Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
Investigation of flow and heat transfer between two concentric cylinder with constant magnetic fieldBradaran Rahimi0000-00-00
Experimental and numerical study of Curing and injection Processes of Rubbermohammad Reza ErfanianM.Sc.Moghiman2011-10-17
Experimental analysis of air flow over two tandem cylinders with different diametersAli Ataei HashempourM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2011-01-10
FEM simulation of FSW to predict residual stresses and fracture parametersHashem RoodiM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2011-03-07
Axisymmetric Stagnation—Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous Fluid on a moving Plate with Time-Dependent Axial Velocity and Uniform TranspirationMohammad JafariM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2010-10-12
Evaluation of the effect of impinging jet cross section geometery on heat transfer enhancement on a targeting flat plateseyedeh sahar mostaghimM.Sc.Kahrom2012-05-21
Stagnation flow and heat transfer on cylinder with considering compressibility of fluidhamid mohammadiunP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2011-09-04
investigation of residual stress effect on ductile crack propagation in gas pipeline steelMojtaba Behnam nikM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2011-05-15
Numerical Simulation of Tandem Projectiles With Different Velocitiesmahdiyeh kananiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2009-06-22
modelling crack propagation in adhessively bonded structuresHAMED ALIDOOSTM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2010-11-29
Evaluation of the effect of \"autofrettage\" and \"shrinkfit\" on the performance of pressurised thick walled vessels containing partial crackshossein yaghoobiM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2011-02-04
Investigation of local approach to cleavage fracture-microstructure and statistical resultsIMAN BADIZADEHM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2010-10-02
Optimization of Tuned Mass Dampers for Earthquake Vibration Mitigation of High-rise Structures including Soil-Structure InteractionP.H.D.Farshidianfar2011-10-22
Heat transfer enhancement in a tube with coiled wire insertsAhmad Sharaf BaygiM.Sc.Moghiman2011-05-30
Thermo-Fluid Analysis in a Cascade of Turbine Bladesmahdad tavassoliM.Sc.Teymourtash2012-02-27
SImulation of combustion of gasoline-ethanol in SI engine for prediction of performance and emission and evaluation with experimental resultsmohammadreza zangooeemotlaghP.H.D.Modarres Razavi2012-02-29
Investigations on application of Acoustic Emissions for in-process detection of workpiece burn or crack on conventional grinding machinesKambiz Imani KhaniM.Sc.Akbari2012-03-01
Dynamic modelling of snake-like robot in rectilinear gait (single wave propagation)majid behboodiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2012-06-11
Design of a variable wing micro Unmanned Aerial VehicleMohammad MohammadAminiM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2011-12-12
Application of local approaches to ductile and cleavage fracture of 7075 aluminum alloyFarhad HosseiniM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2012-06-11
Numerical Modeling of Bubble Dynamics around Light Absorptive Nanoparticles in Acoustic Stress FieldAmir EbrahimiP.H.D.Ayani2012-10-31
Investigating the Behavior of Nonlinear Impact Dampers Based on Acoustic and ReliabilityAref AfsharfardP.H.D.Farshidianfar2012-06-09
Optimization of Non-traditional Dynamic Vibration Absorber on Continuous StructuresBehshad NooriM.Sc.Farshidianfar2013-01-28
Shape Optimization of Turbine Blades Using Taguchi Methodmehdi ghasemi giwM.Sc.Abolbashari2014-06-09
Deformation Mechanic of Functionally Graded Thermoelastic-Plastic Circular PlatesMohammad BagheriaslM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2012-06-11
Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow in Pressure-Swirl Atomizers and Investigation on Effects of Swirl Nozzle on Atomization CharacteristicsMasoud YazdimamaghaniM.Sc.Modarres Razavi2012-09-02
Plastic deformation due to activation of slip systems in multi-crystal alloy under quasi-static loading at room temperature.Elnaz NaghelM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2013-01-28
measuring and modelling the performance and efficiency of cyclone seperators in water supply systemsEffat Salehi FarM.Sc.Moghiman2011-12-12
induced thermal residual stresses fields in standard fracture test specimen and its influence on fracture resistanceseyed mohsen sharifi hosseiniM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2013-04-22
Numerical study of dynamic stall phenomenon on picthing motian in low Reynolds numberMojtaba HonarmandM.Sc.Djavareshkian2013-06-25
Exergy Analysis on the Domestic Refrigerator and study subcooling effectsjavad javidan mehrM.Sc.Ghazikhani2012-08-27
Effect of cold expansion process parameters in aluminum alloy 7000 series on field residual stresses and capability servicing in this alloyamin rahimi sadeghM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2013-06-17
review of shot peening process of titanium alloy surfaces and the influence of process parameters on the residual stress fieldsAli MashkourM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2013-06-17
Analytical investigation of normal shock in properties of two-phase flow into a laval nozzleHassan AssadzadehM.Sc.Teymourtash2013-06-25
Experimental investigation of non dimensional parameters effects on heat transfer and drag coefficients of flat plate with rectangular cylindersGhodrat GhassabiP.H.D.Kahrom2013-09-14
Predicting fatigue crack growth for cold expanded holes (in steel and Aluminum alloy plates)poria sadeghiM.Sc.Hadidi Moud2013-09-16
Experimental study on a hybrid Exposure Solar Cooker and comparison with a double exposure solar cookeriman mortezaeiM.Sc.Kianifar2013-06-25
Exergoeconomic optimization of solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine cycleAli ServatiM.Sc.Ajam2014-01-13
Combined CCHP with Solar unit (S-CCHP) system optimizationAlireza MohammadizadehM.Sc.Ajam2014-01-13
Multi-objective optimization of Tuned Mass Damper using Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithmmohammad eskandariM.Sc.Farshidianfar2014-01-20
dynamic modeling and analysis of 3D snake like robotsMohsen MalayjerdiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-04-19
Analytical study of convection drying using Green\'s functionseyed mohammad vahidhosseiniM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2014-04-07
General form of dynamic formulation for a 6-3 Gough-Stewart platform using Lagrangian methodSeyednaser MostashiriM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2014-04-19
Status Survey and identification of Touss power plant boiler combustion air control system model to optimize the control parametersSaeed Bafandegan MojaverM.Sc.Moavenian2013-05-02
Sectoral energy and exergy modeling of Iran and exergy analysis of absorption and compression refrigeration systemrashid seifalolamaeeM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2014-04-07
Numerical investigation of effective parameters in a wind breaker of natural dry draft cooling towerAMIR MAHAEIM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-05-05
Vortex Induced Vibrations Simulation and Methods of Controlling itZohreh SirjaniM.Sc.Farshidianfar2014-06-02
Experimental study of the effect of aspect ratio rectangular obstacles on the coefficient of friction of flat platesina seyedzadehM.Sc.Kahrom2013-12-16
Numerical and Experimental Study of Proximity and Sequence Effect on Stagnation-Point and Wake Creator PlatesPooria Ghorbanian FardM.Sc.Kahrom2013-12-02
numerical investigation of effective parameters for delaying dynamic stall on an oscillating airfoil with the torsional motionRamin BalouchzadehM.Sc.Djavareshkian2014-10-27
Determination of forming limit diagram in tube hydroforming process by using Marciniak-Kuczynski modelReihaneh AbdollahiM.Sc.Jaamialahmadi2014-11-10
Buckling and free vibration response of laminated corrugated core sandwich panelsMohammad Hossein ShakibP.H.D.Rezaee Pazhand2015-03-11
Vibration rsesponse of composite plates with SMA fiberjafar broumand aliporM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2015-01-05
Modeling the map of hot deformation of CU-Al2O3 nanocomposites using Artifical neural network modelsAlireza PustforushanM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2015-06-22
Numerical and experimental investigation of solidification of incompressible viscous stagnation flow on a constant temperature substrateAlireza Zamani AghaieP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2015-07-22
Analytical and experimental investigations of the fluid flow and heat transfer induced by rotating circular cylinders in a viscous fluid with different boundary conditionsNavid FreidoonimehrP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2015-07-22
Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of functionally graded axisymmetric thick hollow cylinders using MLPG methodseyed yaghoub sajadiP.H.D.Abolbashari2015-10-18
Application of the Adomian Decomposition Method for vibration Analysis of Linear and Non-Linear StructuresReza AhrariP.H.D.Abolbashari2015-10-18
Exergy analysis of combined SOFC fuel cell-microturbine special concerning on reformer to combustion chamber fuel mass ratioHadi KargarM.Sc.Ghazikhani2015-10-05
Experimental investigation of the effects of nanoparticles on the performance of pcm-air heat exchangersMahdi KazemiP.H.D.Kianifar2016-04-20
using EGR in dual fuel IDI engine and evaluation of its effect on pollutants and first & second law eficiencyYoones BayatP.H.D.Ghazikhani2016-05-25
Numerical study of vibrational characteristic of multilyer carbon nanotubes and nanocomposites consisting of monolayer structure and polymer matrixsaleh kazemiM.Sc.Abolbashari2016-08-29
Modeling and optimization of Trombe wall for the climate of Yazdali baziariM.Sc.Kianifar2016-07-11
Design and construction of a quadrotor with existing facilitiesMehran BaghbaniM.Sc.Moavenian2016-10-24
Fault Tolerant Control Design Scheme for Vehicle Dynamics ControlMohammad YadollahiP.H.D.Moavenian2015-11-13
Experimental Study of Particle Diameter of Nanostructured Coating on the Pool Boiling Heat TransferNima TinatiP.H.D.Abolfazli Esfahani2016-11-17
Experimental and numerical study of the effect of water waves on the vibration of bristol oscillating systemsamir reza moghimanP.H.D.Farshidianfar2017-02-22
Distributed-Lumped Dynamic Modeling and Vibration Control of Flexible ArmYasaman VagheiP.H.D.Farshidianfar2017-05-23
Investigating the effect of direct heating of natural gas on soot formation, flame temperature, luminosity and emissions: A Combined Experimental and Numerical ApproachMohammad JalilimehrP.H.D.Moghiman2017-12-21
Experimental investigation on the effect of PCM on operation of solar chimneyEhsan ShabahangP.H.D.Ghazikhani2017-08-19
An investigation on the effect of notch on fatigue and failure properties of graphene nanoplatelets/epoxy compositesMohammad NickrafatM.Sc.Shariati2018-02-24
Experimental study of the aerodynamic forces of the wings with Sinusoidal Leading Edges near the Ground at low Reynolds numberabbasali mehraban emrozP.H.D.Djavareshkian2018-01-16
Three-dimensional investigation of flow and heat transfer of a compressible fluid between two rotating horizontal cylindersSayyid mostafa hosseiniM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2018-05-28
energy economic analysis and modeling on-grid solar power plant by Homer in top ten countries with most energy consumptionNima Mejrisazan ToosiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2018-05-14
Automatic control of quadcopter by deep learningEhsan AkbaritabarM.Sc.Moavenian2018-06-11
Experimental investigation on capacity and stability of methane premixed flame with variation of swirl number and the amount of added hydrogenMahdi PourramezanP.H.D.Ajam2018-07-15
Adaptive control strategy to assist a lower-limb assistive Exo based on the user-abilitySomayye NoruziP.H.D.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2018-08-02
Modeling and analysis of Lamb wave propagation in composite structures using semi-analytical finite element methodelyas mirzaeeP.H.D.Rezaee Pazhand2018-07-04
Investigating the effect of temperature difference of pinch point on thermal efficiency and efficiency of the second law of combined cycle of gas power plantmasoud sahebiM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-09-10
Investigation of Energy and Exergy of Water-Ammonia Rankin Cycle by Considering Photovoltaic driven and Pinch Temperature changesmohammad hassan tavasoli khahM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-10-08
Experimental study of the wave-escape edge of a wing on the aerodynamics of the flapping in the hovering and forward flightsmostafa mohammadiM.Sc.Djavareshkian2018-11-05
Optimization of Nishabour Combined Cycle Power Plant Heller Cooling Towershesam pashaee marandiM.Sc.Abolbashari2019-09-02
Investigating the injection of water or steam into the diesel engine to reduce black sodium and oxide nitrogen using the AVL FIRE softwareMohammad SobhaniM.Sc.Ghazikhani2018-12-10
Numerical analysis of Buzz phenomenon at supersonic intakes and proposing a method to eliminate itali baratian ghorghiP.H.D.Pasandidehfard2018-10-22
Numerical Investigating of Two-Dimensional Aeroelastic Behavior in Unsteady Flow Around Flexible Oscillatory AirfoilMohamad Reza SaberP.H.D.Djavareshkian2019-02-19
Topology Optimization of Flow Domain for a Micro-Mixer using Lattice Boltzmann MethodZahra TalebpourP.H.D.Niazmand2019-06-19
Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Metastructures With Piezoelectric Elements for Vibration Suppression and Energy HarvestingArman MohsenzadehP.H.D.Afsharfard2019-07-22
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Vibration on Heat-Transfer of the Porous Cavity Filled with Phase Change MaterialSeyyed Ali NaghedifarP.H.D.Moghiman2019-04-24
Numerical analysis of Hunter turbine and consideration of blades deformation on its performance in water flowBahare KazemiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2019-10-07
Modeling of 3D multiComponent Capillary flow using the Color Gradient methodEhsan FathiP.H.D.Maghrebi2019-09-22
Elasto-plastic analysis and stress wave propagation in plates under impact loading using isogeometric methodnoushin nasabizadehP.H.D.Jaamialahmadi2019-09-19
Study of developed boundary layer of a rotating jet impinging on a rigid surfaceMahsa SharafiM.Sc.Bradaran Rahimi2020-05-11
Analytical and numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer from rotating cylinder around horizontal axis floating in stationary Newtonian fluidEdris TorshiziP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2020-10-01
Investigation of current and heat transfer of compressible current of a mixture of electrically conductive fluids in a vertical cylindrical annulus with movable wallssaeed rezaeianP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2020-11-04
Improving the microchannel manufacturing process used in helical separatorsnima mirbloukiM.Sc.Elhami2020-12-14
Stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of an in-compressible and compressible fluid on a rotating diskmahdi arabikhanP.H.D.Bradaran Rahimi2021-01-19
Assist control of FUM exoskeleton robot based on assist as needed algorithmSamane AminiP.H.D.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2021-01-30
Numerical investigation of supercritical oscillations in a mixed compression supersonic air intakeMohamad SalehifarP.H.D.Sepahi-Younsi2021-04-12
Optimal design of thermal-hydraulic performance of fluid flow in curved pipe with radial finsamin ghaemianP.H.D.Maghrebi2021-03-18
Investigation of optimal thermohydraulic performance of flow inside inner-grooved pipe equipped with twisted conical strip insertMehran YazdaniP.H.D.Passandideh-Fard2021-04-15
Improvement of Nietsche method in geometric optimization of steady two-dimensional conduction heat transfer using isogeometric methodAli JafarzadehP.H.D.Ayani2021-09-16
Experimental and numerical study of the effect of humidity, natural and forced ventilation on the behavior of the flashover phenomenon in closed space fires with a focus on combustible materials in buildingsseyed ahmad kebriyaeeP.H.D.Moghiman2021-08-31
Three Dimensional Topology Optimization and Material Distribution for Additive ManufacturingNima Yaghoobi BajmaeP.H.D.Abolbashari2021-12-23
InMoov robotic hand control using reinforcement learningmasoome hajtalebiM.Sc.Akbari2021-10-11
Fuzzy Impedance Control of Knee Rehabilitation Robot to Simulate Physiotherapy Exercises in WaterMohammad EntekhabShahabiM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2021-01-04
Design and implementation of time-independent assistive control based on hip trajectory for patients with unilateral movement disorder using lower limb exoskeleton robotMostafa MogharabiP.H.D.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2022-01-31
Numerical simulation of thermal energy storage in a three concentric cylinder with multi PCMMohammadAli GolneshanM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2022-03-02
Mechanical and Physical Characterization of a Mushroom Biocomposite Material based on Lignocellulosic Pulm WastesAmirreza KaffashM.Sc.Yousefsani2022-04-25
An investigation to the severe plasticity of titanium using CGP methodPeyman RasekhM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2022-05-30
Vibration analysis of taperd bi-directional functionally graded porous tapered nano beams using size dependent theories rotary micro/nano-beamsSayed Mohammad Kazem Ohab-YazdiP.H.D.Kadkhodayan2022-06-01
Laboratory investigation of biogas production from spent coffee grounds using an anaerobic digester tankAmirreza YousefianM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2022-07-04
Optimizing sinusoidal fin geometry of a thermal storage with phase change materialAli TavakoliM.Sc.Farzaneh-Gord2022-10-17
Evaluation of Accuracy and Stability of Shan-Chen LBM Simulation of Two Phase Flows in a 2D Channel with Various Density RatiosTohid AmirpanahM.Sc.Ajam2022-10-03
Design of a knee joint moment estimation observer for movement on flat surface and on stairs using dynamic model of constrained human bodyMohsen TatariM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2022-12-12
Assistive control of a hip joint exoskeleton robot based on adaptive admittance control to assist walkingMohadeseh Shafie TaliM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2022-12-12
The Effect of CGP Process on Micro Deep Drawing Characteristics of Thin Copper SheetMahdi Ahmadi YeganeP.H.D.Kadkhodayan2022-11-02
Productivity Augmentation of solar still by cooling chamber and water pipe coated by NanoparticlesZAINAB MAJEED SHARBAP.H.D.Abolfazli Esfahani2022-12-14
Hyperelastic Characterization of Brain White Matter Constituents under Combined Compression-TensionMahdi Ziaee MoghaddamM.Sc.Yousefsani2022-12-26
Parameter Identification, Process Optimization, and Laboratory Production of Precipitated Calcium CarbonateMohammad ZohoorM.Sc.Yousefsani2023-02-06
Real-time Control of Assistive Hip Exoskeleton Robot Using Muscle Synergy Analysis and Torque Estimation based on Deep LearningSaeed VahdaniM.Sc.Kardan2022-12-26
An investigation of the effect of acoustic noise generation and transmission on the flow rate of subsonic gas in the pipe using numerical and experimental methodsHossein MoinP.H.D.Passandideh-Fard2022-09-20
Numerical study of energy harvesting from vortex shedding induced behind circular cylinder by piezoelectricShiva SharifiM.Sc.Esmaeili2023-01-29
Simulation of the mixing of two fluids in the microfluidic system with the suggested design of overlapping rhombusesMohammad NaderiM.Sc.Teymourtash2022-12-26
Effects of Different Degrees of Carotid Artery Stenosis on Local Hemodynamic Parameters in a Patient-Specific Model by Choosing the Suitable Model for the Artery WallAmin MojarabP.H.D.Ajam2023-02-25
Study on the tool wear of the machining process using textured toolُshayan KhajegiM.Sc.Elhami2023-05-20
Analysis and Investigation of thermal separation of binary mixture using DSMC and machine learningAli LotfianP.H.D.Roohi2023-07-09
parametric study and numerical simulation of flow field, temperature, and humidity for the air conditioning process of solar greenhouse system with underfloor heatingmohadeseh najimiM.Sc.Moghiman2023-09-18
Damage tolerance study of metal-to-composite bonded jointsShahriyar ZolfaghariM.Sc.Shariati2023-06-19
Modeling of micro-positioning system made of compliant joints with shape-memory alloys actuatorSamane RasooliM.Sc.Fathi2022-09-07
Investigation and Improvement of the Performance of All-Speed AUSM Numerical Family schemesadnan mohammadiP.H.D.Djavareshkian2023-11-06
Effects of load frequencies on fatigue life of Al-1100 in air and vacuum environmentssaeid rabieiP.H.D.Shariati2023-11-14
Statistical analysis and optimization of the input parameters of active TIG welding with micro materials on the mechanical properties of stainless steelseyed moein fareghiM.Sc.Akbari2023-10-23
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic insertion and fixation of hip prosthesisAmir Mohammad GholinezhadM.Sc.Yousefsani2023-05-01
Investigating of entropy and entropy generation in micro/nano channels using parallelized DSMC codeReza ArabpourP.H.D.Abolfazli Esfahani2023-11-11
Modeling and optimization of electrical discharge machining parameters using regression approach and Meta heuristic simulated annealing algorithm for Inconel 718Dariush HashemianM.Sc.Kolahan2023-12-18
Analysis of Cumulative Fretting Fatigue Damage Behavior of Al-2024 Alloy Using Thermography MethodMohammad KeshtgarP.H.D.Shariati2023-11-07
Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of a 4-DoF Quasi-Serial Palletizing Robot Based on Parallelogram Mechanism and Optimization of Spring and Counterweight Gravity Compensation Mechanisms Implemented for Torque Reduction of ActuatorsAmid GholampourM.Sc.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2024-01-08
Experimental study of optimization of energy consumption in fruit drying process in microwave dryer under vacuum using response surface method -RSM-Hassan Hosseini ZarmehryM.Sc.Ayani2024-01-22
Experimental investigation of aeroacoustic behavior of two tandem airfoils equipped with surface treatmentsJaber Ragani LamookiP.H.D.Pasandidehfard2024-01-28
Modeling and experimental investigation of a rotary shape memory alloy actuator with spiral structureFaeze GhahghahM.Sc.Fathi2024-01-29
Dynamic analysis of porous bi-directional functionally graded plates under moving loads in two different directions and its application in shipsAlireza Alaei KiaM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2024-01-29
Experimental Investigation of The failure behavior of Epoxy Structural Adhesive Combined Mode of I and II And The Effect of Nano Particles Additive on The Energy release ratesAmir AbbaspourM.Sc.Shariati2024-02-19
Experimental investigation of the effect of Micro-encapsalated pcm slurry on a thermal-photovoltaic system perfomance equipped with twisted tapeAhmed Albu-alzarazeerP.H.D.Maghrebi2023-10-23
Improving motion characteristics of a clamped paired double parallelogram using asymmetric reinforced beamsMohsen Bakhtiari ShahriP.H.D.Moeenfard2024-03-02
Study of tool wear in ultrasonic assisted thread machiningMohammad DavariM.Sc.Elhami2024-01-29
Analysis of the effect of magnetic field on heat transfer in a microchannel heat sink with different shaped ductMohammadreza QurbaniM.Sc.Mahpeykar2024-03-11
Numerical Modeling and Analysis of the Limitations of Geothermal Heat PipesAli MasrouriM.Sc.Niazmand2023-05-29
Shape optimization of transonic airfoil using neural network and machine learning in different Mach numbers and angle of attackReza RahnamaM.Sc.Djavareshkian2024-04-29
Investigating the behavior of silicon/methanol composite soft actuator and the effect of carbon nanotube additionAmirhosein NasirpourM.Sc.Tahani2024-04-29
computational study of effects of geometric parameters of cowl lip on the performance and stability of an air supersonic inletSeyed Ali Asghar GowhariM.Sc.Sepahi-Younsi2024-06-10
Experimental and Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer from an Angularly Vibrated SurfaceAdel AlmayyahiP.H.D.Teymourtash2024-01-03
Numerical analysis of mixed heat transfer -free and forced- in the channel with electronic chipKatayun KimiaM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-05-13
numerical investigation of fluidized bed dryerRasoul KhoueiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2024-04-29
Prediction of fatigue crack growth in a plate with circular cutout using artificial intelligenceAbolfazle MasoumiM.Sc.Shariati2024-05-27
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics of binary fluidized bedFatemeh MosaviM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2024-04-29
numerical investigation of geometric variables of the water meter chamber on its performanceNajmeh SeifinoghabiM.Sc.Ayani2024-05-27
Design and Molecular Simulation of a DNA Origami Structure Containing Heparin For Virus TrappingSadegh DastoraniP.H.D.Shariati2024-04-13
Investigating the effect of airfoil-shaped fins placement angle in square microchannel on improving heat transferMojtaba KholghiM.Sc.Mahpeykar2024-04-29
Numerical study of two-way natural ventilation and the effect of guide vane and wind angle in a public buildingMasoud SoroushM.Sc.Niazmand2024-05-27
Sustainability Analysis of Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes In Component Repair Applications Afshin Nazar Nejati ZadehM.Sc.Ghandehariun2024-05-13
Studying the behavior of ultrasound waves in detecting the level of implant fixation at the Implant-Bone interfaceMohadeseh IziM.Sc.Fathi2024-02-19
Experimental investigation of the performance of microencapsulated phase change materials on the heat transfer of oscillating heat pipes with hollows for cooling electronic componentsMohammad DolatyariM.Sc.Passandideh-Fard2024-05-27
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of a Compound Pendulum for Reducing Unwanted Vibrations in StructuresMohammad Ali HafezM.Sc.Kardan2023-08-30
Numerical simulation of crack propagation in dental restorationSaleh FarsiM.Sc.Yousefsani2024-05-27
Thermodynamic and economic evaluation of multi generation system based on renewable energies and power to gas technologyAbolfazl BaghaniM.Sc.Ajam2024-06-16
Numerical study and investigation of the suitable location of the optical searcher on ultrasonic objects.Seyyedvahid GhasemiM.Sc.Esmaeili2024-07-01
Investigation of a Dual Energy Storage System with Compressed Air and Hydrogen Production Based on Energy, Exergy, and Economic AnalysisMohammad RahmaniM.Sc.Niazmand2024-07-10
Experimental Study of the Effect of Polygonal Hydraulic Jump Shape on Nusselt Number of the Target Plate Under Constant Heat FluxMohsen MokhlesiP.H.D.Mahpeykar2024-06-05
An investigation on auxetic behavior of S-shaped cellular structure under uniaxial loadingSaleh Dehghan TarzjaniM.Sc.Yousefsani2024-06-30
numerical simulation and geometric optimization of axial flow cyclone for the application of spark arrestor of diesel exhaust systemsAli RezaeiM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-07-10
numerical analysis of the aerodynamics performance of a savonius wind turbine with elliptical cross-sectional shaft at varying aspect ratioMilad MehrpooyaM.Sc.Maghrebi2024-07-10
Experimental investigation and optimization of thermal photovoltaic system equipped with fluid spray cooling and phase change material from energy, exergy, economic and environmental perspectivesAhmed Issa Abbood Al-musawiP.H.D.Maghrebi2024-03-12
Vibration/Buckling Response of auxetic box-beamHashem Khani MoghaddamM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-01-29
Evaluation of the quality of laser welding joints of Inconel 625 thin sheets by statistical methods and meta-heuristic optimization algorithmsAhmad NouraniM.Sc.Kolahan2024-01-08
Study and optimizing of NACA 0012 hydrofoil performance using notches on the surfaceSaeed SabeghiM.Sc.Pasandidehfard2024-05-20
Modeling and design of a resonance modifier sample to absorb thrust bearing axial vibrationsHamidreza Esmaili Darbandi SoflaM.Sc.Fathi2024-08-28
Low velocity impact analysis of auxetic cylinderZahra Mohammad HosseiniM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-02-12
An experimental and analytical-numerical investigation to analyze and optimize the synthesis of liposomes within a Y-shaped micromixerParnian JavadiP.H.D.Passandideh-Fard2024-09-14
Studying fatigue behavior of aluminum to composite bonded joints after experiencing low-velocity transverse impactAli HosseinzadehP.H.D.Shariati2023-12-23
Investigation and Comparison of the Effect of Sinusoidal and Straight Leading Edge Shapes on the Control Surfaces of a lambda-shaped flying wing model at Pre- and Post-Stall AnglesAmir HosseiniM.Sc.Djavareshkian2024-09-23
simulation and investigation of roll forming processSeyed Mohammad Saleh ShariatiM.Sc.Kadkhodayan2024-09-09
Free Vibration and Flutter Analysis of Curvilinear Grid Stiffened Plates via Direct Variational MethodAli SafaP.H.D.Rezaee Pazhand2024-10-15
Studying the effect of printing parameters on the damage tolerance behavior of 3D printed parts and joints under static loadingMostafa Bakhshi SomaghcheM.Sc.Shariati2024-02-19
Hybrid Force-Impedance Control of a Redundant Robot with a Passive Degree of Freedom for Interaction with Environments with Unknown Dynamic PropertiesRahman ArdakanianP.H.D.Akbari2024-10-02
Analysis and Optimization of the Effects of Micro Particles on the Quality and Geometry of Active TIG Welding in Stainless Steels Using Statistical Methods and Metaheuristic AlgorithmsSobhan YaghmaeiM.Sc.Kolahan2024-04-29
Interpretable Deep Fuzzy Hyperbolic Network for Five-Link Artificial Hand Gesture RecognitionBabak SaraniP.H.D.Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi2024-09-28
Design and implementing the additive manufacturing process of medical orthosis using biodgradable composites and sustainabilty analysisZeinab Sadat MireskandariM.Sc.Ghandehariun2024-12-30
Cumulative damage assessment and remaining fatigue life prediction of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites under fatigue loading using thermographyAli Roostai ShaalmaiiM.Sc.Shariati2024-12-30
Vibration of sandwich beam with stiffened smart viscoelastic coreAli BagheriniaM.Sc.Rezaee Pazhand2024-09-23
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Internal Corrosion on the Ratcheting Behavior of Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe under Cyclic Internal PressureBahram AraeiM.Sc.Shariati2024-12-30
Numerical Simulation and Thermal Performance Optimization of a Finned Heat Pipe Radiator Using the Response Surface Methodology -RSM-Mojtaba ShokohiM.Sc.Ajam2025-02-03
Numerical simulation of the effect of oxidizer injection on temperature enhancement and pollutant reduction in diffusion flames of gaseous and liquid fuels.Zinat ZamanpoorM.Sc.Kianifar2025-02-03
Development of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Predicting and Actively Controlling Crack Growth in a Metal Plate under Tensile-Shear Loading Conditions Using the OpenAI Gym Interactive PlatformPouya IzanlouM.Sc.Shariati2025-02-24
Biogas generation from various biomass particle geometries in a fluidized bed reactorMohammadmehdi KasaieM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2025-01-21
Production of synthetic natural gas from different types of biomass in a fluidized bed reactorShahab NouraeiM.Sc.Abolfazli Esfahani2025-01-21
َAn investigation to the effect of forming depth in Constrained Groove Pressing (CGP) by experimental, analytical and simulation methodsMohammad PakdamanP.H.D.Kadkhodayan2025-02-26