the natural convection of incomperssible fluid about a cone within porous mediumbehnam akmaliM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-02-18
Quasi-creep ratcheting analysis in thick-walled cylindrical vessel under pressure fluctuationsjavad shamloo montazer maghdamM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2018-02-18
A New Pressure Based Algorithm For Solving Supersonic Fluid Flowalireza jiryaeeM.Sc.Djavareshkian2018-02-18
Modeling and Advanced Exergy Analysis of the Gas Turbine Cycle with Vodoley System to Eliminate the Possible Irreversibilitiesmehdi yousefiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-02-18
Effect of channel geometry and surface properties of heterogeneous on electroosmotic flow mixing with Lattice Boltzmann methodyaser basatiM.Sc.Niazmand2018-02-19
Investigation Of Fule Injection Strategy On Performance In Natural Aspiration Internal Combustion Engine With AVL-FIREmahdi torkamaniM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-02-19
Structure study and behavior modeling of CNT bundles using a mechanical structure approachDavoud AsadollahiM.Sc.Shariati2018-02-19
Structural topology optimization for mass minimization with stress and fatigue constraintsHabib Saffar NajibM.Sc.Hassani2018-02-19
The numerical optimization of process of tile and ceramic baking in kiln of Pardis Seram Paj companyseyed javad jalalzadehM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-02-19
Exergy of two phase flow in a Laval nozzle with Aerodynamic shockrohollah velayatiM.Sc.Teymourtash2018-02-19
Rarefied Gas Flow Analysis in One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Micro/Nano Geometries by Fokker-Planck ApproachVahid RezapourJagharghM.Sc.Roohi2018-02-19
Three dimensional material and geometric nonlinear analysis of thick functionally graded flat panelsHassan ZafarmandPhDKadkhodayan2018-02-19
Drop test simulation of the helicopter structureEhsan HamidzadehM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2018-02-19
Design, Manufacture and Control of Voice Coil Actuator Dynamic Loading Testing Machinejavad safehianPhDAkbari2018-02-19
Analysis of radiation and forced convection heat transfer in a channel with porous obstacle using Lattice Boltzmann methodyousef kazemianM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-03-11
Numerical and analytical study of oxygen transport in tissue in lab-on-a-chipnafiseh jomezadehM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-03-12
Computational Simulation of Non-Stationary Three Dimensional Flow over Transonic Air Gun Projectiles for Its Better PerformanceSeyed Erfan SalimipourPhDTeymourtash2018-03-15
Numerical analysis of mechanical strength in orthopedic locking compression platesseyed saenoddin mohajerzadehM.Sc.Farhangdoost2018-04-04
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in Cryogenic Insulation Applicable in Cryogenic Storage TanksَAlireza AlaviM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-04-05
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of single and two phase flow for natural convection in a cavityjafar ali mahdi alkashaishPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2018-04-11
sEMG-based impedance control for lower-limb rehabilitation robotvahab khoshdelPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-04-12
Investigation on the properties of nanotubes, graphene and polymer nanocomposites using asymptotic homogenization method and modified couple stress theorySobhan SafarianPhDTahani2018-04-26
Three Dimensional Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Composite Structures Reinfored with Shape Memory Alloys Using Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin MethodFoad NazariPhDAbolbashari2018-05-17
Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in mixed convection problem between two eccentric rotating spheres with time dependent angular velocityHussein Madhi Hamad HamadM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-05-31
numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in mixed convection problem between two eccentric rotating spheres in nanofluid with time dependent angular velocityMuthna Mohhammed Ali Al - FatlawiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-05-31
Exergy analysis of domestic heating system with vent reclaim and chimney flue gas heat recovery and effect of equivalence ratioMajid Zarif Sabbagh NiaM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-06-10
Experimental Investigation and Exergy of Analysis Adsorption Cooling Cyclemohammad sharifzadehPhDGhazikhani2018-06-17
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the EWOD Actuation of Droplets in MicrochannelsSajad PooyanPhDPassandideh-Fard2018-07-03
Experimental study of the effect of reservoir liquid volume and electrode shape on dispensed droplet using electrowettingMohammad Khorsand AhmadiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-07-07
Chatter Vibration Control for Stability Improvement in Deep Internal TurningMohsen FallahPhDMoetakef Imani2018-07-17
Applying Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Model into an In-House Pressure Based Two Dimensional Code for Analysis of Flow around a Square CylinderBENYAMIN NARANJANIM.Sc.Djavareshkian2018-07-18
Simulation and comparison of the sulfur's effect on the pollutants of three fuels gas, liquid and solid in industrial furnaceAli Kadhim JasimM.Sc.Moghiman2018-07-19
The effect of fuel/air equivalence ratio on energy & exergy efficiency and exergy loose by flue gasFIRAS LATTEF HUSSANY MHAWESHM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-07-21
Analytical and Experimental Investigation on Sound Transmission through Cylindrical Shells with Absorbing MaterialsPouria OliazadehPhDFarshidianfar2018-07-24
Experimental Investigation of the Heat Rate of Upper Heat Source, Height of Baking Chamber and Upper to Bottom heat source ratio Effects on Baking Process in Solar Bread Makermahmood tavakkoli farimaniM.Sc.Kianifar2018-07-25
Numerical investigation of effects of physical properties determination model for predicting size of nano-particles in supercritical antisolvent (SAS) processSadegh MohajeriM.Sc.Ajam2018-07-29
Multiobjective optimization of the 6-PUS parallel manipulator based on the kinematics and dynamics indicesNader NabaviPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-08-02
Experimental investigation of manganese oxide and cobalt oxide nano-additives influence on engine performance and pollutants emissions in a blended biodiesel-fueled diesel engine equipped with urea-SCR catalystMina MehreganPhDMoghiman2018-08-04
Simulation of porous media in microchannels with dusty gas model using DSMC methodMohammadhassan AhmadianM.Sc.Teymourtash2018-08-05
Two-dimensional simulation melting of pure materials in a square cavity with respect to natural convection using Lattice Boltzmann methodmajid sheibaniM.Sc.Ajam2018-08-16
Wavelet Transformation in unsteady cavitating flow over a sphere using Large Eddy SimulationArman KolahanM.Sc.Roohi2018-09-05
Radiometric Flow in Periodically Patterned Channels: Fluid Physics, Improved Configurations and Binary Mixtures SeparationAli LotfianM.Sc.Roohi2018-09-05
Modeling of Boiling Heat Transfer in Stagnation Region of Viscous, Incompressible Flow on a Flat PlateMohammadreza MohagheghPhDBradaran Rahimi2018-09-08
Two-dimensional simulation of rarefied gas flow in porous media in channel Using Direct Simulation Monte-CarloVAHID SHARIATIM.Sc.Roohi2018-09-09
Experimental simulation of flapping mechanism of the seagull in forward flightbehzad forouzi feshalamiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2018-09-10
Numerical study of the effect of catalytic walls on combustion of hydrogen-air premixed combustion in a planar micro-combustion chambermohsen sheibaniM.Sc.Moghiman2018-09-16
A study on energy harvesting from sea waves based on piezoelectric transducer using buoy and wave breakerSeyedeh Fatemeh NabaviM.Sc.Farshidianfar2018-09-17
Experimental investigation on the effect of Graphene nanofluid on the thermal efficiency and exergy optimization of flat- plate solar collectorsNAZAR ALI ABBOOD AL TAMEEMIM.Sc.Kianifar2018-09-18
Series Elastic Actuator in Lower limb ExoskeletonRahman ArdakanianM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-09-22
Measurement and Modeling of Rotary Table geometric errors in Four-axis CNC Milling MachineHamid NowruziM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2018-09-22
A Study of Thermal Shield Effects on Heat Flux Rise in Circular Water ContainersFarid OmidvarM.Sc.Kianifar2018-09-22
Investigation of the effect of inlet and outlet area of bleed on the stability of a supersonic air intake using experimental data analysisMona MohammadiM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2018-09-22
Investigation of the swirling flow blade effect near the wall in a heat exchanger tube on heat transfer and pressure dropNavid MoghaddaszadehbazzazM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-09-22
Theoretical and experimental analysis of calibration of the six degrees of freedom series robot based on geometrical and non-geometrical parameters of robotSadegh BasitiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-09-22
Experimental study of the Geometric Parameters Effect of perforated Tubes on the Noise Reduction in gas Flowabbas ghaseminasabM.Sc.Ajam2018-09-22
Numerical investigation of cooling the electronic chips using the coolant flow and phase change materialAsaad Zahid AhmedM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-09-22
Numerical study of the thermo-physical properties effects of a flattube heat exchanger and the effects of metal particle additives on the performance of adsorption refrigeration systemsmeysam khatibiM.Sc.Niazmand2018-09-22
Numerical investigation of cannula geometry effect on blood flow hydraulicSoroush EntezariM.Sc.Niazmand2018-09-22
Numerical Investigation of Condensation in the Presence of Non-condensable gases in 3D convergent channelHamid ShamsabadiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-09-22
Simultaneous optimization of the locators positions and process parameters for predicting the distortion in TIG welding of steel platesMohammad Mahdi TafarrojPhDKolahan2018-09-22
The effect of boiler pressure from subcritical to supercritical state on first and second law of boilerAllawy Shaker Hassan AlaameriM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-09-22
Experimental data analysis of Boundary Layer Suction Type on the Performance and Stability of a Supersonic Air Inletseyedreza maadiM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2018-09-22
An analytical solution for effects of magnetic field on the generalized thermoelastic diffusion in a rotating mediumJavad FarjadibajestaniM.Sc.Abolbashari2018-09-22
Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Active Micromixer Performance with Viscous Micropump Driven by Lattice Boltzmann MethodHojjat Khozeymeh NezhadPhDNiazmand2018-09-22
Trajectory Generation Of Exoskeleton Robots Based On Human Walking Gaitmahnaz khosrojerdiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-09-22
Simulation of three dimentional flows with cloud cavitation on curved hydrofoil of NACA 16012 using VOF methodabolfazl movahedianM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2018-09-22
Numerical investigation of tsunami wave generation and its interaction with submerged breakwater using Volume-Of-Fluid (VOF) methodmohammad javad zareeiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-09-22
Simulation of Nanofluids Subcooled Flow Boiling Using RPI ModelMahsa BabaeeM.Sc.Moghiman2018-09-22
Numerical investigation of ε-NTU analyses in a double pipe heat exchanger with corrugated tube in turbulent flowIman BashtaniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-09-22
Design, fabrication and function investigation of the spiral microchannels with different cross-sections in the separation of blood cellsElaheh Sadat AlaviM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-09-22
Analytical modeling of wall effect on hydrogen-air reaction in microchannelfateme ahmadiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-09-22
Spherical Two-dimensional Numerical Modeling and Determination of Temperature in Cancerous Tissue under Laser Radiation Using Non-Fourier Modelalireza khosraviradM.Sc.Ayani2018-09-22
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Al2O3 Nanofluid Heat Performance in Laminar Flow through Twisted Serpentine-TubesAmir FeizabadiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-09-22
Numerical Study of Converging-diverging Channel Effect on Horizontal Axis Wind TurbineKhosro Hossein abadiM.Sc.Maghrebi2018-09-22
Numerical study on parametrs of centeral air microjet assisted methane-hydrogen/air non-premixed flamemorteza saadatiM.Sc.Moghiman2018-09-22
Investigation on the effective parameters on the accuracy of parallel robotsAmir RezaeiPhDAkbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-09-26
Numerical Study of Effects of Variation in NXP and Converging Angle of Diffuser on Efficiency of Operating Ejector of Tooss Steam Power Station.MOHAMMADREZA MOHARRERIM.Sc.Ajam2018-09-26
Forced convection heat transfer and flow phenomena of rotating sphere at a constant speed in nano-fluidalireza khadehM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-10-03
Evalution effect of bulge profile on tubular mechanical properties by energy methodmohammad salarkhaniM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2018-10-10
Analysis of local and global ratcheting behavior of AISI 1045 steel specimens with cutoutkamal kolasangianiPhDShariati2018-10-11
Active Vibration Control of Boring Bar Using VCA ActuatorPouria Naeemi AminiPhDMoetakef Imani2018-10-11
Improving thermal model using regression functions and optimization of pulsed laser welding for thin stainless steel sheet 316L via Meta-heuristic algorithmsamir torabi PhDKolahan2018-10-18
Investigation of the Effects of Ice on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoil Naca 3415 by Design of ExperimentAhmed Tawfeeq Attwan Al - IbadiM.Sc.Ajam2018-10-27
Design and Optimization of Side Dump Combustor in an Aerial Vehicle with Side Air Intakesamir takzareM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2018-10-29
Nonlinear Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of the Bolted Flange JointsFarhad MeisamiPhDMoavenian2018-11-01
Optimum fabrication of graphene-epoxy nanocomposite plates, determination of mechanical properties and modal analysisKazem KarimiM.Sc.Shariati2018-11-03
Simulation and Analysis of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum and the Effects of Process Parameters and Tool Geometry on Material FlowMohammadreza OjnourdiPhDKolahan2018-11-15
Experimental investigation of the effect of integrated flaps on the aerodynamic of sinusoidal leading edge wingYoussef SayeghM.Sc.Djavareshkian2018-11-17
Experimental Study of parameters and optimizing the mess in the parabolic solar cookerAli IraniM.Sc.Mamourian2018-12-10
Analytical analysis of adhesively bonded composite cylindrical joints using layerwise theoryMahmood MaroofiM.Sc.Tahani2018-12-10
Experimental investigation of thermal efficiency of flat- plate solar collector using Graphene and Magnesium oxide Nano-fluidsALI ABDULLAAH ABBAS BAIEEM.Sc.Kianifar2018-12-18
Numerical Investigation of Merging of Droplets in Microchannel T-junction by EWODArash MasoudiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2018-12-18
Experimental and numerical study of cross sectional effect on mixing in trapezoidal spiral micromixersomid rouhiM.Sc.Niazmand2018-12-20
Buckling Analysis of Smart Nanoplate under Inplane Loading based on Shear and Normal Deformation and Nonlocal Elasticity TheoriesMorteza Ghasemi ShiriPhDJaamialahmadi2018-12-20
Numerical study and optimization of thermal characteristics and entropy generation of Graphen-Platinum nanofluid in steady-laminar flow with constant heat flux of an cylindrical microchannel heat sink using neural networkRaouf KhosraviM.Sc.Teymourtash2019-01-01
Numerical study of cone angle effects on aerodynamic performance of horizontal axis wind turbineGHANIM MOHAMMED HACHIM ALZEYADIM.Sc.Maghrebi2019-01-12
Simulation of Surface Profile in Internal Turning Using Acceleration Signal and Tool Insert Geometry ModellingAli PordelM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-01-21
Simulation and numerical study of thermal performance of a vortex generator shell and tube heat exchangerALI ABBAS TAAN AL JANABIM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-01-24
Experimental investigation of nanoferrofluid heat transfer in a circular tube under magnetic field and step heat fluxabazar abadehPhDPassandideh-Fard2019-01-26
Numerical study of steady radial flow and heat transfer from an isothermal cylindrical block by confined impinging jetpeiman akbari kolahi toussiM.Sc.Teymourtash2019-01-27
The analysis of temperature effect upon the vibration of composite-hybrid beam based on layerwise and large deformation theoriesYahya BayatPhDEkhteraei Toussi2019-01-27
Free vibrations analysis of hetero-junction CNTs using the continuum mechanics methodMostafa MohammadianPhDAbolbashari2019-01-27
Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer of a Vertical Buoyant Jet in a Thermally Stratified Mediumoday alameriM.Sc.Ajam2019-01-27
A Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Air Distributor Parameters in a Bubble Column Reactorroya jamshidianM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-01-30
The Effects of Hydrogen Fuel and Natural Gas Usage on the Thermal Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant based on Exergy AnalysisMOSTAFA A MOHAMMED HASSAN AL BAGHDADIM.Sc.Ghazikhani2019-01-31
Numerical Simulation and Improvement of the Cooling System of a Data Center in Baghdad with the help of the 6sigmaDC SoftwareFURQAN ALMUSAWIM.Sc.Moghiman2019-02-04
Experimental investigation of the effect of surface roughness on the size and shape of the circular and polygonal hydraulic jumpsehsan sukhtanluPhDTeymourtash2019-02-14
Implementation of Real-Time Interpolation Algorithms with Continuously Variable Feed-Rates in High-Speed Machining of Sharp CornersEhsan Mojiri TehraniM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-02-16
Applying Broaching on Servo Hydraulic System and Investigation on Effect of Cutting Speed on Cutting Force and Surface QualityMahdi Sadeqi BajestaniM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-02-19
Experimental investigation of the effect of SiC nanofluid in a solar tracking photovoltaic thermal system on energy and exergy efficienciesAmin TaheriM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-02-19
An investigation on the effect of backlash on contact and bending stresses for a pair of standard helical gearsseyyedeh mahdiyeh mohammadiM.Sc.Akbari2019-02-19
Numerical study of the effect of variable magnetic field in the radius direction and mixed convection heat transfer around a three-dimensional rotating cylinder in porous medium using Brinkmann-Fochheimer modelmarziyeh zamaemifardM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2019-02-19
Investigation and optimization of electric discharge machining process, considering tool wear rate, machining time and surface roughness for AISI H13Meysam BeytolamaniM.Sc.Kolahan2019-02-19
Optimization of Deformable Airfoils Based on NACA 0015 by Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithmsamirhossein fardiM.Sc.Maghrebi2019-02-19
Experimental analysis and technical and economic comparison of MWCNT, MgO and graphene nanofluid in a solar collectorsHadeer Mudhafar Flayyih AlshihmaniM.Sc.Kianifar2019-02-19
Energy analysis transiently in the solar thermal storage system in phase change materials for building heatingReza BehshadFarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-02-19
Estimation of injection sites of nanoparticles and specific loss of power in magnetic hyperthermia in general coordinatesadel rezaeiM.Sc.Ayani2019-02-19
Numerical simulation of geothermal energy use by air channels inside the ground for building heatingHamed SoroushM.Sc.Moghiman2019-02-19
Design, Fabrication and exprimental investigation of an indirect parabolic solar cooker and system analysis from energy and exergy viewpointsAli Ahmadian yazdiM.Sc.Maghrebi2019-02-19
Design, fabrication and experimental characterization of diaphragm-based microvalves and micropumps with rectangular and half-elliptical cross-sectionsAmirhesam BanejadM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-02-19
Soft Tissue Growth Simulation Based on Stretch: Musculoskeletal SystemSaeid javadiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2019-02-19
Experimental study of electronic device cooling by using heatsink along with the pure water and SiC nanofluidMohammad Bagher MohammadzadehM.Sc.Ajam2019-02-19
The Study of the Effect of Multiple Phase change-Materials (multi-PCM) and Geometric Parameters on the Cooling Performance of the Energy Storage System in Building Using Effective Heat Capacity and Enthalpy-porosity Methodsmahdi lagzianM.Sc.Moghiman2019-02-19
Fault diagnosis based on model and dynamic behavior using computational intelligence methods Applied to the vehicle suspension systemmahdi shahabPhDMoavenian2019-02-28
The effect of mode coupling on chaos in friction induced vibration on disk brakeZahra SabourbanaeeM.Sc.Farshidianfar2019-03-05
Verification of Anisotropic minimum-dissipation (AMD) subgrid-scale model in single-phase and multi-phase flowsAMIR POUYAN ZAHIRIPhDRoohi2019-03-07
Experimental study on effect of overload on the fatigue crack growth rate and the crack initiation in AM60 magnesium alloySina Abbaszade HashemiM.Sc.Farhangdoost2019-03-11
Modelling and Energy and Exergy Analysis of Bandar Abbas Steam Power Plant Assuming Hybrid Preheating with the Help of Solar EnergyMostafa Zarei KaryaniM.Sc.Ghazikhani2019-03-12
Experimental investigation of the effect of using phase change material on the performance of an indirect solar cooker with parabolic collector: energy and exergy analysisSaleh AlizadehmomenM.Sc.Kianifar2019-03-14
Experimental study of the effects of metal-oxides and nonmetal-oxides nanofluids on a indirect solar cooker from the energy and exergy view pointsreza sadeghiradM.Sc.Kianifar2019-03-14
Investigation of the effect of nanotubes and graphene on the residual shear strength of adhesive joints in stainless steel 304hasan naji mehrM.Sc.Shariati2019-04-15
Analysis of the Experimental Data to Investigate Effects of the Bleed Entrance Area on the Performance of a Supersonic Air Intakemohammad ali maljaeeM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2019-05-01
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Air-In-cylinder Rotation on the Quality of Fuel-Air Intermixation in a Diesel Direct-Diesel EngineSaeed RahmanianM.Sc.Ghazikhani2019-05-07
Active impact damper with hybrid energy harvester:Experimental and numerical studyAhmad Saadati nasabM.Sc.Afsharfard2019-06-02
Convective Food Drying Analyses using Experiment and Lattice Boltzmann Methodhosein majdiPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2019-06-22
Optimization and Experimental Investigation using Iron Oxide 1% wt. as Nanofluid under Constant Magnetic Field on Heat Transfer Coefficient and Pressure Drop in a Helically Coiled Pipe with Constant Wall TemperatureMajid MohammadiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-06-30
Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from a Mechanically Coupled Structure Subjected to a Random Base ExcitationHamidreza MasoumiM.Sc.Moeenfard2019-07-01
Fabrication and Experimentation of Electrospun Nanofiber Membrane as a Drug-Delivery Sysytem to TendonMahdieh AlimohammadiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-07-06
Numerical Simulation of Accelerated Turbulent Water Flow on Flat Plate with Zero and Non-Zero Pressure GradientMehrnoosh KharghaniM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2019-07-09
Modeling and Manufacture of Three Screw Pump Rotorsmohammadrasoul torkzadM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-07-16
Effect of rampdown region on the mechanical strength and failure of foam sandwich panel with composite faceshamid babaee kashaniM.Sc.Shariati2019-07-17
Experimental and numerical analysis of ratcheting phenomenon of SS-304 elbow pipesPayam BazkhaneiM.Sc.Shariati2019-07-20
Crosswind Vehicle’s Stability with Active Wheel Angle Controller and Usage of Taguchi and Genetic AlgorithmSina Sadeghi NamaghiM.Sc.Moavenian2019-08-08
Design and construction of a wave energy converter using one-way and two-way rotating generators and numerical simulation of its simplified modelAli sangtarashM.Sc.Roohi2019-08-25
Numerical Analysis of Lag Plate in Fixation of Tibia FractureAtiyeh HosseinifakhrM.Sc.Tahani2019-09-04
Geometric Simulation of Surface Topography in Boring Operation in B-rep envirenment by ACISMohammad MehrabinasabM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-09-04
Optimization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell operation with internal reforming of methane through experimental analysisMostafa FarnakPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2019-09-08
Experimental study and Thermodynamic Analysis of The Effect of Corrugated Tubes on The Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangerskamel Milani ShirvanPhDMamourian2019-09-11
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Determination of Suitable Conditions for Bed Thickness and Heat Flux in Flat Bread Cooking MachineMohammad arab ansariM.Sc.Kianifar2019-09-11
Comparing three modeling methods for simulation unsteady airfoil consists pitch, plunge and flappinghanye azimiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2019-09-16
Numerical Investigation of Darrieus Wind Turbine performance on Highwaysadegh toudarbariM.Sc.Maghrebi2019-09-17
Active suspension system control using fuzzy reinforcement learningSeyed Ahmad Madani BojnordiM.Sc.Akbari2019-09-17
Experimental Investigation and Taguchi Method of Nanoparticle Type, Concentration, Surfactant and Test Chamber Material Effects on Solidification Characteristics of Blood, Jet Fuel and Water Based NanofluidsHoda AslaniPhDMoghiman2019-09-18
Numerical Simulation of Mixing Process in Induced-Charge Electrokinetic Micro-MixersMorteza NazariM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-09-18
Effects of the palm shape on the FUM hand prosthesis grasp performanceseyedreza kashef tabrizianM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2019-09-21
Three dimensional numerical simulation of circular lucid turbines and investigation of variation of hydrofoil parametersbehnam dashtiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2019-09-21
Design of a robotic lower limb prosthesis through Structural-Dynamical-Biomechanical OptimizationOmid KhanikiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2019-09-21
Nonlinear vibration analysis in compliant mechanisms with application in precise positioning systemsseyedehnafiseh raouf seyednezhadM.Sc.Farshidianfar2019-09-21
Aeroelastic stability analysis of rotating composite beam with uniform cross-section using Isogeometric and dimensional reduction methodsEsmaeel GhafariPhDRezaee Pazhand2019-09-22
Experimental investigation on flow downstream of a Triangular and square bluff body for use in vortex flow meter and flow angle measurement deviceehsan ardekaniM.Sc.Teymourtash2019-09-22
analytical investigation of the effect of viscous dissipation on heat transfer and entropy generation gaseous slip flow in a porous circular microtubeMohammad reza MalmirM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2019-09-22
Numerical investigation of the effect of using twisted tape on the performance of photovoltaic thermal systems from energy and exergy viewpointsnabaa kadhimM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-09-22
Two dimensional numerical simulation of Ni electrodeposition in the fluid flow of NiSO4mohammad amin shaafiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-09-22
Implementation of parallel tool path on T-spline surfaceMohammad Sadeghi pour marviM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-09-22
Advanced Exergy Analysis of a CCHP System in Single and Multi-Purpose Optimization with GAMS SoftwareSina AhmadiM.Sc.Niazmand2019-09-22
Isogeometric Analysis for Energy Harvesting from Tree Structure Vibration Caused by Wind Drag ForceSoheil GazeranM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2019-09-22
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of hail impact damage mechanisms on composite and composite reinforced nanoparticles sandwich plateShokoofeh DolatiPhDShariati2019-09-22
Numerical simulation of laser welding of dissimilar metalsAlireza EsmailianM.Sc.Ajam2019-09-22
Simulation and analysis of the effective parameters in employing PCMs on decreasing annual consumed energy based on Fanger comfort modelAmir EskandariM.Sc.Kianifar2019-09-22
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of rarefied gas flow in slip and transient regime inside a stepped micro-nano channel using two relaxation timesEhsan Kamali AhangarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-09-22
Design and Optimization of Assistive Body Weight Support Exoskeleton Robot with Two Active Degrees of FreedomAlireza MohajerM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2019-09-22
Fault Detection of Rotating Machinery Using Fuzzy Logic and SVMsepideh faghihniatorshiziM.Sc.Moeenfard2019-09-22
Modeling and Advanced Exergy Analysis of Power, Heater and Freshwater Cogeneration CycleMohammad VafaeiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2019-09-22
Experimental study of the effects of FGR on radiation and NOx emissions in energy-producing furnaces from natural gasiman taghvaeiM.Sc.Moghiman2019-09-22
Numerical study and optimization of thermal and fluid characteristics and entropy generation rate of fluid flow in wavy microchannel heat sinksSaeed RabieiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2019-09-22
Study Numerical and Optimization of the Influence of Thickness of the Porous Area Adjacent to fins of a Cylindrical heat sink microchannel on Thermal and Flow Characteristicsmohammad khakiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2019-09-22
Numerical Investigation of Thermal and Fluidic Performance of a Curved Trapizoidal Vortex Generator with holesRANA ALJZAEERIM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2019-10-20
Experimental investigation on the effect of graphene nanofluid on the performance of the hybrid system including sollar collector and photovoltaic-thermal systemMilad YousefiM.Sc.Kianifar2019-10-23
Experimental and numerical study of the effect of carbon based nanofluids and the existence of fins in collectors on the performance of a photovoltaic thermal systemAmmar Alwan Sywan AlshaheenPhDKianifar2019-10-30
Heat transfer enhancement of using Cu-Water Nanofluid and rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe in a Horizontal Double-Tube Heat ExchangerReza Safari BorjiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2019-10-30
Experimental and numerical investigation of cooling system enhancement of oil transformer using oil based nanofluid and geometry variationLeyla RaeisianPhDNiazmand2019-11-13
Experimental study of the effect of reservoir electrode shape on reproducibility of dispensed droplets using electrowetting methodOmid Shekari AshkezariM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2019-11-24
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ratcheting Behavior on Corroded Steel Elbow JointsABOLFAZL MORADIM.Sc.Shariati2019-11-28
Numerical Simulation and Performance Comparison of Sprinkler and Water Mist Systems in Extinguishment of Gas, Liquid and Solid Based Fuels in an Enclosed SpaceHamid Reza ArminM.Sc.Moghiman2019-12-01
Experimental study and numerical simulation of the circular hydraulic jump on the convex and concave target platesAhmad SaberiPhDMahpeykar2019-12-05
Size-Dependent Pull-In Instability Analysis of Micro-Cantilevers Immersed in Liquid Electrolytes under the Effect of Mechanical Shockseyed mohammad mousavian kheyrabadiM.Sc.Tahani2019-12-07
Three dimensional simulation of flow over projectiles at different angles of cavitator using theoretical and numerical methodsali navegiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2019-12-08
Static and Vibrational Isogeometric Analysis of Free-Form Laminated Composite Shells Covered with Piezoelectric Layers and Shape Optimization of ShellsSajjad NikoeiPhDHassani2019-12-11
Experimental investigation of solar steam generation by nanotechnology and natural materialsmohammad mustafa ghafoorianPhDNiazmand2019-12-13
Design and analysis of flight adaptive morphing wings by using cellular materials inside the wingMohsen MilanyM.Sc.Hassani2020-01-20
Numerical Study of the Effect of Structural and Operational Parameters on Non-Premixed Combustion of Natural Gas in Industrial Tube Burnermahdi niknam azodiM.Sc.Moghiman2020-01-22
Enhancement of Dynamic Behavior of Rotor-Bearing System with Smart Supportsmohammed alhusseinPhDRezaee Pazhand2020-01-25
Numerical investigation on the impact of inlet parameters on the Invelox performanceAli FarokhzadeM.Sc.Maghrebi2020-02-04
Numerical Study of the Effect of Forwards Wedge Vortex Generator and its Optimization on the Wing with Naca 2412 Airfoil Section Along with Experimental Test in Wind Tunnelhasan abolghasemiM.Sc.Roohi2020-02-08
Evaluation of Nonlinear Vortex-Induced Vibrations on a Two-DOF OscillatorAli AjilianMomtazPhDFarshidianfar2020-02-12
Analyses of Entropy Generation and Multi-Objective Optimization of Porous Media Burneriman mohammadiPhDAjam2020-02-17
Ratcheting behavior analysis of thin-walled stainless steel SS316 pipe Subjected to cyclic internal pressureReza KarimiM.Sc.Shariati2020-02-17
Simulation of the effect of nanoparticles on combustion behavior, pollutant production and fuel consumption for liquid fuelshadi shamsianM.Sc.Moghiman2020-02-17
Effect of sonication time on stability of nanofluid and solar steam productionzohreh AkbariM.Sc.Niazmand2020-02-19
Numerical study of laminar flow in a peristaltic micropump with TPU diaphragms using rectangular and semi oval cross sections of equal areaseyedjamal vakiliM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2020-02-19
Numerical investigation and Parametric study of development of radial flow and Heat transfer from an isothermal cylindrical block due to turbulent confined impinging jet.Mahdi Alabeiki NaeiniM.Sc.Teymourtash2020-02-19
Two dimention simulation of shale gas flow using Direct Simulation Mont Carlohossein chambariM.Sc.Roohi2020-02-19
Numerical Simulation of 2D Electroosmotic Mixing Flows in Horizontal Four-way Microchannel Using Lattice Boltzmann MethodMaedeh AsadiM.Sc.Niazmand2020-02-19
Experimental Study of Solar Steam Generation Using Magnetic NanoparticlesBAHAREH BAKHSH ZAHMATKESHM.Sc.Niazmand2020-02-19
Comparison of BESO with other Topology Optimization MethodsAHMED MAJID FARHAN AL ATTABIM.Sc.Abolbashari2020-03-02
Effect of Vacancy Defects on Mechanical Properties of Nanolayered Cu-Graphene Composites: A Molecular Dynamics StudyIman BayatM.Sc.Shariati2020-03-03
Numerical- Experimental analysis and Multi-objective optimization process quality parameters of friction stir welding aluminum alloy 7075jafar langariPhDKolahan2020-03-11
Introducing a mechanism with rotating and translating plates as a breakwater and energy harvestermarjan norooziM.Sc.Tahani2020-04-08
Experimental and numerical simulation of the effective parameters on the efficency of an air separation unit and feasibility for small scale liquified natural gas unitsAli GhazikhaniPhDMamourian2020-04-22
Particle migration in elasto-inertial microfluidic systems and fabrication of unconventional microchannelsMohammadamin RaoufiPhDNiazmand2020-04-29
Analysis of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in CNT and graphene-based mass sensors using the nonlocal strain gradient modelMassoud MirPhDTahani2020-05-16
Numerical simulation and analysis of flame and smoke expansion and parameters affecting fire extinguishing speed in cinema hall using Pyrosim softwareMahsa VakilianzandM.Sc.Moghiman2020-05-19
Determination of optimum cross section of Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine with optimum aerodynamic conditionsmohsen kazemiM.Sc.Maghrebi2020-05-20
Free Vibration Analysis of Curvilinearly Stiffened Shells using Finite Element MethodAli ZarandiM.Sc.Hassani2020-06-06
Numerical Investigation on Installed Rod in Front of Vertical Axis Wind Trubine with Antisymmetrical BladeJavad Farahmand aminM.Sc.Maghrebi2020-06-20
Thermo-economic analysis of the supercritical CO2 solar Brayton cycle installation in natural gas pressure reduction stationsAmir Hossein Shokouhi TabriziM.Sc.Niazmand2020-06-22
Determination of the tubular material properties of SUS316 stainless steel based on the GTN damage criterionsafieh ahmadiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2020-07-01
Experimental and Numerical study of Enhancement of Thermal Energy Storage in a Plate Heat ExchangerHasanain Jabbar Abed JuaiferPhDAyani2020-08-05
Numerical investigation of simultaneous effect of fuel bed slope, fuel moisture content and wind velocity on wildfire characteristicsMina KazemiM.Sc.Moghiman2020-08-10
Evaluation of bituminous concrete distress using acoustic testpoorya Ghasemi ZadeM.Sc.Afsharfard2020-09-02
Numerical analysis of the process of drying gypsum boardMahdi AlizadehM.Sc.Ajam2020-09-09
Free vibration analysis of 1-DOF systems equipped with multiple-mass impact damper by various layoutsHossein SafaeifarPhDFarshidianfar2020-09-09
Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of a Parallelogram Flexure MechanismMajid Baradaran AkbarzadehM.Sc.Moeenfard2020-09-12
Investigation of the two-phase steam flow in the convergent-divergent nozzle and steam turbine cascade blades using inside plates for reducing the produced liquid phaseAmir KafaeiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2020-09-15
Numerical study of local entropy generation of 2D turbulent buoyant impinging jet in a cylindrical tankmohammad hasan karbalaei shahrbabakM.Sc.Ajam2020-09-16
Role of the motion of the walls in the flow and heat transfer between two vertical concentric cylinders along with suction and injectionAli ShakibaPhDBradaran Rahimi2020-09-19
Investigation of Osteoporotic Bone Remodelling Around Orthopaedic Screwssadegh farsiM.Sc.Tahani2020-09-21
Flow analysis on wing with leading and training edge by cross section of NACA 0012 in low Reynolds number by using four equation turbulence model SSTaref jalali dilM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2020-09-21
simulation of vibration and surface roughness in boring processmostafa ebrahimiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2020-09-21
numerical investigation of air conditioning in super container and solution to Prevent corrosion due to chlorine gasDaniel L EsfahaniM.Sc.Ayani2020-09-21
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of rarefied gas flow with heat transfer in stepped microchannelBehzad GholamiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2020-09-23
Numerical and experimental simulation of the effect of diffrent parameters on weld quality in friction spot stir weldingreza rahimipoorM.Sc.Ayani2020-09-24
Developing a novel hybrid Fokker Plank-direct simulation Monte Carlo (FP-DSMC) algorithm for modeling rarefied gas flowَAmirmehran MahdavishahriPhDRoohi2020-09-27
An Experimental Investigation on Fatigue Behavior, Finite Element Simulation, Reinforcing Methods, and Identifying Damage Mechanism of Al-GFRP Bonded Lap Joints Under Bending LoadPedram ZamaniPhDJaamialahmadi2020-10-12
Aerodynamic investigation of twist angle variation based on wing smarting for a flying wingruhollah karimiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2020-10-15
Simulation of jet fan performance on smoke management in underground parking firesSahar HassansahebM.Sc.Moghiman2020-10-17
Multiscale static analysis of polymer matrix composites using the progressive damage approachEhsan NemanM.Sc.Tahani2020-10-19
Two-dimensional numerical investigation of the effective parameters on thermal performance of triplex heat exchanger containing enhanced phase change materials with metal-based nanoparticles in melting and solidification processAli AlShammariM.Sc.Kianifar2020-10-20
Numerical investigation of mixed convection of heat sinks with wavey finssaman sadrabadi haghighiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2020-10-21
Performance optimization of pipe heat exchanger equipped with sinusoidal inserts with alternating axis using Taguchi methodMehrdad PoursadeghM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2020-10-21
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Supercavitating Flow and Investigation of Effective ParametersMohammad Reza ErfanianPhDMoghiman2020-10-21
Modeling and simulation of the efficiency of cellulose filters for air purification using artificial neural networksSareh SheykhM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2020-11-15
Effect of a rotating sphere on heat transfer of AL2O3 fluid filled in a square containerseyed javad mousavipourM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2021-01-06
Analysis of Energy Absorption Behavior of Bi-layer Cups Under Quasi-static and Impact Loadingmohammadali ghasemabadianPhDKadkhodayan2021-01-20
Numerical study of the effect of geometric parameters of Trombe wall and PCM type on the performance of a heating system in a two-dimensional roomAMIR HOSSEIN TAVAKKOL AFSHARIM.Sc.Kianifar2021-02-08
3D Analytical - Numerical Simulation of Polygonal Hydraulic JumpAli EsmaeeliPhDPassandideh-Fard2021-02-13
Analysis and Modeling of Quality Parameters of Kerf Width and Burr in Fiber Laser Cutting Process for SS 316L, Ti Gr.1, C276Saeed MarandiM.Sc.Farshidianfar2021-02-14
A numerical and experimental study on improvement in thermal performance of bladed pin finsZahra TarokhM.Sc.Ayani2021-02-15
Grasping force optimization for tendon hand using linear and nonlinear friction constraints for grasping 3d objects with frictional contact pointsMaryam DavariM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2021-02-15
Numerical Study of the Effect of Winglet on Aerodynamic Performance of Simple Rectangular wing and Sinusoidal Leading-edgemahdi naderinezhadM.Sc.Djavareshkian2021-02-16
Analysis, Design and Fabrication of Self-Deployable and Self-Foldable Structures Made of Shape Memory Alloy NiTi Using Origamireza khorramabadiPhDRezaee Pazhand2021-02-16
Analysis of elastic and coupled thermoelastic waves propagation in axial symmetrical geometries constructed by functionally graded materials under mechanical and thermal shock loading using the isogeometric approachahmad yavariPhDAbolbashari2021-02-17
Design and Development of a New Spline Milling tool and Experimental Investigation of Its Aplication in Cutting Hardened Steel ShaftsAlireza Alije Baf KhiabaniM.Sc.Ghandehariun2021-02-17
Application of tuned mass damper for reducing undesired vibration of 6-DOF-robot; an experimental and numerical studyHamed SadeghiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2021-02-18
Numerical analysis of solar still with condenserMaryam AbolhasannejadM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2021-02-18
Numerical Solution and optimization of NACA 0009 airfoil with bumps inspired from the surface of shark skinReza Mirzaei ArjenakiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2021-02-18
Analysis of adhesive-mechanical joints between metal and compositesJavad RezapourM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2021-02-18
Thermomechanical analysis and fatigue life prediction for an automobile brake discMostafa SaberiM.Sc.Ekhteraei Toussi2021-02-18
Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Thermal Stress Flow Between Concentric Elliptical CylindersSepehr RafieeNasabM.Sc.Teymourtash2021-02-18
Integeration of numerical control and computer aided design in 2D sketchingMehrdad SadeghiehM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-02-18
Development of a collision algorithm in DSMC method and its investigation on Micro/Nano and hypersonic flowsAhmad ShojasaniPhDRoohi2021-02-18
Numerical Simulation of Al2O3 Nanofluid Flow in Wavy Heat sinks with Rectangular RibHamed HamediM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2021-02-18
Simulation of epoxy flow in integrated Circuit Encapsulation processreza shokhmkarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2021-02-18
Simulation of RCCI engine using AVL Fire software and comparison of its efficiency and pollutants with diesel engineAmir AminiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2021-02-18
Design and manufacture of 2D sketching device and drawing using B-spline interpolation algorithmSeyedMohammadReza MofidiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-02-18
Numerical Modeling of the Fracture phenomenon using the M-integral method in samples with a crack in 2024 aluminum alloyAfshin KhatammaneshM.Sc.Farhangdoost2021-02-18
An assessment of dynamic behavior of human tibia bone using experimental modal analysisEhsan MoghaddamM.Sc.Afsharfard2021-02-18
modeling and optimization of width to depth ratio in active tig welding by using regression method and SA algorithmengineer emad parvaneh M.Sc.Kolahan2021-02-18
The experimental study and modeling of the effect of fins and phase change material on the performance of solar stillHashim Sahar Mohaisen MohaisenPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2021-02-18
Analytical modeling of an integrated hydrogen production system including micro-reformer and micro-combustorMostafa PouraliPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2021-02-24
Effects of INVELOX outlet geometry on wind turbine efficiency using numerical simulationali anbarsoozM.Sc.Maghrebi2021-02-25
Modeling of Flange Joints Using Middle Thin-Layer Method and Model UpdatingAbbasali RamshiniM.Sc.Afsharfard2021-03-06
Numerical study of flow control affected by roughness elements on the protuberances wingHossein JabbariM.Sc.Djavareshkian2021-03-14
Effect of Rotating Cylinder on Heat Transfer in a Square Chamber Filled with Al2O3 NanofluidANMAR SARRAYM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2021-03-16
Optimal design of FG and biodegradable orthopedic plates for internal fixation of tibial fracture using the mechanobiology of bone healing algorithmsYousof MohandesPhDTahani2021-04-12
Investigating the Quasi-Static Behavior of Viscoelastic Curved Microbeam considering Scale Effect and Internal DampingEhsan Akrami NiaPhDEkhteraei Toussi2021-04-19
Modeling of Timoshenko Energy Harvester Under Random Excitationsaeed zanjani shirvanM.Sc.Moeenfard2021-04-24
Numerical and experimental study of the effect of variation diameter ratio with the elliptic cross sectional areanastaran zohooriM.Sc.Ayani2021-04-29
Leading edge radius effects on VAWT performance‏navid davandehM.Sc.Maghrebi2021-05-09
The Effects of Surface Heating on the Performance Parameters in Wet Steam Turbine Cascadejalal salimiM.Sc.Teymourtash2021-05-12
Numerical study of thermal and hydraulic performance in a hybrid wavy microchannel heat sink and the effect of fin on chip's temperature reductionZeynab BagheriM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2021-05-24
Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flow in a Filteration Cell at Mesoscopic ScaleEhsan DavarpanahPhDTeymourtash2021-05-29
Simulation of non-Fourier temperature distribution in liver tissue under nonlinear HIFU radiation in presence of significant blood vesselAli Karimi RoknabadiM.Sc.Ayani2021-06-07
Three-dimensional numerical study of the factors affecting the performance of photovoltaic thermal system with phase change materials from the energy and exergy viewpointshashim alshuwailiM.Sc.Kianifar2021-06-15
Heat Transfer Improvment in Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger Using NanofluidNOOR SALEH SHAMKHI ALMOHEIYM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2021-06-30
Investigation of the effect of adding clay nanoparticles on corrugated composite sandwich beams under static and fatigue bending loadHosein ReyhaniM.Sc.Shariati2021-07-07
Experimental study of the ground effect on the aerodynamic performance of the flapping wings in hovering and forward flightMostafa ArastehM.Sc.Djavareshkian2021-07-07
Numerical and experimental study of the home flatbread bakinghadi afkarPhDKianifar2021-07-07
Investigation of vibration behavior of plate converter plates and their reduction by means of acoustic and ultrasonic stimulationHassan AbediM.Sc.Afsharfard2021-07-14
Acoustic Emission Techniques for the Damage Detection, Localization and Assessment in Plateshervin samadiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2021-07-18
Online detection of beginning threshold Chatter vibration during milling of flexible partsHosam ShadoudM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-07-28
Simulation of fire and smoke spread and smoke visibility in YAS residential complex and simulation of emergency evacuation of residentsIrandokht KhanjaniM.Sc.Moghiman2021-07-31
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Using Ethyl Ether-acetaldehyde Solution In a Solar-driven Absorption Chiller Integrated with a Parabolic Trough Solar ConcentratorMOHAMMED ALMULTASHIPhDMoghiman2021-07-31
Investigation of Thermally-Driven Flow in Triangular Cavity in Rarefied Regime using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Techniquemostafa MoosivandM.Sc.Roohi2021-08-14
Numerical investigation of speed ratio improvement as a function of INVELOX inlet geometryYasin SaeednezhadM.Sc.Kianifar2021-09-09
Analysis and Simulation of the trajectory of a weather Balloon in Jet Streamsmostafa mohammadianM.Sc.Maghrebi2021-09-13
Rotating Circular Cylinder Effects on Flow and Convective Heat Transfer of Copper Nanofluid in an Inclined 2D Lid Driven Cavity using Thermal Lattice Boltzmann MethodAli GolmakaniM.Sc.Teymourtash2021-09-16
Design and optimization of the 3-RRS spatial parallel robot based on the kinematic and dynamic indicesMahdi GhorbaniM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2021-09-16
Numerical study of the effect of Mashhad weather conditions on electrical and thermal performance of a photovoltaic thermal system equipped with an energy storage chambermajid al-rubaiawiM.Sc.Kianifar2021-09-16
Aerodynamic Performance Improvement of a Wind Turbine using Blowing Air Jet and Taguchi Optimizationmorteza mohammadiPhDMaghrebi2021-09-18
Optimization of melting and solidification process of phase change materials in a four-tube thermal energy storage unit using surface response methodAmirHossein sefidgarM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2021-09-18
Numerical investigation of the effect of a rotating circular obstacle on nanofluid heat transfer in a 2D channel using lattice Boltzmann methodHadi NajarzadehM.Sc.Teymourtash2021-09-19
Musculoskeletal modeling of the human arm with improved control algorithms to simulate human behaviorsAmin ValizadehPhDAkbari2021-09-20
Comparison of the effects of adding nanoclay and graphene on the impact strength of epoxy resinAli SoltaninejadM.Sc.Shariati2021-09-21
Experimental investigation and thermodynamic analysis of the simultaneous effects of fan, nanofluids, and nano-enhanced phase change materials on the electronic coolingalireza aldaghiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2021-09-22
Investigating the effect of the distance between perforated plate and porous media on the radiant efficiency of porous burners with internal combustionseyed mohammad vahidhosseiniPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2021-09-22
The Experimental Investigation of Performance, Exergy and Emission of an Indirect Injection Compression Ignition Engine by Adding Diesel Vapor into the Inlet ManifoldMohsen BashiPhDGhazikhani2021-09-22
Aero-Thermal Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Bladehaniye keramatiM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2021-09-22
Production of hybrid Carbon-Graphene nanoparticles and its application in heat exchangersomid ramezani azghandiPhDMaghrebi2021-09-22
Application of high order numerical schemes in pressure-based algorithm based on WENO family to capture discontinuities in compressible flowsMojtaba BalajPhDDjavareshkian2021-09-22
Modeling and optimization of abrasive water jet process parameters for cutting stainless steel AISI 304 in order to improving surface roughnessShahin HosseiniM.Sc.Abolbashari2021-09-22
investigation of the effect of ecap on mechanical behavior of micro-nano tubes with mandrellelahe sanatiM.Sc.Shariati2021-09-27
Numerical study of the effect of block insert and catalytic walls geometry on combustion of hydrogen-air premixed combustion in a planar micro-combustion chamberali salari nejadM.Sc.Moghiman2021-10-03
Modeling vehicles random vibrations for improving ride comfortVAHID RIAZITEHRANIM.Sc.Moeenfard2021-10-03
Comparative study of preconditioning schemes in wide range of internal and external flowsMahdi Moghadas KhorasaniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2021-10-09
numerical study of effect of channel internal surface geometry and porous area thickness on heat transfer characteristics in a double-layer microchannelIman GhorbaniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2021-10-16
Experimental Investigation of Flow Control on an Oscillating Airfoil Using Plasma ActuatorAbbas DaliriPhDMaghrebi2021-10-19
Simulation and Control of Electromagnetic Actuator with ARM Microcontroller in Fatigue Test MachineMehran Mozaffari joveinM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-10-19
Study of the effects of geometric parameters of gurney flap on Darrieus wind turbine with straight bladesAmirhomayoun HashemzadeM.Sc.Maghrebi2021-10-20
Experimental and numerical a new method of cutting thin-walled pipeMEHRAN GHIYASIM.Sc.Akbari2021-10-20
Design, analysis, construction of a square device Voice coil motor with static force PID controllerehsan eiziM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-10-20
Energy, exergy and economic analysis and optimization of CAES system (compressed air energy storage) on a small scale for simultaneous production of work and cooling at peak timedavood abdikermaniM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2021-10-21
Laboratory study and numerical simulation of the effect of different ratios of biodiesel-diesel fuel composition on combustion performance and production of pollutants in liquid fuel burnersmohammadali gazeriM.Sc.Moghiman2021-10-21
Optimization and Inverse Design of the Blades of an Axial Turbine StageSafa EsmaeiliM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2021-10-21
Dynamic parameters identification of Inertia VCA for force control with STM32F746ZGSeyyed Alireza Davodi NavokhM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2021-10-21
Cylindrical Two-dimesional Numerical modeling in cancerous tissue in presence of significant blood vessel Using Non-FourierModelAmirmasoud taj abadiM.Sc.Ayani2021-10-21
Numerical investigation and optimization of mixing phenomenon using Taguchi method in a passive square-wave micromixer with obstaclessaman BalouchnejadM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2021-10-22
Numerical investigation of external wind effect on Smoke propagation in high-rise buildings stairwellAhmad FaeziM.Sc.Niazmand2021-11-10
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of damage due to lateral impact on the buckling load from axially compressed in composite cylindershamidreza shareiM.Sc.Shariati2021-11-10
Numerical Simulation of 2D laminar and turbulent flow around the aerodynamic cross-sections using the curved boundary lattice Boltzmann methodAlireza MirakimoudM.Sc.Djavareshkian2021-11-15
Study of the effect of geometric variables on entropy generation in a pillow plate heat exchangerammar alkaabiM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2021-11-20
Numerical Investigation of HAWT Performance with Respec to Partial Transmission of Blade Mid-Span Airfoil To Blade Tip and Root AreasAli Khazal Fanwsh AlzobaidiM.Sc.Maghrebi2021-12-01
Investigation of geometric and rotation of a disk on the surface of AL2O3 fluidEsmaeil ShamelM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2021-12-14
Vibrations of a Variable Cross-Section Thick Beam with Eccentric Rotating Intermediate MassesMehrdad Noei AghaeiPhDMoeenfard2021-12-21
Modeling of adsorption desalination system to investigate the effect of shell-tube condenser heat exchanger design parameters on cycle performanceAlireza Jafary pourM.Sc.Niazmand2021-12-23
Numerical simulation of combustion and production of contaminants for biomass fuel in a cyclonie furnaceAhmed AlkinaniM.Sc.Moghiman2022-01-19
Numerical comparison of emissions of soot pollutants, nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbons from the combustion of three fuels: fuel oil, diesel and natural gas in power plant boilersMOHAMMED ALSHAHERM.Sc.Moghiman2022-01-29
Experimental Study of Effects of the hydroxy gas injection (HHO) on emission production of a diesel engine at idling conditionmohammad sabeghiM.Sc.Moghiman2022-01-31
Attenuation vibration resulted from moving load using MR damper and fuzzy controllersMOHAMMADMAHDI JAVADIM.Sc.Moeenfard2022-02-02
Design of impact damper for suppressing vibrations of the rotary systemsSeyed Siavash Hoseinpour M.Sc.Afsharfard2022-02-12
Numerical investigations on the effects of the return channel geometry on the aerodynamic performance of a multistage centrifugal compressormohammadreza safariM.Sc.Niazmand2022-02-12
Reliability-Based Design Optimization of Structures under Buckling LoadArmin NasrollahiM.Sc.Abolbashari2022-02-14
Numerical study of the growth of the Rime and Glaze ices along the rectangular and sinusoidal leading edge wingsFarzan HaghianM.Sc.Djavareshkian2022-02-17
Two-dimensional simulation of solid bodies interaction with a liquid free-surface using lattice Boltzmann methodSoroush Fallah KharmianiPhDNiazmand2022-02-17
Improve solid oxide fuel cell performance by corrugating anode and cathode surfacesZahra GhasemiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2022-02-19
Identification of effective factors on evacuation in case of fire and the optimal evacuation method by using computer simulationZohreh BahmaniM.Sc.Moghiman2022-02-19
Multiscale Modelling of Multilayered Graphene-Polymer Nanoplate Using Corrected-Combined Continuum TheoriesAmin AnjomshoaPhDHassani2022-02-19
Investigating of simultaneous effect of activating fluxes and adjusting variables on process characteristics in gas tungsten arc welding processMasoud Azadi MoghaddamPhDKolahan2022-02-20
Free vibration analysis of carbon nanocomposite beams using the finite element methodMOHAMMADREZA KARIMIANM.Sc.Abolbashari2022-03-02
Design and manufacturing of microwave vacuum dryer and its performance for fruitsehsan peidaieM.Sc.Ayani2022-03-03
Analysis of Surface Quality in Low Frequency Vibration Assisted DrillingAmirhossein ErfaniM.Sc.Ghandehariun2022-03-05
Performance Optimization of a Mixed-Compression Supersonic Air Intakemahvash hashemiM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2022-03-08
Application of the Non Standard Finite Difference Method for vibration Analysis of Cables, Rods, Shafts and Nonlinear ProblemsMohammad ShadkamiPhDAbolbashari2022-03-09
Experimental study, numerical modeling and optimization of the effect of using twisted tape insert on the performance of a photovoltaic thermal systemmohammadreza kalatehPhDKianifar2022-03-09
Investigation of the effect of crack on nonlinear aero-thermo-elastic behavior of platesseyed saeed mozafareiyanPhDRezaee Pazhand2022-03-09
Numerical Study and Parametric Study of Porous Media on Naca ۰۰۱۲ AirfoilMasoud Sedigh poorM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2022-03-09
Optimization of the pitch to cord ratio for a cascade turbine blade in wet steam flow by considering the criteria of the losses, efficiency, wetness fraction and average droplet radius by using a genetic algorithmmohamadreza aghdasiM.Sc.Teymourtash2022-03-09
Elastic Behavior of I-section Beam with Sinusoidal Corrugated Websiavash foroughiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2022-03-09
Experimental and statistical analysis and sustainability investigation of electrical discharge machining of corrosion-resistant metalsmohammadreza saberiM.Sc.Ghandehariun2022-03-15
Experimental study on the effects of position of ultrasonic transducer and electric heater on the natural convection heat transferFaezeh NajafiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2022-03-16
An Experimental Investigation on Compression Ignition Engine Performance and Emissions Fueled by Algae Biodiesel – Diesel Blendsmohammed al-zubaidiM.Sc.Hatami2022-04-24
Experimental study of vibration behavior and absorber design for two thousand watt wind turbinesAMIR SALEHIANM.Sc.Afsharfard2022-04-24
Simulating the aero optic phenomenon and investigating optical deviation around the optical in different airborne systemsmahyar najafianM.Sc.Esmaeili2022-06-26
Numerical study of the effect of excess air injected radially and radially-axially on flame behavior and pollutants production in a furnace fueled with methaneMohammad Hossein JamalkhooM.Sc.Moghiman2022-06-27
Design, fabrication and experimental characterization of integrated micromixer with two parallel diaphragm-based diffuser/nozzle micropumpsElias RamezaniFardM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2022-07-11
Numerical investigation of stepped airfoil effects on performance of straight-bladed Darrieus vertical axis wind turbineehsan kabiriM.Sc.Maghrebi2022-07-19
: Evaluation of different Lattice Boltzmann Models for capillary flow simulationnavid rahnamaM.Sc.Maghrebi2022-07-19
Simulation of J-shaped straight-bladed Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine with continous variation in blade pitch angleMohammad Ali ModarresM.Sc.Maghrebi2022-08-10
Numerical and experimental investigation on the two-phase flow distribution in the cathode side manifold of a PEM fuel cell stackAhmad Rezaei SangtabiPhDKianifar2022-08-13
Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis and Trajectory Control with Fuzzy Systems for a 6 DOF Hexapteron Parallel RobotPouriya PourgholamM.Sc.Moeenfard2022-08-14
Parametric Study of Split-Drag System at Different Angles of Attack and Comparison between Crow Flap System and Split-Drag in a Prototype Flying Wing UAVafshin madaniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2022-08-28
Analytical and numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer from rotating sphere around vertical axis floating in a Newtonian stationary fluidsajjad safarzadePhDBradaran Rahimi2022-09-05
Large Eddy Simulation of Cavitating Flow around a Pitching Hydrofoil NACA 66 (mod)Maziyar GhasemnejadM.Sc.Roohi2022-09-08
Studying the Effect of Adding Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles on the Low-Velocity Impact Energy Absorption of Polymer-Based Nanocomposites ExperimentallySalar Samadi SemnaniM.Sc.Shariati2022-09-10
Numerical simulation of hydrogen production in a porous solar-based propane steam reformer and optimization with response surface methodHosein JahangirM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2022-09-10
Static and vibrational analysis of micro-compliant mechanisms using modified strain gradient theory and beam constraint modelMohammad ArhamiPhDMoeenfard2022-09-15
Design of Vibro-Impact Energy Harvester, Based on Frequency Up-Conversion at Low-Frequency ExciterShahryar Nazari AbkenarM.Sc.Afsharfard2022-09-19
Performance improvement of infinite wavy wings compared to the traditional wing in pre and post-stall conditions by Response Surface optimization MethodAmirfarhang NikkhooM.Sc.Esmaeili2022-09-20
Calculation of thermodynamic properties of natural gas using four measurable properties including: temperature, pressure, speed of sound and Joule Thomson coefficientMorteza BaghestaniM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2022-09-20
Experimental study of the effect of opening size and position around the crack on fatigue crack growth in the Mixed-modeSajjad SedaghatM.Sc.Shariati2022-09-21
Experimental analysis of ratcheting behavior of thin-walled SS316L pipe under cyclic internal pressure and cyclic bending momentSEYED QAFFAR SAGHIM.Sc.Shariati2022-09-21
Numerical Investigation of wavy fins effect on Hydro-thermal Performance of water/Al2O3 Nanofluid in Laminar Flow through Straight Minichannel HeatsinkAmirhossein GhorbaniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2022-09-21
Quadruple analysis -energy, exergy, economic and environmental- of electricity supply of a village -independent of the network- using solar and wind energy with compressed air storagearash aghaeeM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2022-09-22
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ratcheting Behavior in Seamless Elbow Pipe Made of Carbon Steel under Constant Internal Pressure and in-Plane Cyclic BendingShahab Kamel abbasniaM.Sc.Shariati2022-09-22
Investigation of AUSM family schemes in viscous and inviscid, symmetric and Axisymmetric flowsAli GhorbaniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2022-09-22
Nondestructive damage estimation in plates using magnetic flux leakageAmir GolestanehM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2022-09-22
Numerical simulation and investigation of lucid spherical cross-axis flow for in pipe turbine and the effect of different parameters of blades on its performanchamidreza zareiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2022-09-22
Design and optimization of Bragg Grating Sensor for structural health monitoring applicationsahar zohoorian mayaniM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2022-09-22
Design and fabrication of a microfluidic system equipped with a solo-valve pneumatic peristaltic micropump and investigating the effect of actuation frequency and pressure on the system’s functionalityAmir Reza AmeriM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2022-09-22
Design and calculation of active dynamic absorber to reduce chatter in boring barNahid Zabih HosseinianM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2022-09-22
Shock train control using plasma actuatorsMohammadreza FathiM.Sc.Roohi2022-09-22
Numerical modeling of fruit drying under microwave vacuum conditionsali sayyafM.Sc.Ayani2022-09-22
Modelling of geometrical, metallurgical, and mechanical characteristics of laser cutting and laser welding processSeyedeh Fatemeh NabaviPhDFarshidianfar2022-09-22
Phases separation for the two-dimensional flow of non-Newtonian fluid in horizontal junction using the Random Vortex MethodYaser NooriPhDTeymourtash2022-09-28
Statistical analysis and optimization of A-TIG process by investigating the effects of activating flux compounds and welding input parameters on the depth of penetration and width of the weld bead by response surface methodologyMAHDI MAZLOOM FARSIBAFM.Sc.Kolahan2022-10-10
Investigation on the blade profile of the low specific speed centrifugal pumpSaeed Saleh KashaniM.Sc.Teymourtash2022-10-17
Design and Analysis of Hip Assist Exoskeleton Robot with Variable Stiffness ActuatorMilad Ghafary ShirvanM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2022-10-17
Improvement of Darrieus VAWT performance with variation in trailing edge thicknesssajjad elhaisaharM.Sc.Maghrebi2022-10-18
Designing and developing a polishing test platform with an ability to control vertical force and speed of polishing processahmad paranidehM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2022-10-20
Tri-cone bits design improvement by changing geometrical parameters for south-western formations of IranHASSAN MOHAMMADI MAJDPhDHassani2022-10-22
Development of the optimal model for the simultaneous production of water and electricity from heat losses of low temperature sources from the perspective of 4E analysis based on the ORC cyclereza jafariPhDBradaran Rahimi2022-10-22
Design and Manufacturing of Porous Cylindrical Prosthesis by Metal 3D Printing Method and Experimental-Numerical Investigation of Its Permeability for Using in Tissue EngineeringMohammadsaeed Qomi AviliM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2022-10-22
Numerical study the effect of the perforated sinusoidal turbulator on heat transfer and pressure drop in heat exchanger pipesSoheil Rafe SheikhiM.Sc.Ajam2022-10-22
Investigation of the adding nano zinc oxide effect on tires used in transportation industries in order to improve mechanical and thermal properties and reduce environmental pollutionHussein JasimM.Sc.Kolahan2022-11-10
Parametric analysis and statistical modeling of laser welding of a thin-walled stainless pipe under fatigue loading of internal cyclic pressureAlireza NikravanPhDKolahan2022-12-21
Experimental Study of the Performance of Improved Iranian traditional wind turbine with Horizontal Hinged Blades and Comparison with Savonius turbineMohammad Keyhani YazdiM.Sc.Teymourtash2022-12-26
Aerodynamics optimization of wing body aircraft using optimization methods in combination with adjoint solver and LES approach methodmohammad javad ebrahimiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2023-01-03
Numerical evaluation of annual performance of the combined photovoltaic thermal system and solar collector in the Mashhad city weather conditions from energy, exergy, and environmental (3E) viewpointsSameer Teref Al AridheeM.Sc.Moghiman2023-02-02
Modeling of coupled desalination and cooling system in adsorption methodMahdi MahdavikhahPhDNiazmand2023-02-07
Storage of heat received from the sun by phase change materials and conversion into electrical energy by electrical cellsEmadoddin Erfani Farsi EidgahM.Sc.Kianifar2023-02-08
Experimental Investigation of Enhancement the Thermal Performance of the Square Pyramid Solar Still Using NanocoatingGhadah Abdulmunem Mousa Al-hashimiM.Sc.Hatami2023-02-12
Optimization of a plate-fin and tube heat exchanger using perforated curved trapezoidal vortex generators by genetic algorithmEhsan ShadlooM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2023-02-15
A machine learning approach to investigate heat transfer enhancement in a tube equipped with double twisted tape insertsALI KHAZAEI NEZHADM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2023-02-19
An Experimental Investigation on the Influence of MWCNTs and Alumina Nanoparticles on Fatigue Crack Growth Parameters of Epoxy Adhesive Systemssajjad mohammadhoseiniM.Sc.Shariati2023-02-19
An Experimental Investigation on Energy Release rates Assessment of Epoxy Adhesive Systems under Pure Modes of I and II And The Effect of Nano Particle Additives on Energy Release ratesali javanmardsistaniM.Sc.Shariati2023-02-19
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Stiffness of the Modified Re-entrant Auxetic Cells and the Study of the Vibration Behavior of the Auxetic PlateMohammad Mehdi KhoddamiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2023-02-19
Structural Health Monitoring of double curve shells using AEmohammad owliayiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2023-02-19
Nonlinear isogeometric analysis of piezoelectric shellsZahra GhadimiPhDHassani2023-02-19
Investigating the Effect of Vibratory Excitation to Reduce Aortic Regurgitationmehrdad afzaliM.Sc.Afsharfard2023-02-22
Experimental study of improved iranian traditional wind turbine with vertical hinged blades and comparison with savonius turbineMohammad Amin KiumarsiM.Sc.Teymourtash2023-02-25
Experimental and numerical study of the infill parameter in the porous beams made with the 3D printer in improving the mechanical and vibrational behavior of structuresYousef YousefiM.Sc.Afsharfard2023-02-25
Analytical and Numerical investigation of Flow and Heat transfer from a vertical rotating cylinder submerged in a Newtonian fluidAmir MansourianPhDBradaran Rahimi2023-02-25
Investigation fatigue crack growth in friction stir welded joints-FSW- with reinforcement nanoparticles 7075 aluminum alloySajjad KohansalM.Sc.Shariati2023-02-25
Producing an optimal movement pattern for disabled patients equipped with crutches and simulating it in the opensim software environmentmohamad moein pourmandM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-02-25
Impedance Control of Prosthetic Hand Using sEMG Signals of Muscles CoactivationMohsen GhanaeiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-02-25
Experimental and Numerical Study of Interaction between Free Surface and a Submerged Body in Non-cavitating and Ventilated Cavitating FlowsAli Akbar MoltaniPhDPasandidehfard2023-02-25
Evaluation of novel inter-molecular collision models in treating shock wave problem and Fourier problemMaryam JavaniM.Sc.Roohi2023-02-26
Frequency analysis of periodic nanobeams by considering surface energy effects and using non-local theoriesMohsen EspoPhDAbolbashari2023-02-26
Determination of mechanical properties of lattice structures using asymptotic homogenization methodGolnaz GhaffariM.Sc.Tahani2023-02-26
Graduate Studies Thesis\Dissertation Information Ferdowsi University of MashhadFAHIMEH EBRAHIMZADEHPhDPasandidehfard2023-02-26
Online personalized single support trajectory generation for lower limb exoskeleton robots with partially disabled userFarzad TofighiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-02-26
numerical study of transient blood flow in diffrent stenosises in covid 19 patients with FSI methodNajme Ghandi M.Sc.Moghiman2023-02-26
Modeling and statistical optimization of abrasive water jet process for cutting granite rocks and mineralsAmirhossein nasirshoaibiM.Sc.Kolahan2023-03-08
Flexural-extensional vibrations analysis of cantilever beam carrying eccentric intermediate mass under random excitationFaezeh Mohammadpour JagharghM.Sc.Moeenfard2023-03-14
Investigating the flow inside a rotating cylinder along with a rotating disk at the surface of the fluidmohammad ziraki bezdiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2023-03-16
Investigation of the aerodynamic performance of the quasi-eagle wing with corrugated trailing edge in flapping motion and forward flightyegane azargoonPhDDjavareshkian2023-04-10
Experimental study of cooling of electronic components with the aid of fluid flow, phase change material, and porous materialhadeer mudhafar alshihmaniPhDMaghrebi2023-05-17
Numerical Investigation of Air Curtain, Air Duct and Body Curvature in Modification of Aerodynamic Performance of Tara VehicleSaeed BaesmatM.Sc.Teymourtash2023-05-20
Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Air Humidity and the Role of Jet Fans in Spreading of Smoke and Flame of Various Fuels in Underground Car ParksMahdi Mehr BagherpourM.Sc.Moghiman2023-05-28
Development of the conservation element and solution element method in 2-D spherical coordinate systems for numerical modelling of bioheat transfer based on the dual phase lag modelAmir Ghasemi Touran PoshtiPhDAyani2023-06-06
Numerical simulation, Optimization and Experimental Investigation of a Projectile With Curved -Wrap Around- Opposite Control SurfacesAmir BagheriPhDPasandidehfard2023-06-17
Numerical Study of Fins Effects and Al2O3 Nanoparticles Concentrations on Melting Time of RT82 Paraffine PCM in a Double-Pipe Heat ExchangerJinan Al MamooriM.Sc.Hatami2023-06-18
Modeling and Thermal Analytical of Numerically and analytically based Laser Metal Deposition Process Parameters on Cooling RateAmir Mohamad SedighiM.Sc.Farshidianfar2023-06-25
Modeling the Effect of Regenerator Application Approaches on the Performance of an Adsorption Desalination SystemShayan khorramiM.Sc.Niazmand2023-06-27
Numerical simulation of coating formation on a substrate with an arbitrary shape and analyzing thermal stresses in an industrial spray processBehrouz HaghighiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2023-07-01
Using Machine Learning to predict the efficiency of Solar-Powered Steam GeneratorsFarzad Azizi ZadeM.Sc.Niazmand2023-07-03
Design and Optimization of Knee Exoskeleton Robot through Patient Comfort ApproachHojjat SabzaliM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-07-18
An investigation on the energy absorption of cylindrical tubes filled with auxetic layers under axial impactKayvan KouchakzadehM.Sc.Yousefsani2023-07-19
Numerical Investigation of Flow Guide Vane Effects on Aerodynamic Performance of H-type VAWTHossein ArabM.Sc.Maghrebi2023-08-05
Numerical Investigation of pitching and plunging motion of a hydrofoil using large eddy simulationSeyed Ali AlaviM.Sc.Roohi2023-08-27
Theoretical and experimental investigation of the performance of a piezoelectric energy harvester for energy generation from ocean wavesmohammadreza feiziM.Sc.Afsharfard2023-09-09
Dynamic modeling of a parallelogram flexure made up of asymmetric reinforced flexure beamSASAN MORADIM.Sc.Moeenfard2023-09-11
Utilizing Machine Learning Methods To Simulate The Fast Filling Process In CNG StationsSeyed Soroush MirzaeiM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2023-09-12
Hourly Cooling Load Prediction of Buildings by Artificial Neural Network - case study: Engineering FacultyAbolfazl SabziM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2023-09-17
Energy-exergy multi-objective optimization by converting the steam cycle of Shahid Mufattah Thermal Power Plant to a combined cycleAmirhossein zyaeiAzarM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2023-09-17
Analysis of Random Vibration in Thin Cylindrical Shallow ShellsMohammad RafiefarM.Sc.Moeenfard2023-09-17
Assist control of Hexa robot on a ramp locomotion using IMU and FSR sensor fusionSeyed Hooman Hosseini ZahraeeM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-09-17
Reduction of thumb carpometacarpal joint pressure by passive magnetic Forcehamed hafizM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-09-18
Vibration Analysis of a 6 DOF Motorcycle with E/MREs Engine Mounts under random VibrationGhazaleh DorriM.Sc.Moeenfard2023-09-19
Effectiveness Evaluation of Hip Exoskeleton Assist Robot for Hemiplegic Stroke PatientsAmir HojjatiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-09-20
Design of floater to enhance energy harvesting from sea wavesnahid bazyarM.Sc.Afsharfard2023-09-20
Design, analysis and fabrication of gait analysis system based on wearable sensorsMohamadamin HoseiniM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2023-09-20
Effects of MRD Concept on the Performance of a Supersonic Air InletMehdi NatourizadehM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2023-09-21
Experimental and numerical investigation of tanks under dynamic pressure and vibration controlMOHAMMAD REZA EMAMYM.Sc.Afsharfard2023-09-21
Improvement of Mixing Efficiency in 3D Twisted Micromixershaniye yousefiM.Sc.Niazmand2023-09-21
Propose, 4E analysis and optimization of combined wind-solar refrigeration system with cold storageSeyedeh Mohadeseh MiriPhDFarzaneh-Gord2023-09-21
Absorbing and storing solar energy for electricity generation using natural materialsAli MortazaviM.Sc.Kianifar2023-09-21
Experimental and numerical design and analyze of high altitude simulator for parabolic nuzzlessina afkhamiPhDPasandidehfard2023-09-21
Numerical investigation of phase change materials melting process enhancement in triplex tube heat exchangerAli ShahrakiM.Sc.Kianifar2023-09-22
Computational Study of the Cavity Flame Holders in Combustion Chambers of High-speed Aerial EnginesSajad RastgooM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2023-09-22
Investigating the effect of FGR percentage in different stoichiometric coefficients on flame characteristics and the amount of Nox producedBehnam YadollahiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2023-09-27
Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional flow accompanied by cavitation around a hydrofoilfatemeh mirsoleimaniM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2023-09-27
Increasing the power scavenged by a piezoelectric energy harvester hiring a magnetic bistable mechanismYasaman GhalamiM.Sc.Tahani2023-09-30
Simulation of oscillating airfoil motion in thermal and magnetic environment with lattice Boltzmann methodHamed SaffarzadehPhDDjavareshkian2023-10-01
Improvements to the blade element theory and numerical investigation of the wake capture effect in the hovering flight of fruit-fly-inspired wingAmir Hossein Zaree JorshariPhDDjavareshkian2023-10-02
Design and optimization of microjet single-stage axial flow turbine bladesPouya GolbouM.Sc.Djavareshkian2023-10-02
Experimental study of cooling effect of jet impingement in electronic chips with high heat fluxJavad HashemiM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2023-10-04
Numerical investigation of the effect of C-16 and C-30 phase change paraffins on the performance of a solar air heating systemMohammad Reza ShirzadM.Sc.Kianifar2023-10-04
Span-wise morphing wing flutter analysis by numerical and analytical methodskiana kafiM.Sc.Farshidianfar2023-10-04
عنوان (فارسی) شبیه سازی عددی نوسانات فرابحرانی با تغییر فشار خروجی در ورودی هوای تراکم ترکیبی در عدد ماخ 2 عنوان (انگلیسی) Numerical simulation of supercritical oscillations with the change outlet pressure at the Mixed compression air inlet at Mach number 2Mahdi AmadehM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2023-10-04
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of ultrasonic waves on free convection heat transfer enhancementrazieh abediniPhDPassandideh-Fard2023-10-05
Development of a New Numerical Method, GDDR, and its Application for Ratcheting Analysis in Bending of a Rectangular Plateseyed iman shahrainiPhDKadkhodayan2023-10-05
Optimizing water flow with cavitation on the 0009 hydrofoil with mako shark inspired bumpsMohammad AsldarM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2023-10-10
Numerical optimization of a compression ignition direct injection engine operating with hydrogen-blended fuel based on the first and second laws of thermodynamicsKourosh GhadamkheirM.Sc.Hatami2023-11-22
Simulation of the paper waste pollutant removal process in a new solar photocatalytic reactor /Mehdi MoradiM.Sc.Hatami2023-11-22
Numerical Investigation of Alumina-Oil Nanofluid Immersion Cooling for a Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery ModuleAlireza IzanlouM.Sc.Hatami2023-12-05
Effect of cavitation on the imaging of an optical system immersed in waterGhazal TaghiniaM.Sc.Esmaeili2023-12-24
Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of flow cross section on the performance of a spiral microchannel for particle separationReyhaneh Yazdi RadM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2023-12-30
Experimental investigation of the effect of burner geometrical parameters of Nozzle-branch on irreversibilityHamideh SheikhaniPhDAjam2024-01-20
Numerical optimization of cavitator shape in flow with aerated cavitation and its experimental investigationramin fadaei rodiPhDPasandidehfard2024-01-20
Geometric optimization of the curtain mounted on the outer surface of the rotating inner tube of a 3D horizontal two-tube transducerJAVAD TORKANLOOM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2024-02-03
Energy and economic analysis and investigation of control operation strategies of absorption-compression hybrid chiller plant with energy storageNavid Moghaddas ZadehPhDFarzaneh-Gord2024-02-10
Exploiting piezoelectric actuation to enhance the sensitivity of high-order mode-localized mass sensorHossein Ali Alam HakakanM.Sc.Tahani2024-02-14
Energy and exergy analysis and determination of energy consumption intensity of steel production in Khuzestan Steel Complexmohammad sadegh ghasemi nosrat abadiM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2024-02-17
Inspection and crack detection of powder metallurgy parts using support vector machine and fuzzy logicMohammad Hossein Hadizadeh EsfahaniM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-02-18
Measurement and analysis of motor immobility in the movement imitation of post-stroke patients using inertial measurement sensorsAmir SadeghiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2024-02-19
Experimental Investigation of the Simultaneous Effect of Using a Porous Medium, Fan, Phase Change Materials, and Microcapsules in the Cooling of Electronic ComponentsAli Khorram NejadM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2024-02-19
Experimental investigation of the effects of microencapsulated phase change material concentration in water base fluid and relative surface roughness on cooling performance index, irreversibility and convection heat transfer coefficient in impingement cooling systemAmir Behzadi MoghaddamM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2024-02-19
Investigating airflow in a patient with deviated nasal septum using a laboratory model and computational fluid dynamicshamedreza kafashPhDBradaran Rahimi2024-02-19
Experimental analysis of ratcheting behavior of thin-walled SS316 pipe under cyclic internal pressure and torsional loadehsan mostaghimM.Sc.Shariati2024-02-19
Numerical improvement of thermal performance of integrated Trombe wall using PCM and nanoparticles in different weather conditionsAmir Mohammad AminifarM.Sc.Niazmand2024-02-19
Simulation and analysis of energy absorbing mechanism in woodpecker\\\'s head under impact using LS-DYNASara NazariyanM.Sc.Yousefsani2024-02-19
Simulation of the effect of micro vortex generator on film cooling over a statorAmine SuwariM.Sc.Roohi2024-02-19
Identifying the contact model of the human foot with the ground during walking with a direct kinematics approach and using a combined optimization algorithmmersad hafife saberiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2024-02-19
Numerical investigation of the effect of the height and location of the building roof chimney on the pollutant dispersion on different environmental conditionsZohreh HamidiM.Sc.Ajam2024-03-18
Thermal stress analysis of functionally graded beam reinforced with nanoparticles with a piezoelectric layer on an elastic FoundationAmirhossein KaramoozM.Sc.Abolbashari2024-04-23
Formulation and topology optimization of flexures with small deformationsQaem Maloonezhad AbsardiM.Sc.Hassani2024-05-25
Simulation of combined compression refrigeration cycle and investigation of factors affecting system performance with aspen plus softwareabolfazl esmailiM.Sc.Ajam2024-06-20
Experimental Study of the Performance of Soils from Different Regions of Iran for Direct Solar Steam and Electricity GenerationMohammad DerayatifarM.Sc.Niazmand2024-06-24
Numerical simulation of the effect of firefighting positive pressure ventilation fans on fire extinguishing, smoke evacuation and pollutant control in metro stationFatemeh SafamaneshM.Sc.Niazmand2024-06-26
Numerical investigation on role of a circular deflector with diagonal splitter blades on performance of savonius turbineSeyed Rasoul HosseiniM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-07-21
Effects of installed rods with regular polygone section having equhydraulic diameter on savonius wind turbinealAli Ahmadi MoghadamM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-07-21
Numerical Simulation of Piezoelectric Harvester on Trailing edge of Airfoil and effect of Ground Clearance on the Aerodynamic Performance of Fixed-wing Micro Aerial VehicleFatemeh LotfabadiM.Sc.Esmaeili2024-08-05
Examination and Enhancement of Controllability in a Flexible Linear Positioning Mechanismalireza heidarian mehrM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-08-19
Vibration analysis of a three-member frame due to base random excitationAli JafariM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-08-21
Flexo-electric/magnetic effect on size-dependent stability of magnetoelectric micro-nanostructuresHamed Momeni-KhabisiPhDTahani2024-08-22
Numerical study of thermal performance of geothermal heat exchangers with same length in horizontal and vertical configuration assuming layered soil in various Spiral, Circular, and Helical arrangementsMohammad Ali Mansouri M.Sc.Maghrebi2024-08-31
Numerical study of effects of using perforated louvered strips on thermal performane of heat exchanger pipesSajjad SoltaniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2024-09-01
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Wicked Heat Pipe effects on Heat Transfer improvement of an ONAN Oil-Immersed TransformerFateme Tavakoli dastjerdPhDNiazmand2024-09-03
Design and manufacture of moving magnet magnetic actuator for control of self-excited chatter in boring toolsMohammadreza AtarodiM.Sc.Moetakef Imani2024-09-07
study effect of jet fan on sprinkler functionAmirhossein SalariM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2024-09-08
Studying the effect of cooling on the shock wave intensity around a gas turbine bladeSajedeh Azizi GoodarziM.Sc.Djavareshkian2024-09-08
Three-Dimensional Geometry Profile Extraction of Deposits Using Laser line Scanning During Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing MethodSara EsfandiarighollezuM.Sc.Farshidianfar2024-09-09
Improving The Zero Loci of a 6DoF Flexure mechanismAmir Hossein AzizifarM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-09-11
Energy harvesting from galloping-induced vibrations in bladeless wind turbines and investigation of the effects of oscillator body geometryalireza sadri milaniM.Sc.Kardan2024-09-15
Experimental study of the effect of manganese on the shape memory behavior of CuAlNi alloy in a controlled a crucible furnace crucible ftmosphere bush furnaceIman HosseinpourM.Sc.Fathi2024-09-15
Design and optimization of the wing fence of a lambda-shaped aircraft modelMohammad Hossein Moghimi Esfand AbadiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2024-09-16
Aerodynamic Modeling of Three Sample Cars with Active Aerodynamic Control MethodsMahdi KheirkhahM.Sc.Roohi2024-09-17
Investigating mechanical behavior of auxetic belleville springsMojtaba MashmoulM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-09-18
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Icing on a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) wing, with and without Winglets, at Low Reynolds NumbersSamane Zargar GhochaneM.Sc.Djavareshkian2024-09-18
Numerical investigation of the delay of the buzz phenomenon in a supersonic inlet with parametric study of the MRD methodSohrab Panahande Taghi AbadM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2024-09-18
Nonlinear vibration analysis of a flexure mechanism with transitional motionSeyed Amir Alavi MehrM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-09-18
Isogeometric analysis of beams with arbitrary geometry and variable cross sectionsHosien OlyaeiM.Sc.Hassani2024-09-18
Investigating the thermal performance of jet and spray electronic cooling system with crossflow systemMoein HoseinpourM.Sc.Niazmand2024-09-19
Thermal Performance Evaluation and Distillation Rate Prediction of a Passive 4-Stage Solar Desalination System with Hydrophilic Evaporators Using an Experimental Approach and Recurrent Deep Neural Networks Trained on 1D Modeling Datarazieh akhlaghi ardekaniPhDKianifar2024-09-19
Dynamic and vibrational analysis of multi-span beams with unequal lengths and under railroad moving loadsSima SobhaniradPhDHassani2024-09-19
Formulation and Topology Optimization of Flexure Joints with Stress ConstraintsAmirreza ShafieiM.Sc.Hassani2024-09-19
Investigating the effect of simultaneous use of oxide nanoparticles and ultrasonic vibration in Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingMohammad Naser Sadraee FarPhDKolahan2024-09-21
Investigation of static strength and fatigue-life of adhesive joints containing graphene and carbon nanotubes with defectsBEHNAM JAVDANM.Sc.Shariati2024-09-21
Experimental investigation of the effect of leather processing on the physical-mechanical properties of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compositesMohammad Rasoul MirzaeiM.Sc.Tahani2024-09-21
Experimental and numerical investigation of effects of cavitator angle and aft body geometry on the stable artificial cavity characterisrics and extention of results using machine learning methodshosseinali kamaliPhDPasandidehfard2024-09-21
Vibration response of auxetic plates.Samira ShaddehM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-09-21
Technical and Economic Analysis of Solar Absorption Chillers with Ground Heat Exchanger and Energy StorageMostafa Khodaee RanjbarM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2024-09-21
Analysis of random vibrations in a single-axis mechanism with limited motion errorAli KaffashM.Sc.Moeenfard2024-09-21
Stability Analysis of Auxetic Beam Subjected to a nonconservative ForceAlireza JangiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-09-21
Experimental and numerical analysis of fatigue life using image processing for Mixed mode I and ⅡSoroush AmanaM.Sc.Shariati2024-09-21
Design, construction and experimental study of oscillating heat pipe and its application in transformerSajjad ShourestaniM.Sc.Kianifar2024-09-21
Modeling the effect of using double-layer phase change materials in lightweight walls on improving the annual thermal performance of the building in the climate of MashhadAli RezaeeM.Sc.Kianifar2024-09-21
Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Inside the Pipe with Lateral Injection to Optimization of the Thermal Performance: Design of Experiments Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)Morteza Hosseini MasoomM.Sc.Ayani2024-09-21
A numerical study of the first carpometacarpal joint of human hand with magnetic implantAmir Hossein Heidarian LoghmaniM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2024-09-21
Design, fabrication and experimental investigation of drop generation in a microchannel using two parallel diaphragm micropumpsHaniyeh RasooliM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2024-10-03
Two-dimensional numerical simulation and optimization of phase change process in a three-pipe thermal heat storage using response surface methodArash VahidiM.Sc.Niazmand2024-10-20
Energy, Exergy, and Economic Analysis of Near-Surface Geothermal Energy and Compression Chillers for Cooling a BuildingAmeer ALQAZZAZPhDFarzaneh-Gord2024-11-09
experimental evaluation of the performance of solar still equipped with air stone and wave makermasoud sobhaniPhDAjam2024-12-15
Correction and utilization of nacelle-mounted LIDAR data on horizontal-axis wind turbine, as a power control approachMohammad Khezri Ghareh ChahM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-12-16
Investigating the Effect of modified Leather on Physical-Mechanical Properties of Polyester ResinAli RadmardM.Sc.Tahani2024-12-18
Numerical Modeling of Cooling of Surfaces with High Thermal FluxAmirhossein KholghiM.Sc.Niazmand2025-01-30
Analysis of the dolphin dorsal fin turbulator in a heat exchanger by hybrid CFD-AI approachIman BashtaniPhDAbolfazli Esfahani2025-02-01
Modeling of curved rib in microcombustion chamber wall with coupled thermophotovoltaic cellsAmirhossein ShojaM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2025-02-05
Interlayer stress analysis of adhesively bonded composite joints using multi-term extended Kantorovich methodMohsen Shayesteh ZeraatiM.Sc.Tahani2025-02-18